similar to: R-beta: Please help (fwd)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "R-beta: Please help (fwd)"

2005 Aug 16
Home directories on AD/Samba
I just set up our Samba-Server to athenticate over Active Directory (Win 2003). But there is one thing that bothers me: There are no home-directories for the domain users, that waere added to the linux passwd database (EXAMPLE.COM+user1 can be authenticated, but has no home on the Linux-box). If I create a share home, nobody can open it, because it cannot be found. Only if I set the path option,
2003 Aug 08
From NT4-PDC to Samba-PDC: 2.2.7a or 3.0.0-beta-x?
Hi, I have one NT4 PDC that needs to be migrated to Samba-PDC. No Active Directory. Just users, groups, windows shares... the works. I'm seeing that Samba-3.x is "very PDC-oriented". I like that. But, so far, Samba-3 is still in beta/pre-release versions and in my "stock" distribution, Samba is on 2.2.7a version (2.2.7a-security-rollup-fix). Should I wait for Samba-3?
2009 Aug 29
round off errors? (PR#13918)
Full_Name: Claus Pastor Version: 2.9.2 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I use the following function to compute MutualInformation Matrix of factorial members of a dataframe. I use package minet for this: my.MI = function(test) { ## die Diagonale gibt die Entropien, Teile durch entropy von y und du erh?lst den Zusammenhang ## kenne X und sage daraus y voraus require(minet)
2009 Jun 26
Hallo Herr L?ttecke, unser Umzug in Berlin ist zum Gro?teil ?ber die B?hne. Herr Adam hatte w?hrend desser auch heute mit mir telefoniert um die letzten ?nderungen die wir in Ihrem Setup durchgef?hrt hatten und die danach aufgetretenen Probleme, von denen Sie heute berichtet haben, zu besprechen. In dem Telefonat und der Remote-Session anschlie?end konnte er Ihnen offensichtlich sehr gut helfen.
2009 Jul 13
Ubuntu und R
Hallo Zusammen, hatte gestern die Schnauze voll von Vista und habe mir daraufhin Ubuntu installiert. Bin also mit Ubuntu ?berhaupt nicht vertraut. Nun habe ich ohne Erfolg versucht, R zu installieren. Soweit ich der Anleitung folgen konnte habe ich es so wie auf gemacht. Im Terminal kann ich R problemlos starten. Allerdings bei der Installation von
2010 Nov 20
installimg fBasics SuSe 11.3 64bit
Hello, I've been trying to install the fBasics package on an openSuSe 11.3 64bit machine. It gives an error saying: WARNING: *R* *include* *directory* *is* *empty* -- *perhaps* *need* *to* *install* *R*-*devel*.*rpm* *or* similar Yet, R-devel is installed. Other packages work fine. I also tried different ways to install...install.packages() and R CMD INSTALL... The complete message is
2002 Jun 11
SSH / PAM Problem
Hallo da mein English nicht so gut ist und bei der ?bersetzung auch noch Missverst?ndnisse auftretten k?nnten, hier das Orginal :-) Das Problem ist, dass bei der Kombination openssh pam und ldap, die Verbindung zum Ldapserver so lange offen gehalten wird bis die ssh Session geschlossen wird. Das ist nur bei SSH so ! Alle andere Dienste sprechen den Server an und schliessen nach Best?ttigung des
2010 Sep 14
smbclient sending no frames outside local VLAN
[I don't know whether this is the appropriate list, if not please let me know to whom to write. I submitted this as a CUPS bug and they replied by asking me to contact the "Samba folks"? I guess that is you] Hi, I'm using a MacBook Pro with MacOS X 10.6.4 and am trying to print on my company's printer accessible via samba. Whenever I try to access the print server via
2007 Feb 20
Use R source in .net (R Source in .net einbinden)
Hi! I would like to use an existing R-code in an .net project. Now I realize that there exists a DCOM interface which enables me to use the Statconnector object in my c# project. That way I can get the results of terms using the .evaluate() method. My question is: Is it somehow possible to take a whole file of R code and have it evaluated, or is it possible to sort of compile the R source in
2009 Dec 13
Different PROXY for IMAP and POP3 using LDAP-auth
-------------------------------------------------- For all non german speaking people: Oliver asked: In an old posting I've read something about different proxy hosts for IMAP and POP3. I've got the same problem and want to ask you, if there is a patch for replacing [variable names in] pass_attrs.
