similar to: identify() - image()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "identify() - image()"

2005 Jul 07
about image() function in R and colors
Hi! I've got a map in R imported from a GIS (GRASS) as a vector of factors. So I've got 20 different levels in the map and I've created a vector of custom colors of exactly 20 colors in lenght. I'm trying to use image() (really plot.grassmeta() that call image()) to plot the map with those colors but it doesnt work and the colors are changed. I would like that all points
2005 Jun 15
ploting error
Hello! I've tried to execute an R script that I used to use with older versions with no problem. In the scrip ,I try to create a series of plots in png format, and now there is an error (my actual verion is R2.0.1) Error in title(main=main,sub=sub,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,...): X11 font at size 14 could not be loaded Perhaps I did something wrong with this new install? Thanks and best
2004 Aug 18
Fwd: strptime() problem? - Resolved
Hi Gabor and everybody; Thanks Gabor, with the alternative step you've told me the problem is resolved. Comparing the two procedures: Extract from the source 'character' data: > rain$ts[2039:2046] [1] "25/03/2000 22:00:00 UTC" "25/03/2000 23:00:00 UTC" [3] "26/03/2000 00:00:00 UTC" "26/03/2000 01:00:00 UTC" [5] "26/03/2000 02:00:00
2004 Aug 12
error using daisy() in library(cluster). Bug?
Hi, I'm using the cluster library to examine multivariate data. The data come from a connection to a postgres database, and I did a short R script to do the analisys. With the cluster version included in R1.8.0, daisy worked well for my data, but now, when I call daisy, I obtain the following messages: --------- Error in if (any(sx == 0)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed In
2001 Mar 14
concatenating lists
Dear People, I have been trying to perform concatenation operations on lists without success. Consider the following example. > x <- runif(2) > y <- runif(2) > z <- runif(2) > xy <- list(x,y) > xyz <- list(x,y,z) I want to have a function foo such that foo(xy,z) is the same as xyz. This appears not to be as easy as I thought, though there must be a way. For example
2019 Feb 03
Inefficiency in df$col
While doing some performance testing with the new version of pqR (see, I've encountered an extreme, and quite unnecessary, inefficiency in the current R Core implementation of R, which I think you might want to correct. The inefficiency is in access to columns of a data frame, as in expressions such as df$col[i], which I think are very common (the alternatives of
2008 Jun 04
help understanding why #function(x, y) (if((x-y)>=0) {2^(x-y)} else{-(2^abs(x-y))})# doesn't work like I think it should
Hello R users and developers, I am trying to write several functions (fairly new at this) in order to avoid using loops on large data frames (because they are slow). I wrote the function below and it seems to get hung on the first part of the if statement and then applies that condition to rest of the function. So if (x-y) is greater than 0 the function uses the true statement for the
2004 Aug 17
Fwd: strptime() problem?
Hi all; I've already send a similar e-mail to the list and Prof. Brian Ripley answered me but my doubts remain unresolved. Thanks for the clarification, but perhaps I wasn't clear enough in posting my questions. I've got a postgres database which I read into R. The first column is Timestamp with timezone, and my data are already in UTC format. An 'printed' extract of R
2005 Sep 17
[LLVMdev] Subword register allocation
Hi, I have a question about implementing subword register allocation problems (see the REFERENCES in the end of this message) on LLVM. I have algorithms, but don't know the best way to implement them in LLVM. I asked similar question before: May/004001.html Because I still don't have a satisfying solution now, I try to elaborate it
2010 Nov 17
Bug in agrep computing edit distance?
