similar to: impact of R and S

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "impact of R and S"

2003 Aug 18
Any interest in commercial add-on libraries based on Cytel's StatXact/LogXact?
At JSM, I spent a bit of time with old friends at the Cytel booth (makers of StatXact/LogXact). They were wondering whether it was both feasible and of interest to create a package of the StatXact compute engine for R (to be commercially licensed, not for free!), similar to what they've done for SAS. As far as I know, it's feasible, (this is not the first commercial external package,
2003 Aug 18
Any interest in commercial add-on libraries based on Cyte l's StatXact/LogXact?
Another example: Jerry Friedman's MART is available in R from Salford for the same price as the stand-alone TreeNet, even though they don't advertise it on their web site. Andy > -----Original Message----- > From: rossini at [mailto:rossini at] > Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 9:50 PM > To: rhelp > Cc: pralay at > Subject: [R]
2000 Aug 11
Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) BOF at JSM
> > Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 15:34:01 -0400 > From: Rodney Sparapani <rodney at> > Subject: Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) BOF at JSM > > Statisticians: > > For those of you going to the JSM in Indy next week, we are having an > Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) BOF Monday, August 14th, 5:30 at the Hyatt > in Salon A. Please bring along your comments,
2004 Sep 15
Announcing snowFT 0.1
Parallel programming with snowFT Our package snowFT is now available at CRAN. It is an extention of the package snow, which adds fault tolerance (in the sense of recomputing computational units when hardware/network failures occur on compute nodes) and a tighter notion of reproducibility for computations running on clusters. It additionally provides tools for flexible management of cluster size
2004 Sep 15
Announcing snowFT 0.1
Parallel programming with snowFT Our package snowFT is now available at CRAN. It is an extention of the package snow, which adds fault tolerance (in the sense of recomputing computational units when hardware/network failures occur on compute nodes) and a tighter notion of reproducibility for computations running on clusters. It additionally provides tools for flexible management of cluster size
2003 Oct 11
Some teaching/training materials (ESS/ESS-Noweb-Sweave/SNOW) Lecture/Labs 1 and 2 are on For ESS, ESS-Noweb-Sweave. Lecture/Lab 4 is on parallel computing with R (each Lecture/Lab was just under 2 hours). Comments/corrections welcome, they were used last week here in Copenhagen, so "most" of the bugs are out. best, -tony p.s. Lecture/Lab 3 on visualization needs to be
2004 Sep 09
man page of hist points to truehist, which can't be viewed without loading a library?
rdevel from yesterday, also in 1.9.1 (Debian, -3). The man page of 'hist' (from the graphics package, obtained by "?hist") suggests 'truehist' under "see also", but 'truehist' isn't loaded by default (a sensible "of course"), so that "?truehist" fails. One can do, of course, which points what to do, but leads to my
2003 Aug 14
partially off-topic: ESS WWW site is moving
Since it of partially related interest here: The Emacs Statistical System (Emacs Speaks Statistics) WWW site, along with all of the content formerly on, is moving with me to a new location, with ESS specifically moving to It isn't really done, but should be by a
2003 Aug 19
for those of you who want a patent...
Alvaro Munoz (Hopkins Epi) is patenting the "diamond graph". There is enough prior art (hexagonal binning, among others) to make this amusing, except that it probably will get a patent. It's a reasonable graphical technique, but patentable? best, -tony -- A.J. Rossini rossini at
2003 Aug 18
rterm not shutting down from ESS on Win32/could we help?
Hi to all who suffer from rterm not shutting down in xemacs/ESS on windows NT or 2000. Also hi to those who could eventually help. Here is some more information which could help and some ENCOURAGEMENT to contribute to a solution. 1. It may be an xemacs problem but it is more likely an interaction between rterm/comint/and xemacs. In fact, the problem started occurring around version R 1.6.0. I
2003 Sep 11
potentially nasty interaction between R 1.8.0 and tetex
I've been having problems building vignettes in bioconductor packages with R-devel. Turns out that Rdevel/share/texmf/hyperref.cfg wants Blue and Red predefined, when only blue and red are defined (as of rsync Rdevel, Sept 10th). This is on a Debian unstable system (Sept 9th version). Might not apply to all other tetex systems. Seems to have bitten the bioconductor build system, though.
2004 Mar 04
Yes you can (was: can you library(MASS) with R 1.9.0?)
I wrote: > I'm trying to track down a rather critical problem. This happens both > on Debian's current unstable as well a from anoncvs built this > morning, reinstalling MASS. Is anyone else seeing this or am I just > broken and special? And it was just me. Solution (thanks Deepayan, with hints from Dirk): ./tools/rsync-recommended from the root directory of
2004 Mar 04
Yes you can (was: can you library(MASS) with R 1.9.0?)
I wrote: > I'm trying to track down a rather critical problem. This happens both > on Debian's current unstable as well a from anoncvs built this > morning, reinstalling MASS. Is anyone else seeing this or am I just > broken and special? And it was just me. Solution (thanks Deepayan, with hints from Dirk): ./tools/rsync-recommended from the root directory of
2004 Mar 19
R's Anon CVS broken...
cvs -z3 -d co R setuid failed: Operation not permitted -- Biomedical and Health Informatics University of Washington Biostatistics, SCHARP/HVTN Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center UW (Tu/Th/F): 206-616-7630 FAX=206-543-3461 | Voicemail is unreliable FHCRC
2004 May 17
Bioconductor 1.4 released
Greetings! The Bioconductor core group would like to announce the 5th release of Bioconductor, version 1.4. There are many new packages as well as several major upgrades and fixes in older packages, and users are encouraged to upgrade existing tools and check out the new packages. Release 1.4 is intended to be operated with R version 1.9.x, which can be obtained at CRAN
2003 Oct 27
initialization of S4 classes/methods
I'm seeing weird issues in methods initialization, i.e. loading marrayClasses loads Biobase, and when explicitly done, as in library(Biobase) library(marrayClasses) is fine, but when Biobase is loaded via a require statement in marrayClasses' .First.Lib, I end up with: Warning message: In the method signature for function "coerce", class "exprSet" has no
2003 Nov 11
sample size/power calc packages
For various reasons, I spent part of my time today looking at sample size and power calculation tools (don't ask, don't tell...). This seems to be one area that R is incredibly weak in (well, nearly all stat packages, except perhaps specialized tools and SAS); sure, there are a number of functions in various packages: base, statmod, Hmisc Have I missed something? (I
2004 Apr 22
calling R from java[Scanned]
look at for my part, i'm working on Window 2000 and got lots of problem in SJava building due to C code compilation... Cheers Bruno -----Message d'origine----- De : at [mailto:ferraria at] Envoy?? : jeudi 22 avril 2004 15:15 ?? : rossini at Cc : r-help at;
2003 Oct 30
Release of Bioconductor 1.3
The Bioconductor core group would like to announce the 1.3 release of the Bioconductor software. There are many new packages as well as several major upgrades and fixes in older packages, and users are encouraged to check them out. Release 1.3 is intended to be operated with R version 1.8.X, which can be obtained at CRAN ( -- WHAT FEATURES DOES THIS RELEASE PROVIDE?
2003 Oct 30
Release of Bioconductor 1.3
The Bioconductor core group would like to announce the 1.3 release of the Bioconductor software. There are many new packages as well as several major upgrades and fixes in older packages, and users are encouraged to check them out. Release 1.3 is intended to be operated with R version 1.8.X, which can be obtained at CRAN ( -- WHAT FEATURES DOES THIS RELEASE PROVIDE?