similar to: objects inside curly braces

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "objects inside curly braces"

2008 Jan 07
Problem with passwords surrounded by curly braces
Hello, one of my users set his password to something surrounded by curly braces, and promptly all access to his mailbox was refused. After looking through the logs I found an entry "Unknown password scheme xxxx", where "xxxx" is the user's password, but without the curly braces. I then browsed through the documentation and there was explained that it is possible to prefix
2007 Mar 03
Ajax.Updater with evalScripts: true strips curly braces
When I return an html fragment to Ajax.Updater with evalScripts: true set, and there is a script fragment with curly braces in it (a function declaration or an object literal), the curly braces are getting stripped out somehow, and leaving me with invalid JS. I think this is the case because I put an alert in the evalScripts method right before the "return eval(script)" and it had no
2009 Jul 20
S4 method dispatch with inheritance
Hi, I'm trying to create a new S4 class (myMatrix) which for now just extends dgCMatrix (from package Matrix). Then I want to use "[" which is defined in Matrix. Out of the box with "[" (defined in Matrix) I lose the class information and the result is an object of class dgCMatrix. If I specify a "["-method for myMatrix, it is not used because a signature
2012 Aug 01
Error message: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
HI, The code was working perfectly fine yesterday and today, until half an hour ago.? Couldn't find any problems in the code. Still, I am getting error message. myMatrix <- data.matrix(read.table(text=" Name??????????? Age ANTONY??????? 27 IMRAN????????? 30 RAJ????????????????? 22 NAHAS????????? 32 GEO??????????????? 42 ", header=TRUE)) MinMaxArray? <- data.frame(MIN =
2005 Aug 08
computationally singular
Hi, I have a dataset which has around 138 variables and 30,000 cases. I am trying to calculate a mahalanobis distance matrix for them and my procedure is like this: Suppose my data is stored in mymatrix > S<-cov(mymatrix) # this is fine > D<-sapply(1:nrow(mymatrix), function(i) mahalanobis(mymatrix, mymatrix[i,], S)) Error in solve.default(cov, ...) : system is computationally
2011 Aug 17
Lattice: problem with setting space between plot and legend
Dear R Users, I am writing code to present my output data (I'm using Lattice Package). However, it's essential for me to control space between barchart and legend. I've read the package's specification, but unfortunately I haven't spot the information how to do this. Here's the code I've written: barchart(mymatrix[,1:ncol(mymatrix)],horizontal=FALSE,
2011 Oct 11
binding all elements of list (character vectors) to a matrix as rows
dear r-users, i have got a problem which i am trying to solve: i have got the following commands: Mymatrix <- matrix(1:9,ncol=3) Z <- list("V1"=c("a","",""),"V2"=c("b","",""),"V3"=c("c","",""),"V4"=c("d","","")) Mymatrix <-
2005 Jan 21
Avoiding a Loop?
Dear R-Helpers, I have a matrix where the first column is known. The second column is the result of multiplying this first column with a constant "const". The third column is the result of multiplying the second column with "const"..... So far, I did it like this (as a simplified example): nr.of.columns <- 4 myconstant <- 27.5 mymatrix <- matrix(numeric(0), nrow=5,
2012 Jul 19
Line chart with a double matrix
Hello, I have a double matrix that I want to represent in a line chart. Although I have seen some examples I still don't manage to get it. My data is this (a double matrix called mymatrix) : Blogs Wikis Redes Etiq. SPC LMS Menor de 30 57.14 28.57 14.29 28.57 57.14 28.57 de 31 a 40 63.83 61.70 29.79 17.02 59.57 70.21 de 41 a 50 72.64 70.75 47.17 20.75 55.66 75.47 Mayor de
2012 Mar 20
Remove individual rows from a matrix based upon a list
Dear All, Thanks in advance for any help. I have a square matrix of measures of interactions among individuals and would like to calculate a values from a function (colSums for example) with a single individual (row) excluded in each instance. That individual would be returned to the matrix before the next is removed and the function recalculated. I can do this by hand removing rows based upon
2004 Nov 01
make apply() return a list
Hi, I have a dataframe (say myData) and want to get a list (say myList) that contains a matrix for each row of the dataframe myData. These matrices are calculated based on the corresponding row of myData. Using a for()-loop to do this is very slow. Thus, I tried to use apply(). However, afaik apply() does only return a list if the matrices have different dimensions, while my matrices have
2013 Jun 27
using "rollapply" to calculate a moving sum or running sum?
