similar to: Re: R or Splus

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Re: R or Splus"

2000 Dec 05
R or Splus?
It's been suggested I use R, I suppose because my employer is too skint to pay for a copy of Splus. But.... it doesn't seem to be stable. I was trying to do some ordinary regression and stepping through a model. I was trying to set up a model ('kitchen_sink') in which to put all my model parameters. Then I wanted to use step() to see what it would reduce the model to. I
2000 Dec 06
Re: R or Splus
Thanks to all for the input. rgentlem at said: >If you really want help -- no, I just thought I'd waste some bandwidth. :-) >If on the other hand you >just want some reassurance that Splus is indeed a commerical package oh gee, thanks, I wasn't sure about that. When I had said: >> R can't handle files named x. If I can use Splus, should I just
2004 Mar 28
Could someone email me with the code for glm.nb ?
Hi -- subject says all. I just want the code for that function, which I guess was in Venables and Ripley as early as 1994. Well, and for any of the sub-functions that glm.nb calls. I can't install the entire MASS library. If the code for just glm.nb (again, don't want to touch the MASS library, last time I tried to install it was a complete nightmare and fiasco) is somewhere on a
1997 May 02
R-beta: Splus vs R
> If I were Mathsoft I would be less than pleased > at the development of R and would try to stop it if I could. I would not assume that Mathsoft must have such a negative view towards R. The reasons are roughly summarized by the analogy that a smaller part of a big pie is often better than a bigger part of a small pie. Mathsoft's limited success in addressing the student market has
2013 Apr 09
sorting the VAR model output according to variable names??
I was wondering if one can have the coefficients of VAR model sorted according to variable names rather than lags. If you notice below, the output is sorted according to lags. >VAR(cbind(fossil,labour),p=2,type="const") VAR Estimation Results: ======================= Estimated coefficients for equation fossil: =========================================== Call: fossil = fossil.l1
2009 Jan 19
reference category for factor in regression
Hi all, I am struggling with a strange issue in R that I have not encountered before and I am not sure how to resolve this. The model looks like this, with all irrelevant variables left out: LABOUR - a dummy variable NONLABOUR = 1 - LABOUR AGE - a categorical variable / factor VOTE - a dummy variable glm(VOTE ~ 0 + LABOUR + NONLABOUR + LABOUR : AGE + NONLABOUR : AGE,
2011 Nov 03
query about counting rows of a dataframe
Dear R users, I have got the following data frame, called my_df: gender day_birth month_birth year_birth labour 1 F 22 10 2001 1 2 M 29 10 2001 2 3 M 1 11 2001 1 4 F 3 11
2001 Nov 14
any1 got dreamweaver 3 or 4 working with wine every time i try running it loads up asks for serial i enter it then it segfaults . if it cant be done do you know of a html editor for linux up to the standards of dreamweaver all the ones i have come across so far aint brilliant infact some i would call cack might as well just open emacs and code myself but like dreamweaver cos i can get pro
2006 Aug 22
3 September Courses: (1) Regression Modeling Strategies in R/Splus, (2) R/Splus Advanced Programming, (3) R/Splus Fundamentals
XLSolutions Corporation ( is proud to announce our September courses: (1) Regression Modeling Strategies in R/Splus --- by Prof Frank Harrell *** Washington DC, September 28-29, 2006 *** (2) R/Splus Advanced Programming --- by the R Development Core Team Guru!
2006 May 02
2 Courses - (1) R/Splus Advanced Programming (2) R/Splus Fundamentals in Seattle - June 2006
XLSolutions Corporation ([1] is proud to announce 2 courses in Seattle this June (Same week!). (1) R/Splus Advanced Programming *** Seattle/June 8-9, 2006 *** [2] (1) R/Splus Fundamentals and Programming Techniques *** San Francisco/ May 25-26, 2006***
2006 Feb 14
R/Splus April course *** (Raleigh, Miami, Houston, Baltimore etc) R/Splus Fundamentals and Programming Techniques
XLSolutions Corporation ( is proud to announce 2-day "R/S-plus Fundamentals and Programming Techniques" in San Francisco: **** Raleigh, April 3-4 **** Miami, April 10-11 **** Houston, April 13-14 **** Boston, April 20-21 **** Baltimore,
2010 Jul 19
Grouping and stacking bar plot for categorical variables
Hi all, I have a series of cateogiral variables that look just like this: welfare=sample(c("less", "same", "more"), 1000, replace=TRUE) education=sample(c("less", "same", "more"), 1000, replace=TRUE) defence=sample(c("less", "same", "more"), 1000, replace=TRUE) egp=sample(c("salariat",
1998 Feb 23
R-beta: Help: cov.mve in R? dgamma in Splus?
Hi all I have a couple of obscure questions for R/Splus experts (which unfortunately isn't me!) I am trying to compute Bayes Factors using some Splus code of Raftery in Gilks et al (1996). Only problem is 1) R doesn't seem to have a robust covariance (cov.mve) which I suspect I need rather than a non-robust classical estimate 2) Splus has cov.mve BUT dgamma in Splus doesn't have a
2001 Apr 03
Importing from Splus (PR#891)
Full_Name: Ernesto Jardim Version: 1.2.2 OS: SuSE Linux 6.4 Submission from: (NULL) ( I wanted to import an array, dim=c(28,12,17), from splus into R.On splus I did dump(c("array"),file="dump.out) I checked and Splus could source it. Than, in R I tryied to source it with: source("dump.out") and got and error message: > source("dump.out")
2004 Jan 13
nlminb(Splus) vs optim(R)
Dear, R experts. I have two program codes, one is made by Splus and the other is made by transferring from Splus code. Because "nlminb" function in Splus is equivalent to "optim" in R, I expected to get exactly same result. But, sometime there is too large differece (greater than 2%) between two outputs. I looked two help files. According to those, in Splus, quasi-Newton
1998 Aug 29
R-beta: Splus -> R migration issues
I've recently installed R for RH5.0 Linux and been considering moving existing work from Splus (Windows, 4.5). Also installed the win95 R, but this doesn't seem to work as well, and in any case the idea is to move toward Linux. 1 I attach and detach directories freely and often in Splus. Is it anticipated that it will be possible to do this in R in the future? 2 The ascii representation
2003 Feb 24
convert Splus mapproject() in R
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows how to convert the Splus mapproject( ) function for use in R, I would greatly appreciate your help. I am using the following system, R Version 1.6.1 (2002-11-01) for SunOS 5.5 and Splus Version 5.1 Release 1 for Sun SPARC, SunOS 5.5. Thanks, Helen
2004 Jun 29
RE: [S] Different behaviour of unique(), R vs. Splus.
The source of the incompatibility: In S-PLUS 6.2: > methods("unique") splus splus menu splus "" "unique.default" "" "unique.rowcol.names" In R-1.9.1: > methods("unique") [1] unique.array unique.default unique.matrix
2012 May 16
Splus equivalent of reshape in R
Hello R/Splus users.. I am posting in R discussion group in hope of wider response compared to what I received from Splus user groups.... Was wondering if there is any function available in Splus 8.2 that is equivalent to "reshape" of R? Below is a sample dataset. Size [both rows and columns) of the dataset may vary X1 Y1 Y2 Y3 0.25 40 38 22 0.5 44 41
2011 Mar 31
Cluster analysis, factor variables, large data set
Dear R helpers, I have a large data set with 36 variables and about 50.000 cases. The variabels represent labour market status during 36 months, there are 8 different variable values (e.g. Full-time Employment, Student,...) Only cases with at least one change in labour market status is included in the data set. To analyse sub sets of the data, I have used daisy in the cluster-package to create