similar to: Neural Network Question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Neural Network Question"

2010 Jan 29
Help interpreting libarary(nnet) script output..URGENT
Hello, I am pretty new to R. I am working on neural network classifiers and I am feeding the nnet input from different regions of interest (fMRI data). The script that I am using is this: library (MASS) heap_lda <- data.frame(as.matrix(t(read.table(file="R_10_5runs_matrix9.txt")))*100000,syll = c(rep("heap",3),rep("hoop",3),rep("hop",3))) library(nnet)
2010 Jun 02
nnet: cannot coerce class c("terms", "formula") into a data.frame
Dearest all, Objective: I am now learning neural networks. I want to see how well can train an artificial neural network model to discriminate between the two files I am attaching with this message. 3dMaskDump.txt test_vowels.txt Question: when I am attempting to run
2012 Sep 21
using neural network in R (nnet)
Hi all, I have considered neural network to classify the health status of the cow. I found a very neatly written R codes for classification method in here<> . It would be very helpful if you can answer some of the questions, that I am struggling with, I have set of time series data from different animals, I use
2009 May 24
accuracy of a neural net
Hi. I started with a file which was a sparse 982x923 matrix and where the last column was a variable to be predicted. I did principle component analysis on it and arrived at a new 982x923 matrix. Then I ran the code below to get a neural network using nnet and then wanted to get a confusion matrix or at least know how accurate the neural net was. I used the first 22 principle components only for
2012 Jan 24
Problem training a neural network with "neuralnet" library
Hi, I am having difficulty in training a neural network using the package "neuralnet". My neural network has 2 input neurons (covariates), 1 hidden layer with 2 hidden neurons and 2 output neurons (responses). I am training my neural network with a dataset that has been transformed so that each column is of type "numeric". The difficulty I am facing is that the responses of
2009 May 12
FW: neural network not using all observations
As a follow-up to my email below: The input data frame to nnet() has dimensions: > dim(coreaff.trn.nn) [1] 5088 8 And the predictions from the neural network (35 records are dropped - see email below for more details) has dimensions: > pred <- predict(coreaff.nn1) > dim(pred) [1] 5053 1 So, the following line of R code does not work as the dimensions are
2009 May 12
How do I extract the scoring equations for neural networks and support vector machines?
Sorry for these multiple postings. I solved the problem using na.omit() to drop records with missing values for the time being. I will worry about imputation, etc. later. I calculated the sum of squared errors for 3 models, linear regression, neural networks, and support vector machines. This is the first run. Without doing any parameter tuning on the SVM or playing around with the number of
2005 Feb 08
Toying with neural networks
Hello all, Ive been playing with nnet (package 'nnet') and Ive come across this problem. nnet doesnt seems to like to have more than 1000 weights. If I do: > data(iris) > names(iris)[5] <- "species" > net <- nnet(species ~ ., data=iris, size=124, maxit=10) # weights: 995 initial value 309.342009 iter 10 value 21.668435 final value 21.668435 stopped after 10
2010 Jun 17
help with neural network nnet package
HI, Dear R community, I am using the nnet to fit a neural network model to do classification on binary target variable (0, 1). I am using the following codes:<-nnet(as.factor(out) ~ ., data=train, size=5, rang=0.3, decay=5e-4, maxit=500) I want to know what is the activation function for the original inputs, is it sigmoid activation function? and what is the output activation
2012 May 30
caret() train based on cross validation - split dataset to keep sites together?
Hello all, I have searched and have not yet identified a solution so now I am sending this message. In short, I need to split my data into training, validation, and testing subsets that keep all observations from the same sites together ? preferably as part of a cross validation procedure. Now for the longer version. And I must confess that although my R skills are improving, they are not so
2013 May 20
Neural network: Amore adaptative vs batch why the results are so different?
I am using the iris example came with nnet package to test AMORE. I can see the outcomes are similar to nnet with adaptative gradient descent. However, when I changed the method in the newff to the batch gradient descent, even by setting the epoch numbers very large, I still found all the iris expected class=2 being classified as class=3. In addition, all those records in the outcomes (y) are the
2009 May 12
neural network not using all observations
I am exploring neural networks (adding non-linearities) to see if I can get more predictive power than a linear regression model I built. I am using the function nnet and following the example of Venables and Ripley, in Modern Applied Statistics with S, on pages 246 to 249. I have standardized variables (z-scores) such as assets, age and tenure. I have other variables that are binary (0 or 1). In
2005 Jul 22
about nnet package
Dear All, I'm learning to train a neural network with my training data by using nnet package, then evaluate it with a evaluation set. My problem here is that, I need the trained network to be used in future, so, what should I store? and How? Any other options other than nnet package? Any example will be highly appreciated! Best, Baoqiang Cao
2010 Dec 10
Help..Neural Network
Hi all, I am trying to develop a neural network with single target variable and 5 input variables to predict the importance of input variables using R. I used the packages nnet and RSNNS. But unfortunately I could not interpret the out put properly and the documentation of that packages also not giving proper direction. Please help me to find a good package with a proper documentation for neural
2009 Mar 10
find the important inputs to the neural network model in "nnet" package
Hi, I have a binary variable and many explanatory variables and I want to use the package "nnet" to model these data, (instead of logistic regression). I want to find the more effective variables (inputs to the network) in the neural network model. how can I do this? thanks. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 08
R-help: need help in obtaining training data and predictions for neural networks
Dear list, I am new to R and am using it to develop and test my own neural network codes. I need some training datasets that have the prediction results that should (approximately) appear when the datasets are passed through a good neural network, in order to test whether my code is working according to standards or not. Currently I am using nnet() and predict() function in nnet package to
2011 May 11
Init nnetTs (or nnet?) with a former Neural Net
I am new to R and use nnetTs - calls. If a time series of let's say 80000 Datapoints and did call nnetTs I want make a new net for the old ponts plus the next 1000 points (81000 datapoints total) what would again cost much calculation time. So I want to pre-init the new net with the former wonnen net to reduce the necessary iteration numbers. Is thee a possibility to do that and how? i.e.:
2007 Feb 23
Neural Net forecasting
Are there any packages in R that are suitable for doing time series forecasting using neural networks? I have looked in the nnet package and neural package and they both seem geared towards classification. thanks, Spencer [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Jan 14
Changing MaxNWts with the mi() function (error message)
Hello, I am trying to impute data with the mi() function (mi package) and keep receiving an error message. When imputing the variable, "sex," the mi() function accesses the mi.categorical() function, which then accesses the nnet() function. I then receive the following error message (preceded by my code below): > imputed.england=mi(england.pre.imputed, n.iter=6, add.noise=FALSE)
2010 Jan 03
Artificial Neural Networks
Hi! I am studying to use some R libraries which are applied for working with artificial neural neworks (amore, nnet). Can you recommend some useful, reliable and easy to get example data to use in R for creating and testing a neural network? __________________________________________________________________ Make your browsing faster, safer, and easier with the new Internet