similar to: split-plot design?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "split-plot design?"

2006 Nov 05
diag()<- in Matrix?
Dear all, I am trying to use the Matrix package to do some calculations on rather large and sparse matrices. An example of such a matrix is given below. mig<-0.2 side<-10 np<-side^2 mig.mat<-matrix(0,np,np) diag(mig.mat[1:(np-side),(side+1):np])<-mig/4 diag(mig.mat[(side+1):np,1:(np-side)])<-mig/4 diag(mig.mat[-np,-1])<-mig/4
2003 Jan 22
small bug in binom.test?
Hi all, I am wondering whether there is a small bug in the binom.test function of the ctest library (I'm using R 1.6.0 on windows 2000, but Splus 2000 seems to have the same behaviour). Or perhaps I've misunderstood something. the command binom.test(11,100,p=0.1) and binom.test(9,100,p=0.1) give different p-values (see below). As 9 and 11 are equidistant from 10, the mean of the
2009 Jul 15
Differing Variable Length Inconsistencies in Random Effects/Regression Models
Dear All, I am quite new to R and am having a problem trying to run a linear model with random effects/ a regression- with particular regard to my variable lengths being different and the models refusing to compute any further. The codes I have been using are as follows: vc<-read.table("P:\\R\\Testvcomp10.txt",header=T) >> attach(vc) > > family<-factor(family) >
2002 May 03
R-squared in lm
Dear all, I'm puzzled by the definition of r-squared used by 'lm' when the model is without intercept. The help for summary says: >r.squared: R^2, the ``fraction of variance explained by the model'', > > R^2 = 1 - Sum(R[i]^2) / Sum((y[i]- y*)^2), > > where y* is the mean of y[i] if there is an intercept and > zero
2004 Dec 09
Peak finding algorithm
I'm sure there must be various peak-finding algorithms out there. Not knowing of any, I have written one myself*, but I thought I'd ask to see what's out there. Basically, I have a 2-dimensional data set and I want to identify local peaks in the data, while ignoring "trivial" peaks. My naive algorithm first identifies every peak and valley (point of inflection change
2001 Apr 05
Sorry to all that are angry about the form of my previous mail. I didn't realise what would happen :((. Here it is in (hopefully) plain text (if my mailer doesn't spoil it again): ############## Dear developers, I have a problem with some discrepancy between R 1.2.1 for Windows and R 1.2.2 (and less) for Linux. While trying to correct the wilcox.test (see my previous bug report) I
2011 Jun 27
import text-records and set the fields in a table
hi! I apologize in advance if this is a newbie dumm question, but I really can't figure it ou. I have lists of sumeric and character data on some URLs, which look like this: <photo id="5876248819" owner="13716719 at N04" secret="faf9bb7f52" server="5264" farm="6" title="our rose garden" ispublic="1"
2005 Oct 10
interpretation output glmmPQL
Hi ! We study the effect of several variables on fruit set for 44 individuals (plants). For each individual, we have the number of fruits, the number of flowers and a value for each variable. Here is our first model in R : y <- cbind(indnbfruits,indnbflowers); model1 <-glm(y~red*yellow+I(red^2)+I(yellow^2)+densite8+I(densite8^2)+freq8_4+I (freq8_4^2), quasibinomial); - We have
2005 Jun 17
Mixed model question
Hi, I am new to this list as a poster, but a reader for some time. I've using R for several weeks now, and I have a lot of questions about certain procedures. Here I go: I want to test if there are differences in the time spent by pollinators visiting flowers of a given plant species, according to a number of experimental manipulations made on those flowers. All experimental
2004 Feb 05
Multilevel in R
Hello, I have difficulties to deal with multilevel model. My dataset is composed of 10910 observations, 1237 plants nested within 17 stations. The data set is not balanced. Response variable is binary and repeated. I tried to fit this model model<- glmmPQL( y ~ z1.lon*lun +*lun + z1.lon*lar +*lar + z1.lon*sca +*sca +z1.lon*eta +*eta, random = ~ lun + lar + sca
2004 Dec 02
How about a mascot for R?
R users, How come R doesn't have a mascot? Linux has one and so does LaTeX, so shouldn't R? I personally think that associating a "friendly face" with R would be a good thing for R (one letter names can be quite intimidating). I apologize if this is addressed in the FAQ. I searched the FAQ as well as the mailing list archives and checked ?mascot but to no avail. ;-)
2011 Dec 26
Zero-inflated Negative Binomial Error
Hello, I am having a problem with the zero-inflated negative binomial (package pscl). I have 6 sites with plant populations, and I am trying to model the number of seeds produced as a function of their size and their site. There are a lot of zero's because many of my plants get eaten before flowering, thereby producing 0 seeds, and that varies by site. Because of that and because the
2012 Apr 06
Bayesian 95% Credible interval
Hi all, I have the data from the posterior distribution for some parameter. I want to find the 95% credible interval. I think "t.test(data)" is only for the confidence interval. I did not fine function for the Bayesian credible interval. Could some one suggest me? Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Jun 26
Create tables on the fly in rails?
Hello everyone :) Love the mailing list! I read it as much as I can! Thanks all you RoR guru''s for providing so much help. Anyways... So say I have Users, and each user can have a list of Plants that they like. I would want to give each user a table that has many entries to show me which plants they like. How could I do this? I don''t know if there''s a way to do
2002 May 28
I am looking for a function in R that is equivalent to the function "peaks" in Splus. This function gives the local maxima of a vector. I do not find it using the help and I 'm not sure it exits in R. Could someone help me ? Thanks, Herve Cardot -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2006 Mar 15
which.minimums not which.min
Hi Is there a function which determines the location, i.e., index of the all minimums or maximums of a numeric vector. Which.min(x) only finds the (first) of such. > x <- c(1:4,0:5, 4, 11) > x [1] 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 11 > which.min(x) [1] 5 > which.max(x) [1] 11 > but I need which.min(x) to be 5 11 which.max(x) to be 4 10
2009 Apr 03
Curve fitting,FDA for biological data
Dear all, Another newbie just got attracted to this mailing list. I am a biologist currently working my way through R, had sort play around with python earlier this year. I have some data exhibiting periodicity ** my data consists of peaks and valleys, with peaks arising due to the presence of a repetitive structural unit,** with x being a reference grid (position along a chromosome) and y
2012 Jan 06
R CMD check WARNING \usage question
I'm trying to update a package and would like to crush a WARNING message for a clean build. I've been struggling with this question and haven't gotten any traction on the web either. I've got a document file (Rd) that contains the following \usage statement: \name{} \alias{} \title{CONIFERS forest growth model sample data} \description{ A list object of
2009 Jul 23
help with randomisation test...
Dear R-people, I hope asking this is not too cheeky, but I do have a R Problem. I hope that some of you like to play around with R and can help me. Its like this. I have several plant species (A,B,C) and 10 replicates per species. 5 plants per species are damaged, 5 not. I let a caterpillar feed on each plant and measured the growth of the caterpillars on control plants (CR) and on damaged
2008 Aug 20
Looping over groups
Hello, My R skills are somewhere between novice and intermediary, and I am hoping that some of you very helpful forum members, whom I've seen work your magic on other peoples' problems/questions, can help me here. I have a matrix with the following format: (i) individual plants comprising many different genotype groups (i.e., a plant is genotype 1 or genotype 2 or genotype 3, etc). The