similar to: read SAS format file from R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "read SAS format file from R"

2003 Jun 06
sas vs. r
I like R more than SAS. My job is doing research on clinical trial. But I was told that FDA only accepts the result from SAS. Is that true? TOO BAD. [[alternate HTML version deleted]]
2005 Feb 18
Two-factorial Huynh-Feldt-Test
Hi, I'm currently working on porting some SAS scripts to R, and hence need to do the same calculation (and get the same results) as SAS in order to make the transition easier for users of the script. In the script, I'm dealing with a two-factorial repeated-measures anova. I'll try to give you a short overview of the setup: - two between-cell factors: facBetweenROI (numbering
2005 Feb 04
simple example of C interface to R
i'd like to use the C interface to R in a program i'm writing. as a starting point, i'm trying to create a very simple C program that uses R. i've read the R documentation on this, but i'm having trouble figuring out where SEXP is defined and how to use it. i noticed someone else on this list also tried to use the C interface, but they ran into similar problems:
2004 Jun 03
Problem with mgcv PACKAGES file format?
Hello All, I'm getting this error (Version: 1.9.0-1 on a debian system) > update.packages("mgcv") trying URL `' ftp data connection made, file length 169516 bytes opened URL .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........
2003 Mar 18
Package installation when $RHOME is not writable (win)
I'm using R in a student lab with machines running win XP. $RHOME is not writable by the students. How do I set this up so that they can install packages? Thanks, Robert. ---- Robert King, Statistics, School of Mathematical & Physical Sciences, University of Newcastle, Australia Room V133 ph +61 2 4921 5548 Robert.King at
2004 Jul 16
sas to r
I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who'll help me translate some SAS code into R code. Say for example that I have a dataset named "dat1" that includes five variables: wshed, site, species, bda, and sla. I can calculate with the following SAS code the mean, CV, se, and number of observations of "bda" and "sla" for each combination of
2004 Sep 13
Hello, I saw a little discussion about this in the archives, but it was unclear to me whether someone had submitted a port to R of the Splus bagplot() function. If so, does anyone know where I could get it? Thanks. Best, Matt
2003 Jul 21
calling R from C
Hi All, We'd like to use functions provided in R in our application. Our application is written in C/C++ and currently runs on win32, Linux and Mac. We'd be happy to attach the whole R ( i.e. not just transfer some function by hand). It is important that we deal with big amount of data, so "command line"-like invocations won't be very interesting. We'd
2003 Jul 21
calling R from C
Hi All, We'd like to use functions provided in R in our application. Our application is written in C/C++ and currently runs on win32, Linux and Mac. We'd be happy to attach the whole R ( i.e. not just transfer some function by hand). It is important that we deal with big amount of data, so "command line"-like invocations won't be very interesting. We'd
2009 Jun 30
Can't play Last Chaos on Ubuntu 9.04 With newest wine 1.01
I have Ubuntu 9.04 i installed the latest wine and i get to the piont after u hit start on the loader then the screen comes up that says loading the send error screen comes up what to i do or is there anything i missed or can anything be done also i tryed restalling both still anything and on a side note Rohan blood fread don't work as well same thing comes up after the loader and the nprot
2004 Jul 16
Email eller vedhæftet fil blokeret
Email eller vedhæftet fil afsendt fra din adresse (eller med din adresse som afsender) er blevet afvist fra Allerød Kommune. Spam og virus bliver typisk sendt under dække af andre afsendere og den blokerede email behøver derfor ikke oprinde direkte fra dig. (Husk dog altid at have et opdateret antivirusprogram på din computer.) Du kan evt. scanne din computer med det gratis' værktøj
2005 Mar 30
error messages on R CMD check
Dear all, I am trying to wrap up a package. On entering R CMD check, I get the following error messages: [...] * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING Error in .try_quietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) : package/namespace load failed for 'resper' Execution halted See section 'Generic functions and methods'
2003 Jun 13
maps library for R?
Hi there, Does it already exist a library in R to draw maps (something like a Generic Mapping Toolbox, port). I've seen in an old R-help that Ross Ihaka once tried to port the S-plus map library ( ). Anybody know if this package is available somewhere or if there is somebody developing a Mapping package
2004 May 24
problems with starting R
When I try to start R from my desktop, an "information"-window pops up: "Fatal error: Invalid HOMEDRIVE". I already deleted and reinstalled the program, but the problem lasts. How can I solve this problem? I would be very glad, if you can give me a hint, what??s going wrong. Best regards Sabine Bader -- Sabine Bader Hamburger Str. 83 44135 Dortmund 0231/7950683
2006 Jul 29
Out Of office
Ik ben afwezig vanaf 29/07/2006 en ik ben niet eerder terug dan 23/08/2006. Ik ben met verlof van 31 juli tot en met 22 augustus. Voor dringende zaken kan je mailen naar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER : De personeelsleden van het agentschap doen hun best om in e-mails betrouwbare informatie te geven. Toch kan
2005 Nov 16
RODBC help
I am using the RODBC package to read data from an Excel file. An excerpt of the file looks like this: 00103V206 AES Corporation 6.00% 42.87 00808N202 AES Trust III 6.75% 34.98 03748R861 Apartment Investment & Management 9.00% #ERROR (I) 039380209 Arch Coal, Inc. 5.00% 61.51 My problem appears to be related to specification of data types by column. For instance, the CUSIPS in column 1 are
2005 Feb 28
Journal Quality R Graphs?
Hi! I have browsed the help archives but did not find anything on the subject: How to make publication quality graphs with R best? Is there some document about that topic out there? The problem is that the graphs look nice on the screen but when printed in black and white every color apart from black doesn't look very nice. Is there some guideline how to set color palettes and or fill
2002 Apr 08
Hello, I would like to fit generalized linear mixed models but I did not find the package allowing such procedure. R help under nlme package gives me "glmmPQL(MASS)" but this file does not appear in contributed packages. Thanks in advance for your answer. Alexandre MILLON -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2006 May 26
Using ''validates_inclusion_of'' to validate foreign key
I seem to be missing something trying to use ''validates_inclusion_of'' to validate a foreign key and was hoping some one could piont out my mistake? The problem seems to be that Order.find_all.collect is not returning an array that contains the order_id, if I replace it with a hardcoded array everything works as expected. The model: class OrderItem < ActiveRecord::Base
2003 Jul 17
remove and put back elements in vector
Hi, How can I remove elements from a vector and them put them back in place?? An example (very simple, my vector/operations are much larger/complicated): Got a vector, lets say: a<-c(1,2,40,10,3,20,6); # I remove values larger than 10 a<-a[a<10] # Do some operations on the new a "1 2 3 6" b<-a^2 # Now b is "[1] 1 4 9 36" # Now I want to insert the elements I