similar to: Partial Least Squares

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Partial Least Squares"

2003 Jan 14
PLS regression?
Hi all, I would like to do some QSAR analysis (quantitative structure activity relationship). I need to use some Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression, but I have not seen this option on the R-project. Is it possible to do this kind of regression on R? thank you in advance best regards, olivier [[alternate HTML version deleted]]
2006 Nov 24
Rails 1.2 RC1 problem
Hi Have this helper method inside a sites_helper.rb module def distritos [ ['0', 'Todos'], ['1', 'Aveiro'], ['2', 'Beja'], ['3', 'Braga'], ['4', 'Brangança'], ['5', 'Castelo Branco'], ['6', 'Coimbra'], ['7',
2001 May 29
geary statistics
Hello, i' m looking for a function to compute geary statistic for spatial correlation. Thanks. -- St?phane DRAY --------------------------------------------------------------- Biom?trie et Biologie ?volutive - Equipe "?cologie Statistique" Universite Lyon 1 - Bat 711 - 69622 Villeurbanne CEDEX - France Tel : 04 72 43 27 56 Fax : 04 78 89 27 19 04 72 43 27 57 E-mail
2001 Nov 06
Canonical Correspondence analysis-CoCoAn package
Hi R-users, I am new to R environment.I want to carry out a correspondence analysis on a contigency table with 64 columns and 298 observation of Environmental data.In many cells of the contigency table the frequency is just the value '1'. I got the following error. > CAIV(Eplankton) Error in if (L[i, j] < 0) return("Table L must contain non-negative numbers") :
2002 Jul 18
RODBC and Excel Files
Hello, I am trying to play with RODBC library and Excel Files. In my file (doubs.xls) there are 2 spreadsheets: > library(RODBC) > connection<-odbcConnect("Excel Files") > sqlTables(connection) TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM TABLE_NAME TABLE_TYPE REMARKS 1 F:\\Th?se\\R\\Doubs NA Faune$ SYSTEM TABLE NA 2 F:\\Th?se\\R\\Doubs NA Milieu$
2001 Feb 16
canonical correspondence analysis
Is there an R function that does canonical correspondence analysis. Can it be done using the VR function corresp()? If not, how hard it be to write R code to do it? I am a population biologist with long but patchy programming experience in C, Smalltalk, Java and other languages. Thanks, Patrick Foley patfoley at
2001 Jul 18
does this sound like any kind of R procedure to you?
I apologize that this is not precisely about R, but it does fall into the "what would an R user do?" category of questions. My colleague came to me and said "I have data on 20 countries, 4 elections in each one. I have measures for each election on a number of things, and I want to know if the change from one election to the next follows a pattern. For example, is the measure
2003 Jan 30
Principal comp. scores in R
Hello, I am trying to run a PCA in R and I cannot get the PC scores for each of the values. Using pcX <- princomp(X) then loadings(pcX) I can get a listing of the eigenvectors but not the actual PC scores for each value in the dataset. I greatly appreciate any help anyone can offer Thanks Ken
2004 Feb 25
writing polygons/segments to shapefiles (.shp) or other ArCGIS compatible file
I am not sure a previous e-mail reached the list (no mail aknowledgement from R-boundle etc.). The question was how to write polygon or segment coordinates into a shapefile set or any other ArcGIS supported format. The library shapefiles seems to do something but the documentation is a bit beyond of my mind.... and I cannot get the meaning of the functions write**** and its application to the case
2002 Dec 04
Interpreting canonical correlation (cancor) results
Hi, from what I understand about the canonical correlation function 'cancor', it looks for correlations in two sets of variables, each represented in matrix form. Right? Sounds exactly like what I need. I have tried the following but I am not sure how to interpret the results. AudioPCs <- c(ArTHarF0PCA$x[,2], ArTHarF1PCA$x[,2], ArTHarF2PCA$x[,2], ArTHarF3PCA$x[,2],
