similar to: Icalendar::UnknownPropertyMethod: Unknown property type: on Parsing a ical file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Icalendar::UnknownPropertyMethod: Unknown property type: on Parsing a ical file"

2008 Dec 30
integration of tzinfo with icalendar
My interest in icalendar is more on the ical generation side instead of the ical parsing side. As such, I did a bit of work on a tzinfo mixin that will generate the timezone rules based on the tzinfo gem. This lets you do the following: estart =, 12, 29, 8, 0, 0) eend =, 12, 29, 11, 0, 0) tstring = "America/Chicago" tz =
2013 Mar 15
Icalendar.Parse( complains about missing method, bytesize
I need to send an ics file to a web service, so however it gets there it will arrive as a string. Is there another way to begin Icalendar''s Parse than with a file? I''m currently sending the file using the curl command... curl -v --data-urlencode ics at invite.ics I''ve tried curl''s --data-binary and sinatra''s
2010 Jan 27
Patch and introduction
Hi, I''m currently trying to get icalendar packaged and into Fedora and EPEL, During this process I''ve noticed that you''re currently using Gem::manage_gems in the make Rakefile, this method was depecated in rubygems 1.3.0 them removed in rubygems 1.3.3. The attached patch updates the Rakefile replacing the method with the two require calls required. Mark -- Mark
2005 Jan 01
Re: vpim: bug in icalendar.rb, Icalendar#decode_status
Thanks for the bug report! I''ll get a new release out next week, I''ve been on vacation for a few weeks and I''m just getting up to speed with being back in a city. In the meantime, the fix is to apply the following patch (in Icalendar.decode_duration). I''ve also integrated your tests, thanks. Cheers, Sam diff -u -r1.22 icalendar.rb --- vpim/icalendar.rb 17
2008 Sep 04
Timezone support?
This is a follow-up to the thread ending with: I too am in search of some ruby parser for icalendar which properly handles timezones on the datetimes in the icalendar RFC. As I understand it there are actually three types of times. 1) UTC times with a string form of yyyymmddThhmmssZ note the trailing Z indicates zulu time aka utc. 2)
2007 Apr 07
Icalendar::Get::Common missing? / fails on getting comment?
I am brand new to vpim, so I tried to use the example But it fails on the code: if e.comments with the error message: ./ undefined method `comment'' for #<Vpim::Icalendar::Vevent:0x101899c> (NoMethodError) In the rdoc it says there should be Icalendar::Get::Common#comment But there is no module Get in Vpim:Icalendar. There is the module
2010 Nov 04
namespace problem with iCalendar
i''m developing a calendar webapp for my company using ruby 1.8.7 and rails 2.3.8. naturally there are RoR models named "Calendar" and "Event" in order to send calendar events to other apps (microsoft outlook & lotus notes) i''m integrating with the iCalendar standard & ruby library. but this library contains classes called "Calendar" and
2006 Jun 28
webcal url
Hi I''d like to create a webcal link to share a calendar with iCal like it''s done in Basecamp for example. I know how to create the file using icalendar ruby library and iCal can open it, but if I send this file using an url like webcal:// localhost:3000/ical/1151495837 iCal says that data are not valid. Any ideas? Thanks. PS here is my rb code def ical_data cal
2007 Feb 07
How to set TZID in DTSTART?
Hello all, I am currently evaluating the vpim libraries and like them very much. However there''s one thing I can''t get done: How can I set the TZID parameter for DTSTART/END dates so my encoded ICS file looks something like this: BEGIN:VEVENT ... DTSTART;TZID=Eastern Time:20071201T080000 DTEND;TZID=Eastern Time:20071207T110000 ... END:VEVENT I managed
2010 Jan 11
interfacing R with RFC2445
R Developers, I cannot seem to find an R package that can read/write iCalendar (RFC2445) files. I have found the libical library at sourceforge. I've used it briefly so it may be what I need, but again no R interface. I may have to connect the dots myself. I'm guessing this might be useful for someone other than myself (scrubbing files, performing temporal analysis on events, etc).
