similar to: RODBC and SQlServer Float type

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "RODBC and SQlServer Float type"

2005 Mar 24
Bloomberg data import
Dear R Folks, I know that Enrique Bengoechea ( Credit Suisse ) had posted some code snippets for importing Bloomberg historical data into R. I found them to be very useful. Has anyone succeeded in getting the below items from Bloomberg to R? (a) historical economic release data, (b) tick/intra-day data (c) bulk data such as Index membership info, etc. If someone is willing to share their code
2010 Jul 15
Error cargar datos ACCESS
Hola a todos, estoy intentendo cargar unos datos contenidos en una tabla de ACCESS, por lo que ejecuto los siguientes comandos dir<-"C:/Users/D/Desktop/" library(RODBC) cn<-odbcConnectAccess(paste(dir1,"datos.mdb",sep="")) pero me da el siguiente error Warning messages: 1: In odbcDriverConnect(con, ...) : [RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message
2009 Sep 24
pregunta $
una pregunta aun no comprendo totalmente el uso del signo $, me podrian decir donde encuentro su significado (si, si ya se que significa dinero y eso.........) desde el punto de vista de R gracias fabian huerta Yahoo! Cocina Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 May 27
Lattice zoo plot: no x ticks on first panel
Hi all, I want to use lattice v0.17-4 on R 2.6.2 to draw a panel of time series of zoo objects (zoo v1.5-0). Everything works until I try to separate panels a bit and show only the bottom axis line with tick marks on every panel (but not axis labels, which I want only on the bottom panels). I've tried several approachs, and the best I've got for showing only the bottom axis line and
2009 Jul 09
R-help Digest, Vol 77, Issue 9
Hi, This may be due to several reasons. That I can think about: 1) Ensure you close *all* possibly open workbooks: nBooks <- xl[["Workbooks"]]$Count(); for (i in seq_len(nBooks)) xl[["Workbooks"]]$item(i)$Close(SaveChanges=FALSE); 2) The excel application reference does not seem to be really released until the garbage collector runs. So this may help: xl$Quit();
2004 Jun 14
Clear Console
Hi, Could someone please point to me which function clears the R console under Windows? (exactly what the R Gui Windows menu "Edit > Clear Console" does). Seems simple but I haven't been succesful with the help system ( for "console", "clear console", "screen"...) nor on the list archives. Thanks in advance!! Enrique
2009 Jul 08
Suggestion: Dimension-sensitive attributes
Hi, I agree with Henrik that his suggestion to have "dimension vector attributes" working like dimnames (see below) would be an extremely useful infrastructure adittion to R. If this is not considered for R-core, I am happy to try to implement this in a package, as a new class. And possibly do the same thing for data frames. Should you have any comments, ideas or suggestions about it,
2003 Aug 26
dual smb/nmb for interfaces
HI I'm need to run samba version 2.2.8 and 2 smbd / nnbd processes in a single machine with two separate smb.conf files . They will runs on individual interfaces and how can I do that ? Tried all means that I know off , but to no avail. Please help. Thanks & rgs amin ============================================================================== This message is for the named
2016 May 31
sumar una variable con cast
Estimado Javier Marcusi estoy intentando hacerlo con dcast ya logre que se realice la suma pero lo hace con la ultima columna y yo requiero que se haga el mismo proceso con varias columnas Saludos Enrique RAMOS El Martes, 31 de mayo, 2016 13:00:28, Javier Marcuzzi <javier.ruben.marcuzzi en> escribió: Estimado Enrique Ramos Yo podría decir ¿y data.table?. Hay muchas
2010 Jan 19
gui windows
Hola Yo uso R en macosx, por esas cosas ..., me compre una notebook con windows 7 64 bit, así que cuándo me llegue comienzo a migrar datos y programas. Para los usuarios de windows, ¿que usan con R? Me refiero a programas GUI o con autocompletar código, alguna ayuda gráfica, etc. Hace años que no uso windows, estoy medio perdido, voy a extrañar mi macbook. Gracias Javier [[alternative HTML