I posted this yesterday to r-help and Ben Bolker suggested reposting it here... Dickison, Daniel <ddickison <at>> writes: > > The documentation for agrep says it uses the Levenshtein edit distance, > but it seems to get this wrong in certain cases when there is a > combination of deletions and substitutions. For example: > > >
2009 Nov 04
inconsistent behavior for logical vectors when using apply (" TRUE")
Hello, > X <- data.frame(letters=letters[1:3], flag=c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)) > X letters flag 1 a TRUE 2 b FALSE 3 c TRUE > apply(X, 1, as.list) [[1]] [[1]]$letters [1] "a" [[1]]$flag [1] " TRUE" [[2]] [[2]]$letters [1] "b" [[2]]$flag [1] "FALSE" [[3]] [[3]]$letters [1] "c" [[3]]$flag [1] " TRUE"
2010 Nov 16
Bug in agrep computing edit distance?
The documentation for agrep says it uses the Levenshtein edit distance, but it seems to get this wrong in certain cases when there is a combination of deletions and substitutions. For example: > agrep("abcd", "abcxyz", max.distance=1) [1] 1 That should've been a no-match. The edit distance between those strings is 3 (1 substitution, 2 deletions), but agrep matches
2003 Sep 02
identify with image
Hola! I will want to identify pixels in an image with the mouse, for so getting the image data from the matrix(es), for use in subsequent discriminant analysis. But the following bombs R: (windows XP, rw1071) > str(baboon) list() - attr(*, "size")= int [1:2] 512 512 - attr(*, "cellres")= num [1:2] 1 1 - attr(*, "bbox")= num [1:4] 0 0 512 512 - attr(*,
2009 May 15
transposing/rotating XY in a 3D array
Dear list, We have a number of files containing similarly structured data: file1: A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 file2: A B C 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... etc My part of R receives all these data as an array: 1,2,3... 12 together with info about dimensions (row,col,fileN) . ( Converting the data into 3D cannot simply done by: array(x, c(2,3,2)) because breaks the structure (e.g. 1,3,5 is type mismatch)
2011 Feb 21
(no subject)
What is and how can i get it to work so i can load other data? > library(splancs) > area = 6*4 > lambda = 1.5 > N = rpois(1,lambda*area) > u = runif(N,-2,4) > v = runif(N,0,4) > plot(u,v,asp=1) > h = chull(u,v) > h = c(h,h[1]) > plot(u[h],v[h],"1",asp=1) Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : invalid plot type '1' >
2007 Feb 01
Lining up x-y datasets based on values of x
Hi, I was wondering if there is a direct approach for lining up 2-column matrices according to the values of the first column. An example and a brute-force approach is given below: x <- cbind(1:10, runif(10)) y <- cbind(5:14, runif(10)) z <- cbind((-4):5, runif(10)) xx <- seq( min(c(x[,1],y[,1],z[,1])), max(c(x[,1],y[,1],z[,1])), 1) w <- cbind(xx, matrix(rep(0, 3*length(xx)),
2004 Dec 09
Hello, I am looking into description of and see under value $beta - the coefficients. When I use polynomial of degree 2 to fit surface I expect to get 4 coefficients: z = a_1 x^2 + a_2 xy + a_3 y^2 + a_4 What do beta really stand for and why do I get $beta vector of length 6? Thakns, Mark
2000 Mar 23
If someone is interested in 3D-scatterplots, have a look at Regards, Uwe Ligges -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the
2012 Sep 17
Mailbox directory permissions (LDA, 0600 -> 0660, virtual users)
Hello, I have a quite common dovecot configuration with virtual users support: 1. User configuration is stored in MySQL database. 2. Mailboxes are owned by vmail:vmail with permission 0600 or drwx------. Is it possible to change mailbox mode to 0660? Dovecot version is 2.1.7 Part of SQL configuration: user_query = \ SELECT \ CONCAT_WS('/', home, u.uid, d.domain_name, u.user_name)
2003 Jun 15
dvd+rw-tools ported to FreeBSD (Sony 500A DVD[+/-]R[W] support)
I just finished up a port of Andy Polyakov's excellent dvd+rw-tools to FreeBSD, and he has incorporated the patches into his release: (version These tools support DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, and DVD+RW format dvd burners, including the popular Sony