similar to: Independent Components Analysis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Independent Components Analysis"

2009 Nov 11
Loadings and scores from fastICA?
Hi all, Does anyone know how to get the independent components and loadings from an Independent Component Analysis (ICA), as well as principal components and loadings from a Pricipal Component analysis (PCA) using the fastICA package? Or perhaps if there's another way to do ICAs in R? Below is an example from the fastICA manual (
2009 Nov 04
PCA with tow response variables
Hi all, I'm new to PCA in R, so this might be a basical thing, but I cannot find anything on the net about it. I need to make a PCA plot with two response variables (df$resp1 and df$resp2) against eight metabolites (df$met1, df$met2, ...) and I don't have a clue how to do... and I've only used the simplest PCAs before, like this: pcaObj=prcomp(t(df[idx, c(40:47)]))
2011 Mar 01
Explained variance for ICA
Hello, I think to use FastICA package for microarray data clusterization, but one question stops me: can I know how much variance explain each component (or all components together) ? I will be very thankful for the help. Thanks, Pavel [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Oct 17
Independent component analysis with only one "source" of data
Hi, Looking at the fastICA library. I want to test separating out different sounds from a recorded wav file. But, I only have a SINGLE stream of data (one channel wav.) It appears as if the fastICA won't let me separate more sounds than I have columns in my data matrix. is this correct? If so, is there a work around that is commonly used? Thanks. -- Noah Silverman UCLA Department of
2003 Aug 15
Is it possible to separate two independent components from arandom variable?
Dear Fred, If x1 and x2 are *not* normally distributed, you can use independent component analysis (ICA) which is based on the idea that x will be "more normal" than either x1 and x2 following the central limit theorem. See package(fastICA) by JL Marchini, C Heaton, and BD Ripley for details. HTH Thomas > -----Original Message----- > From: Feng Zhang [mailto:f0z6305 at
2004 Oct 23
Plotting Bivariate Normal Data
Dear list I have a vector of values that allegedly have a bivariate normal distribution. I want to create a plot that shows the values I have obtained, and the bivariate normal distribution curve for the data. Is there a way of doing this in R? Many thanks for your help, Sarah. --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Aug 10
Independent Component Regression issue in R
Hello, I am trying to use independent component regression inside the caret package. I ran into the error message below. All entries in the formula are dataframe column names. Any help is appreciated. icrFit <- icr(AUV ~ SPTR + NDDUEAFE + RU20INTR + LBUSTRUU + LF98TRUU + SPTRMDCP,Test,n.comp = 6) Error in fastICA::fastICA(x[, method$ica, drop = FALSE], ...) : unused argument (weights =
2008 Jul 24
Error - unable to load shared library
Hi, I'm trying to use fastICA package but I only get an error message like following. > library(fastICA) Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared library '/usr/lib/R/library/fastICA/libs/': /usr/lib/R/library/fastICA/libs/ undefined symbol: sgesdd_ Error: package/namespace load failed for 'fastICA' Here's the
2023 Mar 28
How to fire up Icecast?
Thank you for posting the doco link, Jordan! The first thing I read is that, for Windows ? it only runs on: * Windows Vista * Windows 7 * Windows 8. Which is a problem ? as I am running Windows 10. ? Are you able to confirm which of the following statements is true: 1. The doco hasn?t been updated ? it does run on W10, or 2. W10 is indeed not supported? Thanks, Andrew
2003 Sep 21
Sample wxruby code is available
I have just released an Alpha version of my redwood email client, written with wxruby. It uses toolbars, menus, and lots of widget layouts, plus it launches two kinds of background tasks. I learned a lot about wxruby and wxwindows as I worked on it, so I hope you will benefit from seeing the source code. It is at: Please give me feedback on the code,
2001 Oct 11
Where's MVA?
Hi All: Package TSERIES is stated to depend on MVA. However, there is no MVA package to be found under the list of package sources. Best wishes, ANDREW tseries: Package for time series analysis Package for time series analysis with emphasis on non-linear and non-stationary modelling Version: 0.7-6 Depends: ts, mva, quadprog Date: 2001-08-27 Author: Compiled by Adrian
2023 Mar 24
FW: Your message to Icecast awaits moderator approval
You posted this message to the list, I'm not a mod and I can read it. For March, I do not see any other post made by you. It clearly says WHY your post was rejected: "Message body is too big: 59787 bytes with a limit of 40 KB" I suspect this was an automated action. Re-write your original post so that it isn't too large (likely caused by attachments), and re-send it. On
2023 Mar 24
FW: Your message to Icecast awaits moderator approval
Thank you very much for your email, DT. Yes, I did see that msg about taking up too many bytes ? but I never received the promised email from the mods, telling me it had been rejected! So I assumed it had been posted ? and wanted to read the thread. My problem is ? I cannot see how to read Icecast threads. Any advice? Rgds, Andrew From: Icecast <icecast-bounces at
2008 Jul 17
Hi everyone It looks like repeated runs of fastICA produce quite significantly different mixing matrices (not only in terms of sign and row order). I'm not a specialist, so would appreciate any advice on whether this should really be the case: > res3 = > fastICA(af[,2:20],4,alg.typ="parallel",fun="logcosh",alpha=1,method="C",row.norm=TRUE) colstandard >
2007 Nov 21
File locking problems and duplicate emails with the snarf plugin
Two weeks ago we switched all our IMAP users (around 25,000) from the Washington IMAP server to Dovecot, and since then there have been several occasions when reading new email just hangs, and duplicate emails appear. We are using the 'snarf' plugin to copy new email to the inbox, and it looks as though the problems are caused by file locking. We have been using the Washington IMAP server
2023 Mar 25
FW: Your message to Icecast awaits moderator approval
Thank you, D.T. Now, you wrote below: ?Since you are reading this post, means you are receiving the list messages, so all is good?. Do you mean by this ? that interacting with the Icecast user group is simply by sending & receiving email messages ? ie. to specific people (like your good self)? IE. there is no ?Forum?, as such, where I can view different topics and follow the various
2007 Dec 08
Stale NFS file handle and duplicated messages
We recently moved all our users from the Washington IMAP server to Dovecot. There has been a substantial improvement in performance, but some users are reporting duplicate messages, and we see 'Stale NFS file handle' errors in the syslog. Does anyone know what would cause this ? The errors relate to the index file, eg. Nov 29 00:49:47 dovecot: [ID 107833 mail.error]
2023 Mar 25
FW: Your message to Icecast awaits moderator approval
On Fri, 2023-03-24 at 21:45 +1100, redwood.andrew at wrote: > ? > Yes, I did see that msg about taking up too many bytes ? but I never > received the promised email from the mods, telling me it had been > rejected!? So I assumed it had been posted ? and wanted to read the > thread. Sure, you can wait for the moderator's decision. How long, we do not know. Or you can
2023 Mar 28
How to fire up Icecast?
Thank you, Johan. I clicked on the bat file ? and up came a nice screen saying something like ?load http://localhost:8000 into your browser?. ? (Sorry for not being precise ? my email is on a different computer to the dedicated one for Roon, on a different floor of the house.) So I did just that ? and got a nice screen which said ?Icecast2 Status?. So what do I need to do next?
2002 Aug 13
Word and samba
Greetings Group I think the Word crashing problem is quite common and does not confine itself to Samba as PDC. Running Word with any file open on a Samba server seems to invite trouble and file trashing. This seems to more of a problem with Win2000 and XP than Win9X and NT. I suspect that Micorsoft have "improved" the code to "optimise" performance for Micorsoft