similar to: new candisc package on CRAN

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "new candisc package on CRAN"

2010 Jul 29
[R-pkgs] heplots 0.9-3 and candisc 0.5-18 released to CRAN
I've just released the latest R-Forge versions of heplots 0.9-3 and candisc 0.5-18 to CRAN. They should appear there within a day or two. == heplots The heplots package provides functions for visualizing hypothesis tests in multivariate linear models (MANOVA, multivariate multiple regression, MANCOVA, etc.). They represent sums-of-squares-and-products matrices for linear hypotheses and for
2007 Sep 12
constructing an lm() formula in a function
I'm working on some functions for generalized canonical discriminant analysis in conjunction with the heplots package. I've written a candisc.mlm function that takes an mlm object and computes a candisc object containing canonical scores, coeficients, etc. But I'm stumped on how to construct a mlm for the canonical scores, in a function using the *same* right-hand-side of the model
2008 Oct 29
sessionInfo() error
[Using R 2.7.2 on Windows XP] After re-building our heplots package, I've begun to get the following error from sessionInfo(), even though it passes R CMD check and builds without errors: > sessionInfo() Error in x$Priority : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors In addition: Warning message: In FUN(c("MASS", "heplots", "car", "rgl",
2008 Nov 17
CITATION file with multiple citEntry(): no BibTeX produced by citation()
[Using R 2.8.0 / Win XP / ] I just added a CITATION file to the heplots package--- appended below. From the document ion for ?CITATION, there can be *one or more* calls to citEntry() within the CITATION file, and each should produce an object of class "citation". With just a single citEntry(), citation produces the expected output, with BibTeX entry: >
2008 Dec 10
trouble loading candisc
Hello, I am having trouble loading the package candisc onto my R distribution. I am using 2.7.1-2. I do a "> install.packages("candisc" and get the following output. Warning in install.packages("candisc") : argument 'lib' is missing: using '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library' --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Loading Tcl/Tk
2008 Dec 11
candisc plotting
Hello, I have a file with two dependent variables (three and five) and one independent variable. I do i.mod <- lm(cbind(three, five) ~ species, data=i.txt) and get the following output: Coefficients: three five (Intercept) 9.949 9.586 species -1.166 -1.156 I do a" i.can<-candisc(i.mod,data=i): and get the following output: Canonical Discriminant Analysis
2007 Aug 28
help with aggregate(): tables of means for terms in an mlm
I'm trying to extend some work in the car and heplots packages that requires getting a table of multivariate means for one (or later, more) terms in an mlm object. I can do this for concrete examples, using aggregate(), but can't figure out how to generalize it. I want to return a result that has the factor-level combinations as rownames, and the means as the body of the table
2008 Jun 16
candisc() error message
Hi, I am doing canonical discriminant analysis using candisc function from the candisc package. My input is a table of species distribution (columns = abundance of each species in each sample) in samples that are split by categories (rows), and I want to know whether each category is associated with a particular set of species and their abundances. I have 20 rows (samples) split into 6
2009 Jan 19
Hello, I have a question regarding the candisc package. My data are: species three five 1 2.95 6.63 1 2.53 7.79 1 3.57 5.65 1 3.16 5.47 2 2.58 4.46 2 2.16 6.22 2 3.27 3.52 I put these in a table and then a linear model >newdata <- lm(cbind(three, five) ~ species, data=rawdata) and then do a candisc on them >candata<-candisc(newdata)
2010 Feb 10
heplot3d / rgl : example causes R GUI to crash
[Env: Tested under Win Xp, R 2.9.2 and R 2.10.1; sessionInfo() at end] I've run into a problem with the heplot3d() function in my heplots package which causes the R GUI to crash ('R for Windows GUI encountered a problem and needs to close...'). I think the problem comes from an rgl call, but, I can't get a traceback or other information because my R session crashes. I've
2009 Apr 11
Error in R CMD check 2.8.1
Env: R 2.8.1, Win Xp, Eclipse/StatET In a .Rd file, I have an example containing the lines: # calculate Y M, using polynomial contrasts trends <- as.matrix(VocabGrowth) %*% poly(8:11, degree=3) colnames(trends)<- c("Linear", "Quad", "Cubic") [At the risk of a long message, I'll append the complete .Rd file at the end of this message, in case this was
2009 Mar 31
Package candisc
Hi listers, I am working on an canonical discriminant analysis, but I am having some trouble to use the CANDISC function... I just installed the last R version and installed the package CANDISC... But, I am getting the following message because about a permission: The downloaded packages are in C:\Users\Marcio\AppData\Local\Temp\Rtmpz2kFUm\downloaded_packages updating HTML package descriptions
2010 Apr 15
[R-pkgs] vcdExtra 0.5-0 is released to CRAN
I'm pleased to announce the release of the vcdExtra package, v. 0.5-0 from R-Forge to CRAN, on its way to a CRAN server near you. vcdExtra was originally designed to serve as a sandbox for introducing extensions of mosaic plots and other visualizations for categorical data, particularly those that apply to (poisson surrogate) loglinear models fitted using glm() and related, generalized
2007 May 15
apt-get update: GPG error from
I recently was forced to do a dist-upgrade and rebuild my kernel, so a lot has changed on my system, and I don't know if that is related to the errors & warnings I get from apt-get update. Any ideas? thanks -Michael euclid:~# apt-get update Get: 1 stable Release.gpg [378B] Get: 2 stable/updates Release.gpg [189B] Get: 3
2011 Aug 22
CRAN packages maintained by you
It is A Good Thing to regularize Authors and Maintainers of packages, particularly for citation() and toBibTex(). Could I add a suggested TODO item for the maintainer of package.skeleton and friends to help reinforce this for new packages: - Please add appropriate templates for Author at R in the skeleton DESCRIPTION file generated, indicating the proper format as well as the use of role= to
2004 Feb 20
problem with abline for x.y
I'm trying to do a sunflowerplot of Galton's data, with both regression lines and data ellipses, and I must be doing something wrong, because the lines do not intersect at \bar{x}, \bar{y}. The problem is likely in the line for x.y, but I don't know how to specify that correctly. The data is read in grouped form( galton), and then ungrouped (galton2): galton <-
2012 Feb 09
passing an extra argument to an S3 generic
I'm trying to write some functions extending influence measures to multivariate linear models and also allow subsets of size m>=1 to be considered for deletion diagnostics. I'd like these to work roughly parallel to those functions for the univariate lm where only single case deletion (m=1) diagnostics are considered. Corresponding to stats::hatvalues.lm, the S3 method for class
2010 Sep 14
influence measures for multivariate linear models
I'm following up on a question I posted 8/10/2010, but my newsreader has lost this thread. > Barrett & Ling, JASA, 1992, v.87(417), pp184-191 define general > classes of influence measures for multivariate > regression models, including analogs of Cook's D, Andrews & Pregibon > COVRATIO, etc. As in univariate > response models, these are based on leverage and
2005 Jan 17
debian /etc/apt/sources.list for CRAN?
When I set up my debian linux (unstable) system, the only R debian packages were on CRAN, so I followed directions and added the last line to my /etc/apt/sources.list euclid: # m /etc/apt/sources.list deb unstable main non-free contrib deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free deb unixteam-debs/
2010 Nov 03
R package BibTex entries: looking for a more general solution
== Summary == * Problem: BibTeX entries extracted from R packages via citation() require too much manual editing to be of general use. * Proposal: Date: fields should be made mandatory in package DESCRIPTION files, perhaps beginning with warnings from R CMD check * Proposal: Package authors should be encouraged to use a (new) Contributors: field in the DESCRIPTION file rather than packing all