similar to: R crashes when making graphs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "R crashes when making graphs"

2010 Nov 17
Problem with plotting diagnostics - Error in object$coefficients : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
hi all, after fitting a multiple linear regression model <- lm(y ~ a + b+ c+d) i wanted to plot diagnostics plot(model) but get the error message Error in object$coefficients : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors. which does not make a lot of sense, since there is no "$" - i am working with an attached dataset. can anyone help, please?? thanks a lot, kat
2011 May 19
svytable and na's
hi, i am trying to work with the survey package in order to apply survey design weights. the data set i am using - ess - contains missing values. my question: when using svytable(~variable1+variable2, design=my.svydesign.object, na.rm=T) the resulting crosstable contains all missings although i defined the na's as such. any ideas??? thanks a lot, katharina
2010 Oct 19
R 2.12.0 and JGR
Since upgrading to 2.12.0, I'm having trouble getting the JGR to start under Windows 7, but I'm not quite sure what's happening. When I try to run the JGR.exe stub, the dialog says can't find Java R interface jri.dll. As nearly as I can tell from a Google search this is to be a part of the rJava package which seems to load fine with the library(rJava) command from the Windows R
2007 Nov 12
separate window for help/newbie
hi, is there a way to make r open the help file in a separate window? i'm quite new to linux(kubuntu) and used to work with r under windows... thanks, katharina
2009 Nov 09
trouble loading JGR on Debian
Dear developers I am unable to (properly) load JGR on Debian testing. The JGR window will pop out and R will start up, but it will not perform any of the JGR specific library() calls (rJava, JavaGD, etc.) and will stuck at 100% CPU while the prompt will be non-responsive. The hack that helped previously in such cases, accessing Help > About [1], works no more. All R packages are installed via
2010 Dec 06
package ca/rgl for ubuntu?
hi, for some unknown reason i cannot install the package ca in R running in a ubuntu mint system. i keep getting the following error message: configure: error: missing required header GL/gl.h ERROR: configuration failed for package ?rgl? * removing ?/home/kat/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.12/rgl? ERROR: dependency ?rgl? is not available for package ?ca? * removing
2010 May 26
extracat , JGR, iWidgets install problems
[Environment: Win XP, R 2.10.1] I'm trying to install the packages JGR and iWidgets required by the extracat package to make the interactive plots in the package work. I've tried various things, but nothing seems to work. Here is my most recent attempt, followed by my sessionInfo(). Does anyone have any suggestions how to make this work? > > library(extracat) Loading
2009 Dec 13
odfWeave produces output file that OO can't open
Dear R-helpers, I'm trying to learn how to use odfSweave. Here is my source file (in /Users/mk/myTeach/2010-1-7720/odfWeave): **************************************** Analysis of the iris Data Created on \Sexpr{date()} <<loadLibs, echo = FALSE, results = hide>>= # I usually load the libraries first so that any output produced by loading the library does not end up in the
2010 Oct 08
Bug in as.POSIXct regarding AM/PM
Dear All, I encounted in a problem with as.POSIXct() function. > as.POSIXct("2009/03/26 01:00:00 AM" , format="%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p") [1] NA > as.POSIXct("2009/03/26 02:00:00 PM" , format="%Y/%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p") [1] NA I have tried this in the R version 2.11.1, R version 2.10.1 and R version 2.9.2 . They all does not work. The operation system is
2009 Aug 04
100% CPU when running (cran2deb) JGR on Debian
Dear all, I installed the amd64 cran2deb [1] JGR binaries on a fresh Debian testing, and JGR is missbehaving. When JGR starts up, one core of the CPU goes to 100% and stays there, even though I am keeping it idle and not performing any operation. I tried JGR with both sun-java6-jdk and openjdk-6-jdk, debian-liv:/home/liviu# update-alternatives --config java There are 4 choices for the alternative
2014 Feb 27
Diverted from ESS-help. It is really about R's LANGUAGE, locales and then a wish for sessionInfo() : >>>>> Sparapani, Rodney <rsparapa at> >>>>> on Thu, 20 Feb 2014 19:39:33 +0000 writes: >> Just guessing: perhaps this is something that is set when >> R is initialized and not queried every time something is >>
2016 Jul 15
summary() dispatch puzzle
I'm sorry I haven't boiled this down to a more-minimal example yet, but ... I'm working on an S3 method (tidy.merMod, in the 'broom' package). It normally handles 'merMod' objects from the lme4 package, but I'm trying to make it handle 'merModLmerTest' objects from the lmerTest package too. The merModLmerTest class inherits (as an S4) class from the
2010 Jan 15
Using multicore with an open pdf device results in corrupt pdf (PR#14186)
The attached code produces corrupted pdfs (test2.pdf, test4.pdf and test5.pdf). The resulting pdf depends on how many cores are available on the machine. I don't see why there should be any difference between the pdfs (exept for the timestamp). Doing many operations involving mclapply can increase the size of the resulting pdf by ten times! Thank you for checking this. require(multicore)
2009 May 19
Remove objects names like character String
Hi, how can I use rm() on objects named like: paste("site",i,"_data",sep="") while looping through i? I tried rm(paste("site",i,"_data",sep="")) but I get the error that rm() must contain names or text strings which is confusing me as I thought paste() would create something like that...? Thanks, Katharina -- Time flies
2006 Dec 08
Remove " from a string
Hi all! I have lots of functions called in the following pattern 'NameOfFunctionNumber' where the name always stays the same and the number varies from 1 to 98. Another function which I run in advance returns the number of the function which has to be called next. Now I want to combine 'NameOfFunction' with the 'Number' returned so that i can call the desired function. I
2023 May 31
error in arfima...
dear members, I am using arfima() from forecast package to model a time series. The following is the code: > LYGH[[202]] [1] 45.40 3.25 6.50 2.15 > arfima(LYGH[[202]]) Error in .fdcov(x, fdf$d, h, nar = nar, nma = nma, hess = hess, = fdf$w) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 5) I tried viewing .fdcov() with the following code:
2015 Feb 09
xtabs and NA
Hi I haven't found a way to produce a tabulation from factor data with NA values using xtabs. Please find a minimal example below, it's also on R-pubs [1]. Tested with R 3.1.2 and R-devel r67720. It doesn't seem to be documented explicitly that it's not supported. From reading the code [2] it looks like the relevant call to table() doesn't set the "useNA"
2009 Aug 12
CCF for hourly time series?
Hello, I have a dataframe containing various time series (not time series objects though!)with hourly time steps. I?d like to perform ccf for I need to know the correlation factors for different lags. Here is an example: x<-as.POSIXct(c("2008-12-25 16:00:00", "2008-12-25 17:00:00", "2008-12-25 18:00:00", "2008-12-25 19:00:00", "2008-12-25
2006 Nov 07
wrong fill colors in polygon-map
Dear all, I would like to produce a map with information about the patenting activity in German districts, by coloring districts with different degrees of patenting activity in different colors. I work with the packages maptools, maps and spdep. The map data is read from an external .shp file (+ the corresponding .shx and .dbf files). Plotting a map with the IDs or the patenting indicator itself
2010 Nov 17
help on IDE
I am new comer in R.There r few IDE like Tinn R,VIM etc.I mean How to use them? Do I need to install R and then install them to use or they can work alone? Also does one install packages on R or IDEs? Can I call/use the package from IDEs? regards Parth -- Socrates, proclaimed: "I came to know one thing; that I know nothing".