2005 Oct 11
Hi, i'm having trouble using Statis in ADE4 package. I want to study a matrix with 18x414...could any body help me?!?!' Urgent Thanks Miguel Ribeiro Portugal [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Oct 24
Pb with function taxo2phylog (package ade4)
Hello I'm using the package ade4 to obtain classification from a .txt file. I use the following commands: cronquist <- read.table("cronquist.txt", h = T, row.names = 8) cronquist <- as.taxo(cronquist[7:1]) cro.phy <- taxo2phylog(cronquist) in which cronquist.txt is a file with a classification of 218 genus of tree species from french Guiana. We I try to use the
2003 Feb 13
ESRI shape file import and time-space models
Dear R user, I am running R under Windows 2000. I am looking for a routine for importing - shape files (ESRI) into R - dbase files (FOXPRO) into R and I am looking for time-space models for description and prediction of Bernoulli-, Binomial- and Poissonvaraibles. Thank's a lot for a reply. Sincerely yours, Ekkehardt Altpeter Swiss Federal Office of Public
2001 Jul 10
R.lib and compiling C for Windows
Hello list, (PC Windows 2000, R 1.2.3) i want to compile C source file for R on windows 2000. I'm working with Metrowerks CodeWarrior for creating and compiling C files. I've see that R.lib file must be obtain with R.ddl by Visual C++. I don't have Visual C++ (and i don't want to buy it !!) but i want to obtain R.lib file. Is there a solution to my problem ??? Any help would
2008 Jun 05
How to combine to PCAs
Dear all: Subjects were measured two times (t1 and t2) on different variables (v1 ... vn). Between t1 and t2 there was an experimental manipulation. I computed two PCAs for time-points t1 and t2. Is it possible to combine both PCAs in order to get only one set of eigenvectors? Due to the experimental manipulation measurement values on time points t1 and t2 changed for each subject. Many
2010 Mar 18
Reshape dataframe according to ordered variables
Dear all, I am still a R apprentice... Apologies for the basic question. I am trying to reshape a dataframe based on the order of two variables (a character variable and a numerical variable). To simplify it, consider the following dataframe > df<-data.frame(id=c("b","b","a","a","a"),ord=c(2,1,1,3,2)) id ord 1 b 2 2 b 1 3 a 1 4
2004 Mar 24
binding vectors or matrix using their names
Hello list, I have two vectors x and x2: x=runif(10) x2=runif(10) and one vectors with their names : my.names=c("x","x2") I would like to cbind these two vectors using their names contained in the vector my.names. I can create a string with comma ncomma=paste(my.names,collapse=",") and now, I just need a function to transform this string into a adequate
2004 Sep 20
Multiple operations on list
Hello, suppose I have a list with matrices: a=list(x1=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2),x2=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2),x3=matrix(rnorm(10),5,2)) I want to compute for all combination of xi and xj (x1,x2 x1,x3 and x2,x3) a value. This value is given for the pair x1,x2 by trace(x1%*%t(x1)%*%x2%*%t(x2)) / trace(x1%*%t(x1))*trace(x2%*%t(x2)) I know that product matrices t(xi)%*%xi can be obtained by:
2010 Mar 19
Sequence of ordered variable to add as column
Hello all, As an example, consider the following dataframe > df<-data.frame(id=c("b","b","a","a","a"),ord=c(2,1,1,3,2)) > dates<-as.Date(c("02/27/92", "02/27/92", "01/14/92", "02/28/92", "02/01/92"),"%m/%d/%y") > df$dates<-dates which was ordered with >
2003 Jan 28
Dear R helpers I would like to make a plot where the symbols were the numbers of the corresponding classes, i.e, samples of class 1 would the symbol 1, samples of class 2 would have symbol 2,.... Is this possible? Thank you Luis -- Kit SAPO.ADSL.PT Apenas 50 ?. Adira j? em