similar to: multinomial conditional logit models

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "multinomial conditional logit models"

2011 Oct 25
regression using GMM for mulltiple groups
Inthe code below I was trying to to obtain the GMM estimates for CAPM (REGRESSION) for 36 stocks each have 180 observations,however it only gives me one output rather than 36. In SAS i would just put in a *By statement*. I have a variable TICKER that categorize them into 36 groups. *How can I obtain all 36 output instead of just one.* **
2011 Oct 18
Repeat a loop until...
Dear all, I know there have been various questions posted over the years about loops but I'm afraid that I'm still stuck. I am using Windows XP and R 2.9.2. I am generating some data using the multivariate normal distribution (within the 'mnormt' package). [The numerical values of sanad and covmat are not important.] > datamat <-
2010 Feb 16
Math.factor error message
Dear R-helpers, I am using a vrtest on time series data. My commands are as follows; read.table("B.txt",sep="\t",fill=TRUE, na.strings = "NA") require(vrtest) rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) datamat <- read.table("B.txt",sep="\t",fill=TRUE, na.strings = "NA") column <- 1 nob <- nrow(datamat) y <-
2011 Oct 24
Create a matrix with increment and element with zero subscript
Hello, Does anyone knows how to deal with zero subscript in R. I have this code: for (i in 1:nitems){ + for (j in 1:ncat-1) { + draw<-matrix(rnorm(nitems*(ncat-1),seed1,seed2),nitems,(ncat-1)) + d<-( sigma_d*draw ) + mu_d + draw<-matrix(rtnorm((nitems*(ncat-1)),mean = seed1, sd = seed2, lower = .1, upper = 1.5),nitems,(ncat-1)) +
2011 Jun 27
Hardy Weinberg Simulation
Hello, I am trying to simulate 10 relicates of 100-tables. Each table is a 2 x 3 and 80% pf the tables are true nulls and 20% are non-nulls. The nulls follow the Hardy Weinberg distribution (ratio) 1:2:1. I have the code below but the p-values are not what I am expecting. I want to use the Cochran Armitage trend test to get the p-values. num.reps=10 num.vars=1000 pi0 = 80 num.subjects = 100
2010 May 10
Warning message
Hello, I want to draw a histogram of the mean of sample observations drawn from multivariate t distribution. I am getting the following error corresponding to the code I used. Though I am getting the graph, but I am curious to know the warning message. Warning messages: 1: In if (freq) x$counts else { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used 2: In if (!freq)
2002 Jun 21
naming things in functions
Hello, I'm working with R version 1.5.0 in Windows. I've written a function (SummaryMat, segment below) which uses a loop to repeatedly call another function (PercentsMat, segment below). PercentsMat creates a matrix and adds rows to it each time it is called. I use deparse(substitute(...)) to get the names of the lists sent to PercentsMat to use them as row names in the generated
2004 Apr 25
nonparametric multiple sample comparison
Hello all, Here goes one of my first functions. I want to make a nonparametric multiple sample comparison with unequal sample sizes (see Zar?s Biostatistical Analysis, 3rd. Ed., pg. 201 Example 10.11, pg. 288 Example 11.10). In the real world, I want to compare samples of fish length captured with different fishing gears. After using the Kruskal-Wallis test I want to check the differences
2004 Jun 17
using "= matrix (...)" in .C calls
Dear R-devel, I am trying to alter rpart so that it makes additional calculations when growing the tree. In the "rpart.s" there is a call to the C routine: rp <- .C("s_to_rp2", as.integer(nobs), as.integer(nsplit), as.integer(nodes), as.integer(ncat),
2008 May 28
calling C function from R
Hi, I am reading the source code of rpart. I have problems understand the following code and would appreciate for any helps. In rpart.s, there is a line: rpfit &lt;- .C(C_s_to_rp, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; n = as.integer(nobs), &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; nvarx
2009 Apr 28
Problem with Random Forest predict
I am trying to run a partialPlot with Random Forest (as I have done many times before). First I run my forest... Cell is a 6 level factor that is the dependent variable - all other variables are predictors, most of these are factors as well. predCell<-randomForest(x=tempdata[-match("Cell",names(tempdata))],y=tempdata$Cell,importance=T) Then I try my partial plot to look at the
2002 Dec 12
if problem in function
Dear all, I have written a function for calculating the volume of a tree (=trad) or snag (=h?gst). The included volume regreesion model includes ten parameter values, which are tree species specific. bj?rk.formh? is an object which includes the parameter values (parameter set) for birch (=bj?rk). There is one row per tree in the data object. > relev.kols[1:5,
2004 Jul 23
problem lme using corSymm()
Hi, I got a computational problem with lme (nlme library R 1.9.1) using corSymm(). Here is the data: [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [1,] 0.19639793 0.09127954 0.11733288 0.07598273 0.06545106 0.06211532 [2,] 0.22773467 0.10981912 0.16052847 0.38101187 0.18353474 0.24072918 [3,] 0.46743388 0.45733836 0.32191178 0.43356107 0.39159746 0.53984221 [4,]
2005 Apr 12
New version of "catspec" package
I've uploaded a new version of "catspec" to CRAN. Catspec is for estimating certain "special categorical" models. It also contains "ctab", a function for creating one-way, two-way, and multi-way percentage tables (nothing special there really). Ctab can now print more than one percentage type, as well as table marginals. The first special model in catspec is
2005 Apr 12
New version of "catspec" package
I've uploaded a new version of "catspec" to CRAN. Catspec is for estimating certain "special categorical" models. It also contains "ctab", a function for creating one-way, two-way, and multi-way percentage tables (nothing special there really). Ctab can now print more than one percentage type, as well as table marginals. The first special model in catspec is
2006 Mar 27
Graded Response Model Simulation (SAS code conversion)
I have used R a lot in the past, but never for simulation. I have a code in SAS for the Graded Response Model (GRM), also known as Samejima's model. This code simulates an ordinal response, provided item characteristics (A=item discrimination, BB(G) are thresholds between various categorical responses). It is a macro file. I am thinking that I can write this as a function, and call it up
2011 Jan 12
Grouped bars in barplot
Dear all, I am trying to make a barplot with clustered pairs of bars, using class=numeric data and the following command: barplot(c(bline_precip[10,9], bline_runoff[10,9], cccma_precip[10,9], cccma_runoff[10,9], csiro_precip[10,9], csiro_runoff[10,9], ipsl_precip[10,9], ipsl_runoff[10,9], mpi_precip[10,9], mpi_runoff[10,9], ncar_precip[10,9], ncar_runoff[10,9], ukmo_precip[10,9],
2002 Aug 08
RE: rmultinom
Hi Mark: I had also used sample and tabulate for generating multinomial and found it to be quite slow. So I had written a multinomial random numbers generator based on the GENMUL subroutine from "ranlib", which in turn is based on the algorithm from Luc Devroye's book on "Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation" You may want to compare this with your hybrid algorithm and
2012 May 03
Help with getting values from string
Hi All, I have a doubt. I used macros and i try to pass a value to a macro by concatenating a bunch of strings. But it does not seem to work. Please help. I have written down my code and the error message please tell me how to pass the value that a string points to. Thanks in advance #macro defined
2012 Jul 17
Problem creation tensor
Hi guys, I need some help to analyzing my data. I start to describe my data: I have 21 matrices, every matrix on the rows has users and on columns has items, in my case films. Element of index (i, j) represent the rating expressed by user i about item j. I have a matrix for each of professions. An example of a this type of matrix is: item 1 item 2 item 3 item4 id