similar to: function writeClipboard()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "function writeClipboard()"

2002 Nov 26
clipboard with R
Hi, how can we copy numeric and/or text data to the clipboard ? (under windows2000) It works fine with graphics and I need to do it with text data . thanks, regards Vincent Demolombe -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or
2019 May 23
writing Unicode text to the Windows clipboard
Hello, I'm interested in moving text from and to the clipboard that cannot necessarily be represented in the native encoding. So, really, this is about Windows. I can successfully read from the clipboard by specifying the format that corresponds to unicode text. From R >=2.7.0, it seems you should also be able to write unicode text to the Windows clipboard.
2003 Oct 17
heatmap function
Hi all, By default, the heatmap function gives an image with a dendrogram added to the left side and to the top. Is it possible to only add the dendrogram to the left side and let the order of the columns unchanged ? I tried heatmap(mat, col=rbg,Rowv=res.hclust$order,Colv=1:dim(mat)[[2]]). In this case, the order of the columns are unchanged but a dendrogram is added to the top. How can I
2003 Aug 12
classification with quantitative variables
Hi all, I want to conduct a cluster analysis with quantitative variables. More precisely, it concerns binary and non-ordered categorical variables. For such data, various similarity measures have been proposed, such as the Jaccard index or the simple matching index. So, is there a package such as mva or multiv in the case of quantitative variables? Could you indicate me reviews, papers or
2003 Oct 13
help with gsub and grep functions
Hi all, Let Names a vector of chatacters. For example, > Names [1] "g 604 be-0 -p1 (602 matches)" "g 606 Phli-0 -p2 (517 matches)" [3] "g 608 alu-0 (659 matches)" I try to use gsub or grep functions for two problems : 1. First, I would like to delete all the characters between parentheses. [1] "g 604 be-0 -p1" "g 606 be-0 -p2" [3] "g
2004 Nov 19
Clipboard under Linux/Unix
Hello, This may be a trivial question, but I don't find the answer in R online help. Under Windows, I can copy/paste to the clipboard using readClipboard()/writeClipboard(), or something like cat(..., file = "clipboard"). Are there equivalent function for other platforms? Best, Philippe Grosjean ..............................................<??}))><........ ) ) ) ) ) ( (
2002 Nov 08
Memory R and Windows2000
Hello, when using: rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) and gc() command , and looking at the memory used by Rgui.exe in window2000 there is no change. this is strange . Actually I need to be sure that memory is given back to the system because the users of the application I wrote under R are opening and closing big files of data; can I rely on the gc() function under win2k? Vincent Demolombe
2003 Aug 28
how to call a C program from R function
Hi all, I would like to call a C program from R function. I tried to use the .C() function without success. I need a very simple example (such as the hello program) to understand how it works. Could you give a such example? (I use the 1.7.1 Version of R with linux) Does it work in the case of a C++ program instead of a C programm? Best regards, Olivier --
2003 Sep 08
graphic of hierachical clustering
Hi all, I would like to save the dendrogram of a hierarchical clustering. Let reshc the result of the fucntion hclust(). To save the dendrogram, I can use the function postscript: postscript(file="") plot(as.dendrogram(reshc),horiz=T,ylab="",main=" ") Using the functions plot and as.dendrogram, it is possible to obtain an horizontal tree with
2007 Nov 10
producing output as *.spo (spss output format)
Dear All I am considering moving from SPSS to R as my stats environment of choice. I have read around and everything looks favourable. There is just one issue on which I have been unable to find information. Many clients ask me to send them output (tables, graphs, etc) as an spss output file (ie .spo). I haven't asked them why, I've just said yes. I know R can produce graphics as
2004 Sep 09
Handling the windows clipboard/32KB limit
(R 1.9.1; Windows 2000;) I'm just comparing ease of use, speed, etc for methods of transferring data frames in the Excel, MySQL, R triangle. It turns out that going from Excel to R (when doing this carefully). Using the clipboard is actually quite fast and efficient (2 seconds for transferring 120 000 cells on a common desktop computer as compared to much longer for going the RODBC route,
2019 May 24
writing Unicode text to the Windows clipboard
Hello, I'm interested in moving text from and to the clipboard that cannot necessarily be represented in the native encoding. So, really, this is about Windows. I can successfully read from the clipboard by specifying the format that corresponds to unicode text. From R >=2.7.0, it seems you should also be able to write unicode text to the Windows clipboard.
1998 May 14
R-beta: How do I dyn.load in R for Windows95?
I am currently running R under Windows95. I am entirely new to R in any environment, with no prior experience of S or S-Plus either. I want to run some functions written for S-plus and residing in a file "cat.s". The fuctions also call some Fortran routines residing in a compiled fortran file "cat.obj" In S-Plus as I understand it I am supposed to first
2008 Dec 05
NUT 2.0.5 and 2.2.2 hacking -- there is something to improve!
Hello, I wanted to set my own time intervals for shutdown. {poweroff,return,paused.return}, so I had to change sources, where it has been set in a hard way. poweroff: Sxx\r return: Zxx\r paused.return: SxxRyyyy\r Solution A: Why not adding an info about these commands in a generic way and issuing shutdown.{poweroff.xx,return.xx,paused.return.xxyyyy} Solution B: Why not creating a special
2001 Mar 01
Individual rename of list items
I am confused by the logic of renaming: # Rename individual list items? Empl<-list(employee="Anna",spouse="Fred") names(Empl)<-c("empl","spo") names(Empl) #[1] "empl" "spo" # worked like a charm... but names(Empl[1])<-"newempl" # no error message, yet .... names(Empl) #[1] "empl" "spo" #
2002 Sep 21
need help for eval()
Hello, I need help, after hours trying to do it myself, to do the following: I have an object, named, say, F1 from a class "fichier" that I buildt. this F1 has a slot named datas ,which is a vector, so I can access to : F1 at datas[1], F1 at datas[2], ... Now I have a string s="F1 at datas[1]" and need to retreive the real content of F1 at datas[1] using s.
2006 Nov 20
g729 registered
Hi guys, I've registered some g729 licenses, during register process everything worked fine. astk2*CLI> show g729 0/0 encoders/decoders of 20 licensed channels are currently in use But I'm not able to use this codec. I'm trying to use a linksys PAP2 to talk using g729 but I got this answer from asterisk: Got SIP response 488 "Not Acceptable Here" back from
2010 Jun 28
mathematical expression in varnames of lattice parallel plot
How can I insert mathematical expressions for variable names in a lattice parallel plot? I tried to implement mathematical expressions in varnames, however, without success. For example, neither parallel(~iris[1:4] | Species, iris, varnames=c("P[Width]", "Petal[length]", "alpha[Width]", "Sepal[Length]")) nor parallel(~iris[1:4] | Species,
2004 Jul 29
Trouble with "--delete" with "--files-from"
Hi all, I've scoured the web, faq and mailing list archives to try and find an answer to this problem I'm having, but to no avail.... I'm trying to rsync a Cyrus IMAP message store "structure" from one system to another. (I say "structure" because I don't want to copy over the actual messages in the message store.) For those of you unfamiliar with the
2012 Apr 26
restorecon and sudo
Hello, On CentOS-6.2, these two commands (on the same machine) give me different results : # restorecon -r /var/www/html/Centos/ # (as root) $ sudo restorecon -r /var/www/html/Centos/ # (as an unprivileged user) /var/www/html/Centos/ is a symlink to /mnt/packages/Centos/ In the first case, I get : # ls -Z /var/www/html/Centos/ drwxr-xr-x. naudin biom system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t