similar to: new package multipol

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "new package multipol"

2008 Feb 04
a != a*1 != a+0 != +a
hits=1.0 tests=MANY_EXCLAMATIONS X-USF-Spam-Flag: NO Hi I am writing a package for multivariate polynomials ('multipols') using S3 methods. The package includes a Ops.multipol() function for the arithmetic methods; I would like to define some sort of user-specified Boolean option which, if set, would force results to be simplified as they are produced. Call this option
2008 Jan 07
S3 vs S4 for a simple package
I am writing a package and need to decide whether to use S3 or S4. I have a single class, "multipol"; this needs methods for "[" and "[<-" and I also need a print (or show) method and methods for arithmetic +- */^. In S4, an object of class "multipol" has one slot that holds an array. Objects of class "multipol" require specific arithmetic
2011 Jan 26
Bivariate polynomials in R
Have you ever worked in R with bivariate polynomials? How did you implement simple operators like addition/multiplication? I found a package called multipol that seems to support these kinds of operators but I do keep receiving error. Check for example the following snippet of code (you can copy & paste) require('orthopolynom') require('polynom') require('multipol')
2008 May 07
optional setValidity()
Hi Suppose I have an S4 class "foo" and a validity checking function ".checkfoo()": setClass("foo", representation=representation("numeric")) setValidity("foo" , .checkfoo) is fine; in my application, .checkfoo() verifies that a bunch of necessary conditions are met. But .checkfoo() is very time consuming and I want to give users the option
2008 Jan 14
Hi [this after some considerable thought as to R-help vs R-devel] I want to write a (S3) method for as.function(); toy example follows. Given a matrix "a", I need to evaluate trace(ax) as a function of (matrix) "x". Here's a trace function: tr <- function (a) { i <- seq_len(nrow(a)) return(sum(a[cbind(i, i)])) } How do I accomplish the following:
2007 Dec 19
array addition
Hi suppose I have two arrays x1,x2 of dimensions a1,b1,c1 and a2,b2,c2 respectively. I want x = x1 "+" x2 with dimensions c(max(a1,a2), max(b1,b2),max (c1,c2)) with x[a,b,c] = x1[a1,b1,c1] + x2[a2,b2,c2] if a <=min(a1,a2) , b<=min (b1,b2), c<=min(c1,c2) and the other bits either x1 or x2 or zero according to whether the coordinates are "in range" for
2008 Feb 11
PDF with computationally expensive normalizing constant
Hi I am writing some functionality for a multivariate PDF. One problem is that evaluating the normalizing constant (NC) is massively computationally intensive [one recent example took 4 hours and bigger examples would take much much longer] and it would be good allow for this in the design of the package somehow. For example, the likelihood function doesn't need the NC but (eg) the
2007 Dec 18
branch cuts of log() and sqrt()
Dear developers Neither Math.Rd nor Log.Rd mention the branch cuts that appear for complex arguments. I think it's important to include such information. Please find following two context diffs for Log.Rd and Math.Rd. [The pedants amongst us will observe that both sqrt() and log() have a branch point at complex infinity, which is not mentioned in the patch. Comments anyone?] rksh
2008 Mar 26
S4 slot with NA default
Hi How do I specify an S4 class with a slot that is potentially numeric, but NA by default? I want the slot to be NA until I calculate its value (an expensive operation, not needed for all applications). When its value is known, I will create a new object with the correct value inserted in the slot. I want "NA" to signify "not known". My attempt fails because
2008 Apr 02
"[<-" plus drop-type extra argument
Hello I am writing a replacement method for an S4 class and want to pass an additional argument to "[<-"() along the lines of "["()'s "drop" argument. Specifically, I have an S4 class, call it "foo", with a slot 'x' that is a vector and a slot 'NC' that is a scalar. I want to be able to pass a Boolean argument to the
2007 Nov 02
vignettes and papers
Hello everyone Lots of my packages have been the subject of journal articles either in JSS or Rnews or (in one case) elsewhere. I would like to add these articles to my packages as vignettes. Reproducing the papers exactly requires a number of files [such as style files or PDFs] to be included in the inst/doc directory to pass R CMD check. A vanilla .Rnw file seems to be a good idea, but
2006 Aug 30
setMethod() and log()
Hi I am having difficulty with setMethod(). I have a "brob" class of objects whose representation has two slots: "x" and "positive". Slot "x" (double) holds the log of a number and slot "positive" (logical) its sign. The idea is that large numbers can be handled. I'm trying to implement a log() method using an analogue of the
2004 Nov 18
Fwd: Re: 3d scatter plot with drop line
Hi try this: p3dpairs <- function(x,x1, xlim=NULL,ylim=NULL,zlim=NULL,col=par("col"), pch=par("pch"), cex=par("cex"), ...){ if(is.matrix(x)){ z <- x[,3] y <- x[,2] x <- x[,1] } if(is.matrix(x1)){ z1 <- x1[,3] y1 <- x1[,2] x1 <- x1[,1] } if(missing(zlim)) { z.grid <-
2005 Jan 07
Visualizing complex analytic functions using domain coloring
Hi has anyone coded up domain colouring for visualizing complex analytic functions (such as elliptic functions)? [ the idea is to depict a complex function f(z) using a filled.contour() variant in which the hue is given by Arg(f(z)), and the saturation by Mod(f(z)). ] -- Robin Hankin Uncertainty Analyst Southampton Oceanography Centre European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK tel
2005 Apr 29
accuracy of test cases
Hi I have several methods for evaluating a function. The methods are algebraically identical but use different numerical techniques. The different methods work better (converge faster, etc) in different parts of the function's domain. I am compiling a test suite for a package, and would like to verify that the different methods return approximately identical results. Toy example
2005 Jul 04
prototypes for z_sin() and z_cos()
Hi I have been looking at complex.c and want to access z_cos() and z_sin () from C in one of my packages. There doesn't seem to be a corresponding header file: there is no complex.h file. Where are the prototypes of z_sin() and z_cos() for these functions? grepping didn't help me: find ~/downloads/R-2.1.1/ -name "*.h " | xargs egrep "z_cos"
2005 Sep 01
generic function S3 consistency warning advice
Hi section 6.1 of R-exts suggests that a package can take over a function in the base package and make it generic. I want to do this with Re() and have the following lines in my R code: "Re" <- function(x){UseMethod("Re" )} "Re.default" <- get("Re" ,pos=NULL,mode="function") "Re.octonion" <- function(x){give.comp(x,1)}
2006 Jul 26
largest acceptable lookup table in a package
Hi One of my packages needs a look-up table of pre-calculated numbers in the data directory. I would like to have the matrix as large as possible. What is the largest size matrix that would be an acceptable datafile in an R package? [ The table is a square, upper triangular matrix consisting of logs of Stirling numbers calculated by Maple. As discussed on the List a few days ago (thanks
2006 Sep 01
setMethod("Logic", ...)
Hi In V&R the "polynomial" class is explicitly specified to have no logical operators: setMethod("Logic", signature(e1="polynomial"), function(e1,e2){stop ("...")}) I too have a class of objects for which I want to specify that Logic operators do not work, but executing setClass("brob", representation = representation
2007 Jun 27
inherits() and virtual classes
Hi How do I test for an object having a particular virtual class? In the following, "onion" is a virtual class, and "octonion" is a non-virtual class contained in onion. The last call to inherits() gives FALSE [R-2.5.0], when inherits.Rd led me to expect TRUE. setClass("onion", representation = "VIRTUAL" )