similar to: ?for

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "?for"

1999 Nov 05
library maps for R
Anybody interested in the S maps library for R? I have ported a limited version of the software for a Unix platform, and would be happy to make it available for anybody interested. If there is a lot of interest then I will submit it to CRAN. I know that Ross Ihaka is working on a new version for R, which does not have some of the limitations of the original S version. My version does not do
2003 Jun 13
maps library for R?
Hi there, Does it already exist a library in R to draw maps (something like a Generic Mapping Toolbox, port). I've seen in an old R-help that Ross Ihaka once tried to port the S-plus map library ( ). Anybody know if this package is available somewhere or if there is somebody developing a Mapping package
2009 Feb 22
Filtering a data frame using a string for colum header
Hi all, I was just radomly playing with R and got the following error when trying to filter a data frame using a string: > Angel <- c(7,8,6,9,10) > Buffy <- c(8,9,4,9,10) > Firefly <- c(9,9,10,10,10) > DrHorrible <- c(10,9,9,10,10) > my.df <- data.frame(Angel, Buffy, Firefly, DrHorrible) > my.df["DrHorrible"] DrHorrible 1 10 2 9 3
2003 May 08
nls, restrict parameter values
Hi, I posted a question (bellow) a few weeks ago and had a reply (thanks Christian) that partly solves the problem, but I still would like to be able to restrict some of the independent variables in a nls model to be always >0, (is there a way to do it)?? Thanks, Angel >From: "Christian Ritz" <ritz at> >To: "Angel -" <angel_lul at
2003 Nov 13
Problem with parser and if/else
Dear r-help people, could you confirm that this is correct behaviour for R? I am using RH9. the code: x1 <- 1:6 t1 <- 5 if (length(x1) >= t1) { cat("in the if \n") } else { cat("in the else\n") } runs fine: > source("test_if_else.R") in the if > but the code: x1 <- 1:6 t1 <- 5 if (length(x1) >= t1) { cat("in the if 2\n") }
2006 Feb 22
exponent confusion
please excuse me if this ones a basic error > y<-c(-0.7,-0.6,-0.5) > -0.7^1.22 [1] -0.6471718 > y^1.22 [1] NaN NaN NaN am I missing something important in my basic math?
2012 Feb 07
units for mapproject() function result
Does anyone know what the units are for projected coordinates obtained using mapproj's mapproject function with an Albers projection? Thanks for any and all help! Buck Stockhausen *************************************************** * Dr. William T. Stockhausen * *************************************************** * Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management * *
1999 Nov 03
bug in converting to latex (PR#311)
If .../<pkg>/man/ contains a filename beginning with [, such as [.datetimes, cannot convert that help file into latex at INSTALL time. [Using --no-latex is a workaround.] The error given is: # R INSTALL ssCatalogues : help >>> Building/Updating help pages for package `ssCatalogues' Formats: text html latex example /^[.datetimes$/: unmatched [] in regexp at
2010 Nov 17
Parameterising apply To Compute Rolling Average of Columns in a matrix
I sent a post to find a clever way to compute a Rolling Average of columns in a matrix and I was given the solution below which I am very pleased with. RollingAverage <- function(x, RollingObs) { cx <- cumsum(x); N <- length(x); Temp <- (cx[RollingObs:N] - c(0, cx[1:(N-RollingObs)]))/RollingObs Output <- array(NA, N) Output[RollingObs:N] <- Temp; Output } The only
2008 Jun 12
arima() bug
I guess this is more r-devel than r-help. Note, I am just the messenger - I have no idea what the user is trying to model here. arima() crashes R (segfault) with Linux R-2.7.0, Solaris R-2.6.0: *** caught segfault *** address 42400000, cause 'memory not mapped' Traceback: 1: .Call(R_getQ0, phi, theta) 2: makeARIMA(trarma[[1]], trarma[[2]], Delta, kappa) 3: arima(x, c(1, 0, 1), c(1,
2003 Nov 20
best editor for .R files
Which is the best editor for .R files? I currently use kate on my linux as it has R highlighting and allows me to split the window into two: in one I edit the .R file and in the other I have a shell so I run R and can easily copy and paste the code. There are some features that I don't like and I am having a look on some alternatives. I've heard wonders of emacs with ess but I am a
2003 Aug 07
ginv vs. solve
Why do x<-b%*%ginv(A) and x<-solve(A,b) give different results?. It seems that I am missing some basic feature of matrix indexing. e.g.: A<-matrix(c(0,-4,4,0),nrow=2,ncol=2) b<-c(-16,0) x<-b%*%ginv(A);x x<-solve(A,b);x Thanks in advance, Angel
2009 Mar 12
Map using projection
Hi list, I have a real problem with plotting US state map. When I try to plot the northern state, there will be some blank space in the top of graph (see case 1 example), and when I plot southern states, there will be a blank space in the bottom of plot (see case 2). I spent almost 2 days to figure out a solution, but could not. Would you help me if you know what the problem is? Regards, Alireza
2009 Oct 17
ozone data
Hi just a quick inquiry Sorry if this is too trivial but I am just a beginner in R. I am looking at the plyr package and I am intrigued at how data(i.e. ozone, baseball) is loaded without having to type data(ozone). Are they automatically loaded when i call library(plyr)? I want to do the same thing when I make my package. How does one accomplish this? Also, are there any beginner guides on how
2003 Nov 03
USA map
R users, In S, there was a function called usa() that would draw the map of the United States, plus it had other options for graphics. I have looked but I can't find the equivalent in R. Is there one? Thanks, Jason
2012 Sep 13
AD file server
OK i'm intrigued. I've been watching the various beta pages on the wiki for Samba 4 since it went beta and I still don't quite get something? "Samba 4.0 beta ships with two distinct file servers. We now use the file server from the Samba 3.x series 'smbd' for all file serving by default. Samba 4.0 also ships with the 'NTVFS' file server. This file server is
2009 Jul 23
ggplot2 : commands on one line vs two lines.
I have just started using ggplot2 and I seem to be doing something stupid in writing ggplot2 commands on more than one line. In the example below the commands on one line are working fine, but as soon as I put them on two lines I get an error. Can any one point out what I am doing wrong? It must be something blindingly simple. Thanks Example
2002 Oct 30
..of R, OS X, and linux
I am an avid linux user who is intrigued with apple's OS X. I am now considering purchasing another laptop - which may provide an excuse to get a feel of OS X. Of course there are lots of considerations, but R command file processing speed is a major factor. I know of many speed comparisons between G4/G3 and the various flavors of Pentiums, but more useful would be one specifically
2006 Mar 08
bug in map('world') ?
hi, did'nt see anything in the archive: map('world',pro='rectangular',para=0) yields a strange artifact (horizontal bar) extending over the whole map at a certain latitude range (approx 65 deg. north), whereas map('world',pro='rectangular',para=180) (which should be the same) does not show the artifact. the artifact shows up in other projections as well,
2004 Nov 19
3d Map with bars
Apologies in advance for the question. I am trying to draw a map of the US as a surface plot so that I would be able to drop bars on the different states (something like Uwe Ligges' scatterplot3d example 4). I am not sure where to start looking for such a beast. If anyone has any pointers, ideas, I will be grateful. TIA, Partha