2007 Mar 17
webrick failing with "NameError: cannot remove Object::UnknownPropertyMethod"
Hi, I just downloaded the latest rails, and tried to run webrick. I get this strange set of error messages. It looks like the real error is NameError: cannot remove Object::UnknownPropertyMethod I never had this problem with older versions, and the ''fastcgi'' variant, running under lighttpd runs fine. Any ideas why webrick appears to be broken? Thanks, David
2006 Jan 08
rCalendar Project
Railoholic-Anonymous Members: I am tooling around with the idea of forming a project which would create a calendar plugin/engine with the following features: 1. DB schema mapping all necessary iCal (RFC-2445) fields. 2. Probably utilizing either vpim (, or iCalendar ( (First choice would be vpim since some attendee functionality requires vcard
2015 Oct 27
Calendar integration : Could not authenticate to server: rejected Basic challenge
Hello I have changed type 'caldav' to 'ical', but still no succes : [Oct 27 10:30:38] WARNING[23388]: res_calendar_icalendar.c:117 auth_credentials: Invalid username or password for iCalendar 'cal1' [Oct 27 10:30:38] WARNING[23388]: res_calendar_icalendar.c:150 fetch_icalendar: Unable to retrieve iCalendar 'cal1' from
2018 Mar 15
Bank holidays read from file?
Hi. thanks a lot for your reply. i will download the newer libical software. Could you elaborate on icalendar with google calendar config and calendar.conf, please? On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 3:00 PM, Ludovic Gasc <gmludo at> wrote: > I never use caldav mode, always icalendar with Google Calendar. > > BTW, you use old versions of libical, Asterisk and Debian, I recommend
2006 Jul 02
Flat file as storage backend or what ...
Hi. I''m just starting out with Rails. I''m thinking of writing a web based PIM, partly as a learning experience, partly because I need one. I''ll be using iCalendar and vCard files for for storage because it will let me sync with PDAs, and use other already available PIMs. What would be the best practice for this? a) At the beginning of a session pull all my vevents
2013 Feb 25
Calendar: cert mismatch
Hi, Am testing out the iCal functionality but when changing the URL am faced with the following warning: [Feb 25 20:55:20] WARNING[6234] res_calendar_icalendar.c: Unable to retrieve iCalendar 'dummycal' from ' at': Server certificate verification failed: certificate issued for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted
2011 Jan 17
app_calendar and SSL
Hi, Over the weekend tried to setup a test using the new app_calendar code but receiving the following error: [Jan 17 09:23:35] WARNING[27663]: res_calendar_icalendar.c:146 fetch_icalendar: Unable to retrieve iCalendar 'testcal' from ' at': Server certificate verification failed: issuer is not trusted The target server is
2017 Aug 24
Dovecot - Postfix Calender Synchronisation
RG> Re: portable formats and their mime type RG> RG> RG> Re: dependencies RG> - db: why? just use the ical and vcard files! They are files, RG> they are in a directory, they can be used like dovecot uses eml RG> files! No need for postgresql or mysql. RG> - webmail: why? We use dovecot!!!
2008 Feb 27
All Day Events
I must be stupid because this cannot be this hard. I''m trying to build an all day calendar event. In most clients it shows up as an entry at the top of the day rather than blocking out the whole day with an event. I have a bit of code that looks like this... cal.event do dtstart DateTime.parse("#{startDate.year()}-#{startDate.month()}-#{}") dtend
2008 Jun 18
Vpim gem
On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 6:32 AM, Joost Hietbrink <joost at> wrote: > Hi Sam Roberts, > First of all. Thanks for the Vpim gem. We use it at and > it works great. I''m glad to hear that. > We''ve only encountered the following error: > # NoMethodError (undefined method `to_str'' for []:Array): > # >