2016 May 31
sumar una variable con cast
Estimado Enrique Ramos Yo podría decir ¿y data.table?. Hay muchas alternativas Javier Rubén Marcuzzi De: Enrique RAMOS via R-help-es Enviado: martes, 31 de mayo de 2016 14:03 Para: R-help-es en Asunto: Re: [R-es] sumar una variable con cast yo de nuevo, ahora se me presento otro problema en la base de datos del ejemplo solo tenia unas cuantas columnas mi base de datos tiene mas
2016 May 30
sumar una variable con cast
agradezco la ayuda, el problema se resumía a que el Rstudio me ponía unos paréntesis de forma automática los quite y asunto solucionado Saludos Enrique RAMOS El Lunes, 30 de mayo, 2016 12:26:33, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta <cgb en> escribió: Hola, ¿qué tal? Mira el argumento fun.aggregate en ?dcast. Un saludo, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta El 30 de
2008 Jan 30
func_odbc - trouble
Hello, we are migrating an Asterisk install from Trixbox/Asterisk 1.2 to Elastix 0.92 with asterisk-1.4.17 on CentOS 5. I need to migrate an funtion that consults a remote sybase database, using ODBC and freetds. On the new server I am able to connect to the database using isql without problems. When I try to connect from asterisk logs show: pbx.c: Function ODBC_SQL not registered Indeed I
2008 Apr 15
Displaying Grahics to the X Window when calling R from command line
Hi, I am running an R script from the command line by calling: > R --vanilla < test.R My terminal is part of the Xwin (Xterm) and there is a plot(1:10) command in the test.R script. This will not produce a grahic though. When I start R by calling R then plotting from the R command in the same xterm, I do get a graphic display. How do I create a xwin plot by calling R from the command
2020 Mar 05
uso de switch o alternativa
Estimados colegas:Tengo un problema que debe de tener una solución simple pero ya me entrampe.tengo un conjunto de valores para ciertos elementos, y se debe asignar un valor ente 1 y 4, según un rango, he estado intentándolo hacer con switch pero no me ha funcionadola idea es la siguiente tengo el elemento 1, y se debe de asignar un valor de acuerdo a la siguiente tabla | 1 |     2 |
2004 Feb 03
[Bug 800] reverse lookup solaris Summary: reverse lookup solaris Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: -current Platform: UltraSparc OS/Version: Solaris Status: NEW Severity: minor Priority: P2 Component: sshd AssignedTo: openssh-bugs at ReportedBy: koen.maris at
2008 Jun 09
Basic Question on Keys/Values
As a java programmer, I'm having issue conceptualizing the following use case: Given an value, passed into a function, how do I pull out the lookup? Ie. A list of keys (key1, key2, key3) A list of values (val1,val2,val3) I want to write a function (or is there something built in?) such that Callit <- (thekey) { (magic happens here) Return value } Any ideas? Thanks a bunch!
2010 Aug 11
assignment functions with inherited class error
# Two test for a class like this: setClass("XXX", representation=representation( "matrix" ) ) i<-new("XXX"); m=matrix(); colnames(m)<-c("colA"); i at .Data=m; # >i # An object of class ?XXX? # colA #[1,] NA #________________________________________________________________________ #First Test "varnames<-" <- function(x,value){
2019 Sep 17
LLVM for OpenCL
Dear all, I'm newbie in LLVM. I would like to know if it is available an optimizer for OpenCL in LLVM, in the same way as the 'opt' command in LLVM. Concretely, if it is possible to perform individual optimizations/transformations over OpenCL code (either at source or bitcode representation) as it can be done for C code using: - 'clang' to generate the .bc file(s) -
2004 Sep 15
RODBC 1.1-1
The first non-maintenance update of RODBC since January 2003 is now on CRAN and will soon propagate to mirrors. From the ChangeLog: * Select the decimal point from Sys.localeconv. * Add an external reference and finalizer so open channels get closed at the end of the session or when there is no R object referring to them. * There is no longer a