similar to: No subject

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "No subject"

2002 Oct 11
No subject
Subject: activity of CPU used by R X-Mailer: VM 7.00 under 21.4 (patch 6) "Common Lisp" XEmacs Lucid Reply-To: fjmolina at FCC: ~/mail/sent My R processes never use more than 50% of my CPU activity. Is there any way I can make them use more of it? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2003 Apr 22
Subject: Eliminate repeated components from a vector X-Mailer: VM 7.00 under 21.4 (patch 6) "Common Lisp" XEmacs Lucid Reply-To: fjmolina at FCC: /home/f/.xemacs/mail/sent Does anyone know how I can eliminate repeated elements from a vector?
2003 Mar 07
Hello, I am trying to use 'R' for K-means simulatio, could you please advise me how I can read my data into a two dimesional array? Or is there any method which directly reads the excell file? Please let me know asap. Regards Skanda Kallur Cogito, Ergo Sum! Rene Descartes
2002 Oct 11
No subject
Subject: X-Mailer: VM 7.00 under 21.4 (patch 6) "Common Lisp" XEmacs Lucid Reply-To: fjmolina at FCC: ~/mail/sent I have noticed that my R processes do not occupay more than 50% of my CPU activity. Is there any way of changing this? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2007 Jan 31
features of save and save.image (unexpected file sizes)
Hi, Today I came upon unexpected R behaviour. I did some modelling and the result was R object, about 28MB size (nested list, with matrixes as list elements). When I was saving the session with save.image, the resulting .RData file was 300MB. There were no other large objects: >
2006 Jan 13
Saving a plot in R-LINUX
Good day, Is there any way to save a plot produced by R in a LINUX (Debian) machine? The window opened by R to put the plot in, does not give any option to save it (there are options to move, close, minimise it, etc. but not to save it). How do you do that? Thanks, Augusto -------------------------------------------- Augusto Sanabria. MSc, PhD. Mathematical Modeller Risk Research Group
2005 Nov 03
shared-mime-info (PR#8278)
Full_Name: Vaidotas Zemlys Version: 2.1.1 OS: Ubuntu 05.10 Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi, This is really a feature request, not a bug. I wrote the mail to R-devel, but nobody answered it. I use Gnome on my computer and sometimes I use its default text editor gedit. It uses gtksourceview library for syntax highlighting. I decided that it would be nice if gedit supported R
2017 May 17
r-cran-rjava dependencies on debian jesse, library(rJava) fails when default-jre is missing
Hi, > Le 17 mai 2017 ? 00:42, Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at> a ?crit : > > > On 8 May 2017 at 15:39, Vaidotas Zemlys wrote: > | Hi, > | > | Dirk Eddelbuettel advised me to write here. Here is my original letter to him: > | > | I would like to enquire about package r-cran-rjava on Debian jesse. It seems that if default-jre package is not installed, but
2017 May 08
r-cran-rjava dependencies on debian jesse, library(rJava) fails when default-jre is missing
Hi, Dirk Eddelbuettel advised me to write here. Here is my original letter to him: I would like to enquire about package r-cran-rjava on Debian jesse. It seems that if default-jre package is not installed, but openjdk-7-jre is installed, then library(rJava) in R fails. I?ve been bitten by this today and I wonder whether this an issue of mine, or is this a possible bug. My server admin used
2008 Oct 31
Problems with Sweave and pdf.options(encoding="ISOLatin7") (PR#13234)
Hi, Sweave for some reason does not respect encoding setting in pdf.options. Everything is OK with ps.options. Thus when using non-default encoding for graphs, resulting graphics eps file is correct, but pdf file is not. Workaround is very simple, just use latex->dvips->ps2pdf chain to get the intended pdf document. I tried to find the explanation for this, but I did not find anything. If
2002 Oct 18
RAM usage
Hi, I'm having problems while working with large data sets with R 1.5.1 in windows 2000. Given a integer matrix size of 30 columns and 15000 rows my function should return a boolean matrix size of about 5000 rows and 15000 columns. First of all I tried to run this function on computer with 256 MB of RAM. I increased memory limit of R with memory.limit() up to 512 MB. I was inspecting
2002 Nov 08
Using R --gui=GNOME
Hi, Is it possible to make R start not from terminal with option --gui=GNOME? Now if in the launcher preferences checkbox run from terminal is not checked, R with option --gui=GNOME doesn't start. If started with checked checkbox, i.e. from terminal, besides R, terminal window also appears, but it is of no use. Yet if it is closed, the R window closes together. Is this a feature, or is
2006 Aug 09
optim error
Dear all, There have been one or two questions posted to the list regarding the optim error "non-finite finite-difference value [4]." The error apparently means that the 4th element of the gradient is non-finite. My question is what part(s) of my program should I fiddle with in an attempt to fix it? Starting values? Something in the log-likelihood itself? Perhaps the data
2003 Jul 22
R and C++ compared with only C++
My computer is a pentium 4 running at 2.4 GHz. My R is 1.7.1 I have written a program in R that calls C++. The program spends most of the time in C++ ( > 90% ). R basically deals with output and input. How slower can this be compared with the program I would get from rewriting everything in C++? Thank you.
2002 Sep 13
Dear list, I have a simple question. If I need to run linear regression on a subset of the dataset, will the following two commands give the same output: lm(y ~ as.factor(x1) + as.factor(x2), data, subset = z==Z[1]) and lm(y ~ as.factor(x1) + as.factor(x2), data[data$z==Z[1],] ) I have got different results running the two commands. Am I missing something here, or it there a bug on the
2002 Mar 17
compute variance of every column in a matrix without a loop
Is it possible to compute the variance of every column in a matrix without a loop? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at
2002 Nov 19
fast way to check an object is a member of a list?
Is there any fast way to check that an object is a member of a list? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at
2002 Nov 18
order and rm()
Hello all. I have two small questions in one post, for the sake of brevity. 1. I have some objects that I want to delete. I have the line: rm (c (channelheader, paste ("channel", 1:3, sep=""))) I have tried a few variations, including list=, but cannot figure it out. In SAS, I can use a ':' as a wildcard. Is there any equivalent in R? 2. Is there any possible was to
2003 Mar 17
"Debugging R from within Emacs"
In "Frequently Asked Questions on R" there is a section "Debugging R from within Emacs" I suppose this is for developpers ( not useful to debug R source code ). Am I right?
2003 Jul 17
R matrices in memory
Acording to the documentation in gsl "The physical row dimension tda, or trailing dimension, specifies the size of a row of the matrix as laid out in memory" I think that if I pass a matrix to C++ through .C as single ( or.double ), that is, .C ( as.single ( matrix )) then the tda is simply the number of elements of that matrix. Am I right? Thank you.