similar to: Plugins selection & order

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80000 matches similar to: "Plugins selection & order"

2006 Mar 17
Best debugger for Rails on Linux
A quick survey... what''s the best gui debugging tool for Rails 1.0 on Linux that you''ve used? SW versions? Personally I''ve tried FreeRIDE 0.95 and RDT 0.7.0 in Eclipse 3.1.2. Both are very slow and the latter got quite a few bugs itself. TIA! -- Posted via
2006 Jun 24
DRY up link_to_remote and its url_for
In an attempt to provide a gracefully degradable link_to_remote, I repeat myself every time: <%= link_to_remote(''Signup'', {:url => {:controller => ''user'', :action => ''signup''}}, {:href => url_for(:controller => ''user'', :action => ''signup'')}) %> Looked around the RDoc &
2006 Jun 24
request.xhr? vs. respond_to
Searched around this forum, but didn''t find an answer for this question. Can you help this newbie understand any overlap and/or difference between request.xhr? and respond_to? If request.xhr? is true, should I expect it wants.js below? respond_to do |wants| wants.html { redirect_to(person_list_url) } wants.js wants.xml { render :xml => @person.to_xml(:include
2006 Feb 09
Login_Engine: trouble configuring
Hi Guys, I''m having some trouble getting login_engine to work. I''ve followed the steps in the README file to the letter (I think) with the exception of the Mailer stuff and cannot get my application to run. Heres what I have; module ApplicationHelper include login_engine end ##################################### require ''login_engine'' class
2006 Jul 26
How to Firebug XHR/AJAX requests
Saw a lot of recommendations for Firebug ( on this list. I''ve scanned its docs and tried it--many useful features. But I''m so dense that I can''t get it to spy XHR/AJAX requests and their response on FC5 running Firefox and Firebug 0.4. Can someone tell me how to get to
2008 Oct 14
Starting Server gives an error
Hi, I had created a new environment and tried to start the webrick server for that environment but it is giving an error:- E:/demo/vendor/rails/railties/lib/commands/servers/ webrick.rb:11: warning: already initialized constant OPTIONS E:/demo/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_suppo rt/dependencies.rb:249:in `load_missing_constant'': Expected E:/Demo
2006 Jan 11
Cookies, models and nil objects
Still new in my ROR walk, been busily coding on a game application as a fruitful exercise in becoming proficient in Ruby/ROR. However, I seem to have hit a speed bump and am befuddled over some exhibited behavior in ROR. 1. **Cookies** - on page 312 of the AWDwR book by DT and DHH, it states that if you create a cookie by assigning a value to cookies[name], you get a "default set of
2006 Aug 04
Any opinions on the Rails [Rough Cuts] books from Safari
Either - Ruby on Rails: Up and Running or Rails Cookbook I''ve heard so many negative things about Safari pdf''s and the whole program I''d like to get some feedback. I have AWDWR(2nd edition), RubyforRails(Manning), Programming Ruby(2nd edition), so I''m not even sure I actually need another book but maybe the approach or content is somewhat uniuqe. TIA Stuart
2006 Feb 04
ArgumentError when installing plugins with -x
This is the second time that I''ve tried to install plugins where this error has occured. It only occurs when I use the -x flag. script/plugin install -x svn:// /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rails-1.0.0/lib/commands/plugin.rb:675:in `method'': wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError) from
2006 Apr 04
uuidtools across processes
Hello, It seems that there is a small probability of collisions among uuid''s produced by uuidtools'' UUID.random_create() running in concurrent user processes on a host (fcgi)? The ~2 bytes extracted from the randomized clock_sequence make a collision unlikely. Do I miss something? DD -- Posted via
2006 Jul 30
Doubt on composite index
The AWDwR book has the following: add_index :categories_products, [:product_id, :category_id] add_index :categories_products, :category_id The first, composite index actually serves two purposes: it creates an index which can be searched on both foreign key columns, and with most databases it also creates an index that enables fast lookup by the product id. The second index then completes
2006 Apr 14
Language setting before routing?
When processing a request, where can you obtain the language setting of a user''s browser? I know we can read @request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] in an action easily. But I need to access it before being routed to a controller''s action... because the accepted language dictates my app''s language setting programmatically and what action to take.
2006 Oct 06
Storing multiple choices in databases
As an example - you have a select list of all the U.S. states and the user can make multiple choices. How do you grab all those choices into the database and they would be used for queries. I was reading up on serialize() but the warning in AWDWR is that it doesn''t work well for queries. Also composites / aggragates seems a bit much, maybe not. I know in the past I''ve used
2006 Nov 20
Production RAILS_ENV / DB Selection
Hey all, I''m having some issues moving a project that incorporates Backgroundrb onto a staging server... For some reason (surely of my own doing), my RailsBase workers are insisting on using trying to access my development DB instead of my "production" DB. When I try to load a model object from within a worker, I get the following: 20061120-21:54:28 (26296)
2006 Sep 14
AWDWR 2nd edition and REST
Question, and I''ll preface it by asking if this is the right list to be posting questions regarding anything past Rails 1.1.6 , (i.e. edgerails) ? In the latest revision of AWDWR there is a sample REST based app. During the creation of the controller and actions, there is a foot note that says: "7. By the time you''re reading this, there may well be support build into Rails
2006 Jul 24
Mongrel: auto-reload plugins?
When developing applications, Webrick will automatically reload controllers, models, etc. if the source changes. For obvious reasons, it doesn''t do this for plugins, which makes it a pain to develop said plugins. I was hoping Mongrel might have some facility to say "watch this directory too and reload any changes". Obviously, re-init''ing all plugins would be
2010 Aug 17
how to get plugins to load
I un-commented the following in my environments.rb file config.plugins = [ :all, :exception_notification, :ssl_requirement] but I get the following errors: in `ensure_all_registered_plugins_are_loaded!'': Could not locate the following plugins: exception_notification and ssl_requirement (LoadError) from /Users/mitch/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/rails-2.3.2/lib/rails/plugin/loader.rb:44:in
2006 Mar 07
Handling Erros from AWDWR
I''m getting to the point now where I really need to start trapping the errors. So from my AWDWR book, I added the following directly from the book into application.rb... def rescue_action_in_public(exception) case exception when ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::UnknownAction render(:file => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html",
2006 Feb 01
Uninitialized constant ApplicationController?
Hello list, I''m trying to start my Rails server after doing a long complex switch from Postgres to MySQL, and I''m getting the following error: => Booting WEBrick... /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-1.2.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:200:in `const_missing'': uninitialized constant ApplicationController (NameError) from
2006 Jan 03
Plugins include order
I use RJS-Templates plugin. I will override one function in it. create_template_source() I create my own plugin and do that, but if my plugin is loaded first, RJS-Templates plugin overrides my function. How cat I define plugins include order or protect my own function from being overriden? -- Posted via