similar to: General "moving" functions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "General "moving" functions"

2003 Nov 04
AW: R function help arranged in categorical order ?
There is a very nice Search Engine, with Keywords arranged by topic, that comes with R. If you are under Windows (and have Html help installed), you can find this in the Help menu, under "Html help". (The relevant file can also be found as ...\doc\html\search\SearchEngine.html.) Maybe this helps, Heinrich. > -----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- > Von: Neil Osborne
2003 Nov 04
R function help arranged in categorical order ?
Hi, I'm new to R and I'm finding it quite a chore trawling through the R documentation to find a function to carry out simple atomic tasks. Is any one aware of R help documentation that is aranged in functional categories for e.g.: String manipulation File I/O Dataframe, List manipulation etc, etc ... Thanks _________________________________________________________________ Get
2002 Apr 28
Building Rgui.exe with Visual Studio
Hi, I have downloaded and modified the source for rgui - because I wanted to add a few more custom menus to the GUI. I have almost got it completed, but have spent the last four hours trying to resolve the following issues (no pun intended !) Linking... R.lib(R.dll) : error LNK2005: _WatchCursor already defined in cursors.obj R.lib(R.dll) : error LNK2005: _ArrowCursor already defined in
2002 May 09
Help on creating custom financial time series graphs
I have written a series of C modules that produce various custom (technical analysis) graphs when presented with a financial time series. The code was developed on the Win2K and so makes many now level function calls to the GDI etc, and is very tightly wedded to the Win2k windowing system. I notice however, that most of the graphing functionality in R (at least on the Windows OS) is handled
2008 Nov 08
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Hello dear R people, for my MSc thesis I need to program some functions, and some of them simply do not work. In the following example, I made sure both vectors have the same length (10), but R gives me the following error: Error in if (vector1[i] == vector2[j]) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed I googled for possible solutions, but I did not find a good explanation for this...
2005 Jun 20
vectorisation suggestion
Hi All, I am counting the number of occurrences of the terms listed in one vector in another vector. My code runs: for( i in 1:length(vector3)){ vector3[i] = sum(1*is.element(vector2, vector1[i])) } where vector1 = vector containing the terms whose occurrences I want to count vector2 = made up of a number of repetitions of all the elements of vector1 vector3 = a vector of NAs that is
2013 Apr 30
R Function to extract columnNames
Hi, May be this helps: funcName<- function(df1, x){ ?whatCol=df1[[x]] ?print("Got it") ?print(whatCol) ?} ? funcName(df,"ColA") #[1] "Got it" #[1] 1 2 3 4 5 ? funcName(df,"ColB") #[1] "Got it" #[1] A B C D E #Levels: A B C D E A.K. >I am trying to extract the 2nd column from a dataframe using a function called funcName. Note this is an
2005 Sep 09
Simulate phi-coefficient
Looking for help with the following problem. Given a sample of zeros and ones, for example: > VECTOR1<-rep(c(1,0),c(15,10)) > VECTOR1 [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 How would I create a new sample (VECTOR2) also containing zeros and ones, in which the phi-coefficient between the two sample vectors was drawn from a population with a known
2010 Jan 30
parsing files for plot
Hi, I have many files containing one column of data. I like to use the scan function to parse the data. Next I like to bind to a large vector. I try this like: count<-1 files <- list.files() # all files in the working directory for(i in files) { tmp <- scan(i) assign(files[count], tmp) count<-count+1 } This part works! Now I like to plot the data in a boxplot.
2008 Jun 13
x86 SSE* Pointer Favors
Dear Statisticians--- This is not even an R question, so please forgive me. I have so much ignorance in this matter that I do not know where to begin. I hope someone can point me to documentation and/or a sample. I want to compute a covariance as quickly as non-humanly possible on an Intel core processor (up to SSE4) under linux. Alas, I have no idea how to engage CPU vectorization. Do I need
2010 Jul 16
a issue about the qutation mark?
Following is a function that I wrote (It is working well). It's a simple one, nothing complicated. The only question that I have is a qutation mark issue, I guess. ############################################# funcname <- function(trait.file){ #line1 setwd('/root/subroot') # line 2 load('imge.RData')
2012 Jul 30
A "matching problem"
Dear all, I was encountering with a typical Matching problem and was wondering whether R can help me to solve it directly. Let say, I have 2 vectors of equal length: vector1 <- LETTERS[1:6] vector2 <- letters[1:6] Now I need to match these 2 vectors with all possible ways like: (A,B,C,D,E) & (a,b,c,d,e) is 1 match. Another match can be (A,B,C,D,E) & (b,a,c,d,e), however there
2002 Jan 16
faster vector subtraction??
hi is there a faster way to do this? i <- 1 for(x in vector1) for(y in vector2) { m[[i]] <- (x - y) i <- i + 1 } regards soren -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in
2010 Feb 02
Finding the difference between two vectors
Hello everyone, I have two vectors having only one element different: vector1 vector2 vector1 TWC TWC TWC VFC TWX NA VIA/B VFC VFC
2012 Mar 14
list factoring
Hi Guys, this is actually a thread of emails, but for some reason, even though i am a member, it's withholding my email so i said i would try it this route instead!... I appreciate the reading Thank you. If i have: matrix: > var1 var2 var3 > cell1 x x x > cell2 x x x > cell3 x x x > > cell4 > > . > .
2016 Jul 28
[ORC JIT] Exposing IndirectStubsManager from CompileOnDemandLayer.h
I needed to be able to update stub pointers for hot functions that get recompiled in a lazy JIT that uses CompileOnDemandLayer. In order to do this I added a method that allows pointers to be updated but does not expose any of the other internals of the COD layer. Does anyone have a cleaner way to do this? Has something to facilitate this already been added? Would it be possible to merge this
2013 Oct 19
[LLVMdev] An enhancement for MCJIT::getFunctionAddress
In MCJIT, the old JIT functions are deprecated in favor of getFunctionAddress. Code like: llvm::Function *F = M->getFunction(FuncName); void *FN = EE->getPointerToFunction(F); should be rewritten as uint64_t FN = EE->getFunctionAddress(FuncName); While functionally identical, in case the correct module is known the new version will be much slower, linear with the number of added
2009 Apr 03
Hello! I got error in C - R
Hello, My name is Ick Hoon Jin and I am Ph. D. student in Texas A & M Univ.. When I run the C embedded in R in the Linux system, I confront the following error after 6,000 iteration. By googling I found this error is from the problem in C. *** caught segfault *** address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped' My C code is following:
2020 Jul 22
samba-tool domain backup offline stalls
FreeBSD-12.1p7 jail running Samba-4.10.15 on ZFS. When I run 'samba-tool domain backup offline targetdir=/tmp' I see this: running backup on dirs: /var/db/samba4/private /var/db/samba4 /usr/local/etc Starting transaction on /var/db/samba4/private/secrets At which point samba-tool enters a permanent wait state. 86064 root 1 52 0 131M 78M wait 3 0:01 0.00%
2016 Jul 29
[ORC JIT] Exposing IndirectStubsManager from CompileOnDemandLayer.h
+Lang Hames <lhames at>, Master Regent of the Three <No, Two sir> JITs On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 12:31 PM Sean Ogden via llvm-dev < llvm-dev at> wrote: > I needed to be able to update stub pointers for hot functions that get > recompiled in a lazy JIT that uses CompileOnDemandLayer. In order to do > this I added a method that allows pointers to