similar to: probit analysis for correlated binary data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "probit analysis for correlated binary data"

2003 May 30
Extracting Vectors from Lists of Lists Produced by Functions
If you found my subject heading to be confusing then I'm sure you'll enjoy the example I've included below. I find the apply type functions to be wonderful for avoiding loops but when I use them with existing functions, I end up using loops anyway to extract the vectors I want. I would appreciate it if someone could show me how to avoid these loops. Thanks. EXAMPLE:
2006 Jan 27
lme4_0.995-2/Matrix_0.995-4 upgrade introduces error messages (change management)
I'll address two issues. The first is today's error message and the other is change management for contributed packages on CRAN. TODAY'S ERROR MESSAGE I switched from the 0.995-1 versions of lme4 and Matrix to those referenced in the subject line this afternoon. Prior to using these packages on anything else, I applied them to code that 'worked' (provided numerical results
2002 Dec 31
Probit Analysis
Hello all, I have a very simple set of data and I would like to analyze them with probit analysis. The data are: X Event Trial 100 8 8 75 8 8 50 6 8 25 4 8 10 2 8 0 0 8 I want to estimate the value of X that will give a 95% hit rate (Event/Trial) and the corresponding 95% CI. Anyone can offer some help? Thanks!! -
2006 Feb 08
Compiling errors for Matrix_0.995-5.tar.gz under XP
I installed the MinGW-5.0.0 compilers today (gcc-3.4.2 is now contained in the 'Current' distribution. When the current compilers failed to compile the referenced Matrix update and not knowing how to check the exact version numbers for individual files, I applied the Id.exe and f771.exe fixes from the 'Building R for Windows' page (
2004 Jul 11
WinXP "developer" asks: Tcl/Tk (Rcmdr) under OS X?
It is my understanding that Tcl/Tk does not come with the base installation of R under OS X ( Is there a simple way to explain how a user with limited tolerance for computer complexity can obtain and install Tcl/Tk for OS X? Thanks. Chuck Background: Roughly a third of my target audience uses OS X. I do not and I do not have access to a
2004 Aug 19
List dimention labels to plots of components
It is frustrating to see the labels I want in the dimensions of a list but not be able to extract those labels into titles for plots generated from component objects. If someone could set me straight, I would appreciate it. For your amusement, I have provided an example of the Byzantine code I am currently using to avoid loops: # Simulate ANOVA type test data sex<-c(rep(1,8),rep(0,8))
2004 Apr 19
Menu addditions to Rcmdr v0.9-6
1) In general, I would appreciate help in adding functions to the Rcmdr menu system. I've been able to modify the menus themselves and source test code but I can't get R functions to execute from the menu. My latest proof of concept code follows: Three lines added to "Rcmdr-menus.txt": menu junkMenu topMenu "" ""
2006 May 06
probit analysis
Dear all, I have a very simple set of data and I would like to analyze them with probit analysis. dose event trial 0.0 3 15 1.1 4 15 1.3 4 15 2.0 3 15 2.2 5 15 2.8 4 15 3.7 5 15 3.9 9 15 4.4 8 15 4.8 11 15 5.9 12 15 6.8 13 15 The dose should be transformed with log10(). I use glm(y ~ log10(dose), family=binomial(link=probit)) to do probit analysis, however, I have to exclude the
2006 Feb 19
[Rd] Citation for R
My subject line refers to a thread from June 2005 where I found explanations from Uwe Ligges and Friedrich Leisch as to what is intended by the R citation recommended within the software. Forgive me if I missed some points within the thread but when I found myself circling through messages I had already read, I stopped trying to follow it. I understand and mostly agree with how the R citation is
2005 May 29
R GUI for Linux?
Hello all, I noticed that both Windows and OS X version of R have a GUI (Rconsole). Is there a GUI for Linux? I'm running Debian on which the CLI for R works just fine. Regards, - Robert
2008 Oct 23
map points from scatterplot3d onto 2d fitted plane
Dear R helpers, I have a 3D scatter plot that I have generated from scatterplot3d (which looks great- thanks!) and I can see that the points in my graph fall in a plane. Following the example 5 from 3D scatter plot (below) I have fitted a regression plane. Now what I would like to do is a rotation so that my new co-ordinate system is about the fitted plane (by finding the normal to the plane
2004 May 11
stability measures for heirarchical clustering
Dear R users, I'm interested in measuring the stability of a heirarchical clustering, of the overall clustering and finding sub clusters (from cutting the heirarchical clustering at different levels) which demonstrate stability. I saw some postings on the R help from a while back about bootstrapping for clustering (using sample and generating a consesus tree with a web based tool CONSENSE)
2006 Nov 22
Probit analysis
Respected Sir/Madam, I have a question regarding calculation of LD50 (Lethal Dose) and IC50 (50% inhibitory concentration) of an antimicrobial experiment. I have used a compound isolated from a plant and observed its effect on the fungus *Fusarium oxysporum* by the food poisoning method. Solutions of the compound at concentrations of 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250µg/ ml were added to
2011 Sep 01
Help with creating date as POSIXct
Dear list, I want to create a POSIX time vector as follows: day <- as.character("110809") time.t <- 1:3600 t.min <- time.t %/% 60 t.sec <- time.t-t.min*60 DATE <- as.POSIXct(strptime(paste(day,t.min,t.sec),"%y%m%d %M%S")) Tail(DATE) The problem is that the last element (3600) returns a NA and I don't understand why. 600, 1200, 2400
2002 Jun 14
combination of different vector values
Hi, Thanks in advance for the help. I have a few vectors and I need to get all the combinations of the vector values. Normally I would use a few for-loops to do that. e.g x1_c(1,3,5) x2_c(2,5,6) for (i in x1) { for (j in x2) { ... }} My problem is that I don't know how many vectors there are ahead of time, so I don't know how many for-loops I need. Any
2006 Apr 29
Error in ghostscript ?
Just tried to run a perl script to do some ripping and converting of a postscript file, and ghostscript bombed out with the error message below. Can someone tell me is this really a ghostscript error, or is there more to it than this? If need be, I can attach the perl script that caused the error, but I think it is OK. Don't have another machine to test it on. Oh yeah, FWIW, this is an
2001 Feb 19
ghostscript errors
gday R friends, Since I had random errors with ghostscript 6.01 I thought I'd upgrade. After upgrading to gs6.5 I've had problems. Originally, gs failed complaining about lack of "__sysconf" in glibc2.2 so I upgraded glibc. Now I get this. Note that it used to work with gs6.01. I realise this is probably a ghostscript problem but you never know... thanks, John Strumila >
2005 Aug 19
Installing R in Fedora Core 4
R is included in Fedora Extras. You can skip downloading Extras and updating the packages on the CD by using: yum index | grep R and installing the half dozen or so individual packages that will be listed. The number of packages may be mildly annoying but if you install this way you will be notified of R updates along with all of your other security and application updates through the Red Hat
2001 Aug 31
Probit model
R users, I got a problem to analyze with probit model. What package contains the algorithm to do probit model. Lawrence N.M Kazembe Mathematical Sciences Department Chancellor College University of Malawi P.O. Box 280 Zomba Malawi Tel: (265) 524 222 ext 284 Fax: (265) 524 046 e-mail: lkazembe at url:
2002 Dec 17
Breslow Day Test
Hello everyone, Does anyone know if I can do Breslow Day Test for the homogeneity of odds ratio in R? Thanks! - Jacqueline