2007 Apr 02
Re: On Topic: Cheapest Asterisk USB Key?
On Mon, 2007-04-02 at 16:30 -0700, wrote: > Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2007 20:26:09 +0100 > From: Thomas Kenyon <> > Subject: [asterisk-users] Re: On Topic: Cheapest Asterisk USB Key? > To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion > <> > Message-ID:
2005 Aug 21
Namespace Feature
I've never used namespaces and don't quite know what they do. If I add a namespace then do things like shared folders magically appear to users? Also - I wonder if this is possible. I'd like to create a write only shared folder. I know this is unusual but I have a reason. I'd like to have a folder that people can drag spam into to report missed spam. I want to write only so
2006 Oct 29
Live/Realtime streaming
Hello List, i would like to stream to a network. I am expecting a delay/latency of 1-2ms. I have compiled and install icecast 2.3.1 on OpenSuSE10.1. I also had a look at: (1) (2) and (3) When i use Link/Way (3) i had to change
2010 Oct 07
Config review (2.0.5)
Since I have these performance problems after migration to 2.0.5 I'm publishing my config for review. Can anybody spot any obvious signs of trouble? # 2.0.5: /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf # OS: Linux 2.6.32-24-generic-pae i686 Debian squeeze/sid auth_debug = yes auth_debug_passwords = yes auth_mechanisms = plain login disable_plaintext_auth = no auth_master_user_separator = * mail_location =
2014 Jul 24
Pigeonhole Sieve LDAP support
Hi, Yesterday, I committed two important and rather big changes to the Pigeonhole repository. The first creates a generic interface for implementing Sieve script storages. It was already possible to some extent to read Sieve scripts from other sources than the local filesystem, such as Dovecot dict, but that was still pretty limited, as it was not possible to do this with
2009 Jan 23
Postfix and Dovecot
Hi Everybody, I'm mount two failover servers which use Postfix and Dovecot but the hostname of the machines r diferent: first node # uname -n # mail secound node #uname -n #mail2 So far so good, the real problem is that the e-mail file name on server is like this: 1232449377.P31789Q0M963611.mail2 and when I using the server called mail the file stay like this:
2003 Feb 05
Speed/lockup problems with wireless client
Hi, I have samba running on a home LAN using a Linksys mixed wired (100 Mbit ethernet) & wireless access point, which also does NAT to a DSL modem. The server is connected to this access point via an ethernet cable. Clients can connect via wireless or wired network connection. I am using encrypted passwords, and have in smb.conf: socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=4096
2004 May 06
Dial internal phones problem - zaphfc
Sorry that I wrote in german : Ich benutze asterisk mit dem zaphfc Treiber. Jetzt hab ich folgendes Problem, habe 2 ISDN-Telefone angeschlossen. zaphfc im nt-mode. Anrufe von ausserhalb per sip ( kommen an. Wenn ich aber intern zwischen den zwei Telefonen (Ascom Eurit 30) sprechen m?chte geht das nur wie folgt : Erst die Nebenstelle w?hlen und dann den H?rer am Telefon abnehmen.
1999 Jan 13
Hallo Liste Derzeit mache ich meine ersten Gehversuche mit Linux (SuSE). Bis jetzt habe ich in einem kleinen Netzwerk f?r meine Tauchschule vier Rechner betreut. Einer davon war WinNT-4.0 Server und Arbeitsplatz zugleich. Nachdem ich nicht mehr bereit bin, mich mit dem w?chentlichen "blue screen" und dem monatlichen Neuinstallieren von NT abzufinden, bin ich derzeit beim Umsteigen auf
2001 Nov 07
samba PDC with NIS, or other solution?
We have a network with Windows NT/2000, SGI's, Linux, Macintosh, AIX. Our user account/passwords for all our machines is handled by NIS on an AIX machine. Our unix machines autheticate through NIS. Our windows machines authenticate by loging on to an NT server acting as the PDC, and that PDC has a service installed on it called "WinDD NIS" (made by Tektronix I think) which contacts