#using "rollapply" to calculate a moving sum or running sum? #I am tryign to use rollapply to calcualte a moving sum? #I tried rollapply and get the error message #"Error in seq.default(, NROW(data), by = by) : # wrong sign in 'by' argument" #example: mymatrix <- ( matrix(data=1:100, nrow=5, ncol=20) ) mymatrix_cumsum <- ( matrix(data=NA, nrow=5,
2006 Apr 04
Selecting out certain values from a MATRIX
I have two objects, one matrix and one vector. I want to use my vector to subset certain values out of my matrix. For example: I want to tell R, to select out all rows in myMatrix into a new myMatrix2 IF that corresponding row is less than a 0.5 in myVector. So: myMatrix = a matrix of 8000 by 20 myVector = vector of 8000 myMatrix2 = a matrix of < 8000 by 20 (based on selection criteria in
2012 Jun 14
Time difference between two dates/timing
Hi, Here, i have a matrix like this MyMatrix <- *DATETIME HEADER1 HEADER2* 1/1/2010 0:10 197.1947 100.0859 1/1/2010 0:20 203.8811 100.1013 1/1/2010 0:30 206.564 100.0433 1/1/2010 0:40 207.9563 99.9393 i want to get the time difference in minutes between two date. TimeDiff <- MyMatrix[1,1] - MyMatrix[2,1] TimeDiff
2007 Mar 01
problem with throwing lines out of matrix
Dear all, again i have a problem with special case of dropping lines out of a matrix. i tried the following, where throwout is a vector of length 18 with simple id values that should be compared to any for (k in 1:length(throwout)) { mymatrix=matrix(mymatrix[-(forfact[k]),],ncol=4) } this didnt work and i tried the following to find the error: mymatrix[,1][mymatrix[,1]==throwout[7]]
2012 Mar 31
basic subset question of matrix
Dear list, I would like to subset a large expression matrix based on rownames. That is, I have a list (as a txt-file) with gene names that matches some of the rows in my matrix. I've loaded my matrix as well as gene list using the read.table() command. myMatrix <- read.table("name_of_file.txt", header=T, row.names=1) list_to_keep <- read.table("name_of_file.txt",
2005 Dec 08
Reshaping data
Dear all, given I have data in a data.frame which indicate the number of people in a specific year at a specific age: n <- 10 mydf <- data.frame(yr=sample(1:10, size=n, replace=FALSE), age=sample(1:12, size=n, replace=FALSE), no=sample(1:10, size=n, replace=FALSE)) Now I would like to make a matrix with (in this simple example) 10 columns (for the
2006 Aug 09
objects and environments
Dear list, I have two functions created in the same environment, fun1 and fun2. fun2 is called by fun1, but fun2 should use an object which is created in fun1 fun1 <- function(x) { ifelse(somecondition, bb <- "o", bb <- "*") ## mymatrix is created, then myresult <- apply(mymatrix, 1, fun2) } fun2 <- function(idx) { if (bb == "o) { #
2002 Nov 04
write table and dinnames
I would write in tab-text file a table like this one: TAB colname1 TAB colname2 TAB TAB... colnameN rowname1 # # # rowname2 # # # rownameM # # # then I wrote something like: mymatrix <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=N,byrow=T) rownames(mymatrix) <- chvector1 colnames(mymatrix) <- chvector2
2007 Jan 29
"Reversal" of Aggregation
Dear all, given I have a data.frame in a format like this mydf <- data.frame(age=rep(1:3,5), year=c(rep(1996,3), rep(1997,3), rep(1998,3), rep(1999,3), rep(2000,3)), income=1:15) mydf Now I convert it to some 2D-frequency table like this: mymatrix <- tapply(X=mydf$income, INDEX=list(mydf$age, mydf$year),