similar to: Has Many :through associations

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Has Many :through associations"

2006 Mar 19
Table belongs_to either of two other tables?
Suppose I have a site about books and authors, and users can leave comments on either a book or an author. I''d want to have a table called "comments", which could belong to either an author OR a book. In my structure I wouldn''t be sure whether to include an "author_id" or a "book_id", or both. What would be the best way to handle this
2005 Dec 29
Verification problems
Hello, Hope this isn''t a newbie question - but I don''t seem to be able to find relevent information elsewhere. I am having trouble getting the following to work: Schema ====== ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 1) do create_table "authors", :force => true do |t| t.column "name", :string end create_table "books", :force =>
2006 Dec 20
has_many :through does it support collection_singular_ids ?
Good evening list members, I have the following model: class Author < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :authorships has_many :books, :through => : authorships end Should I be able to do the following? Author.find(:first).book_ids = [1,2,3] I ask, because it doesn''t. The docs state that it should, but it doesn''t specialise in the case of a :through This
2006 Jun 13
question about saving associations when using has_many :through
I''ve got a User model and a Book model. A user is required to submit books each month to be reviewed by other users. I have the following relationships defined: # the join model book_review.rb belongs_to :user belongs_to :book end book.rb # each book is reviewed by many users. This allows us to get the BookReview # objects associated with this book has_many :book_reviews,
2006 Mar 31
A.R. Associations problem
Hello, I''m learning A.R Associations by creating a simple forum that consists of 3 tables: ahuthors, topics and posts. This is the schema: class AddAuthorAndTopicAndPostTables < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :authors do |t| t.column :username, :string t.column :email, :string t.column :created_on, :datetime end create_table
2005 Mar 08
find_by_sql ON STEROID possible?
find_by_sql BREAKS THE OOP BEAUTY and perhaps we can solve that. NAMING CONVENTIONS can perhaps make find_by_sql much more clever. lets imagine that relation: publishers <- books <-> authors_books <-> authors -> universities (can''t find something else than university for that last association :) ) imagine we want to fetch every book and every associated
2006 Mar 18
Need help .. Rails Recipes, in_place_editor, selecting associations
Hi, I am currently reading the Rails Recipes book and like the chapter on providing your own in_place_editor for enumerations / selects. I understood so far, or I believe that I understood ;-), how to do that for a field that uses values only, like choosing from "red", "black", "green". What I fail to understand is how to chose from associated objects?!
2010 Jun 29
belongs_to. Association methods don't pass data to DB
Hi. I have a problem with the association methods which passed to a model through a belongs_to declaration. Here''s an illustration of the issue: GIVEN: # migration class CreateArticlesAndAuthorsTables < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     create_table :articles do |t|       t.text     :title       t.integer :author_id     end     create_table :authors do |t|       t.text
2006 Nov 04
Problem with installing/running domU OS on HVM machine
Hi, I have problem installing or running domU OS (Windows XP or Redhat 7.3). The machine runs CentOS 4.4 X86_64, Xen-3.0.3. Paravirtual domU works without problem. The problem is that when I run command "xm create <config>", nothing would happen. hvmloader does not seem get started at all. I''ve tried installing both 64bit and 32bit vnc, sdl but did not see any
2006 Jan 22
suggest for "ambiguous column" when JOIN associated tables
Today I face with incorrect behavior in ActiveRecord. It take place when I try to use :include parameter for .find method. Where are two typical cases: 1. You have record with self-referential joins CREATE TABLE keywords (id, group_id); class Keyword < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :group, :class_name => "Keyword", :foreign_key =>
2006 Sep 21
post.author_id or ? Rails bug?
Hi all! I have just found something very strange. Let''s imagine that I have posts that belong to an author. If I do the following (the order doesn''t matter): = Author.find(3) apost.author_id = 2 I get a post that has both an :author_id => 2 attribute, and an associated Author with id 3. Then,, and the author_id in the DB is 3. I think that this
2009 May 24
belongs_to not saving foreign key
Under Rails 2.3.2 using a completely brand new project, I have 2 models: class Author < ActiveRecord::Base # name:string end class Book < ActiveRecord::Base # title:string belongs_to :author # author_id end And a simple test where i create a Book with an Author using the belongs_to and then update the foreign key directly: require ''test_helper'' class BookTest
2014 Apr 16
Configure restful web service in rails
Hi, I am trying to create a Rest web service in my rails application. I need to configure urls for it as below. localhost:3000/book/book_id/new/param1/param2/param3/param4/... localhost:3000/book/book_id/next localhost:3000/book/book_id/delete I dont have a view pages for it since it returns in json format.Please help.So what is the best way to configure these urls via
2006 Jun 13
Dead horse: validates_associated
Regarding validates_associated... Let''s say I have: article belongs_to author But for whatever reason, I want an article to also be written anonymously and therefore not require an author. Then I have: Article: belongs_to :author validates_associated :author But I DON''T have validates_presence_of. What I want to do is validate that an author is valid --if it is
2006 Feb 18
Naming join models
I''ve been playing around with EdgeRails and checking out some of the new features. The one that will probably have the biggest affect on my designs is join models (or :through associations). For those not familiar with this feature, it lets you replace your habtm association with a pair of has_many associations indirected through an intermediate model class. Looks like good
2009 Aug 17
Problem with setter override on ActiveRecord
(This message was originally written on StackOverflow -- the formatting is much prettier there -- This is not exactly a question, it''s rather a report on how I solved an issue with write_attribute when the attribute is an object, on Rails'' Active Record. I hope this can be useful to others
2010 Aug 28
validates_uniqueness_of missing in rails 3.0 rc2?
Has anybody noticed validates_uniqueness_of missing in rails 3.0 rc2? I''m not sure if this is a bug or I''m just doing something wrong. Here''s what I''m doing. Class 1: class Title < ActiveRecord::Base validates_length_of :language, :is => 3 validates_uniqueness_of :language, :scope => :book_id validate :language,
2009 Aug 10
Call AR belongs_to association accessor ID method on object assignment
Hi, Haven''t been able to find this raised before but I''m sure it must have been. When assigning an object to a belongs_to association I would like it to call the *association*_id= method instead of directly updating the attributes array. This is because I want to modify the behaviour when assigning a particular object without writing separate methods for whether it''s
2005 Nov 08
TX/RX ring buffer allocation (xen-unstable)
Hi, I did not find any hints in the web where to configure/setup/manipulate the rx/tx ring buffer allocation within dom0 for xen-unstable, maybe someone here can nudge me towards the right knob. The problem: when booting a handful of domUs and connecting them (comprising a small experimental IP network with links and nodes etc.), some interfaces that have been given by the configuration files
2009 Dec 26
Does :class_name for belongs_to have to be a string and why?
Seemingly, when I use a symbol, I get an ActiveRecord error stating ''Can''t convert symbol into String.'' Why can''t I use a symbol here? Possibly this is a deeper misunderstanding of symbols in general on my part. #ActiveRecord error class Book < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :author, :class_name => :Person, :foreign_key => :author_id end #works