similar to: pls version 1.1-0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "pls version 1.1-0"

2007 Jan 02
pls version 2.0-0
Version 2.0-0 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. The pls package implements partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). Features of the package include - Several plsr algorithms: orthogonal scores, kernel pls and simpls - Flexible cross-validation - A formula interface, with traditional methods like predict, coef, plot and summary - Functions
2007 Jan 02
pls version 2.0-0
Version 2.0-0 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. The pls package implements partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). Features of the package include - Several plsr algorithms: orthogonal scores, kernel pls and simpls - Flexible cross-validation - A formula interface, with traditional methods like predict, coef, plot and summary - Functions
2007 Oct 26
pls version 2.1-0
Version 2.1-0 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. The pls package implements partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). Features of the package include - Several plsr algorithms: orthogonal scores, kernel pls, wide kernel pls, and simpls - Flexible cross-validation - A formula interface, with traditional methods like predict, coef, plot and
2007 Oct 26
pls version 2.1-0
Version 2.1-0 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. The pls package implements partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). Features of the package include - Several plsr algorithms: orthogonal scores, kernel pls, wide kernel pls, and simpls - Flexible cross-validation - A formula interface, with traditional methods like predict, coef, plot and
2011 May 17
help with PLSR Loadings
Hi When I call for the loadings of my plsr using the command, x <- loadings(BHPLS1) my loadings contain variable names rather than numbers. >str(x) loadings [1:94727, 1:10] -0.00113 -0.03001 -0.00059 -0.00734 -0.02969 ... - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2 ..$ : chr [1:94727] "PCIList1" "PCIList2" "PCIList3" "PCIList4" ... ..$ : chr
2011 Jun 08
Help with plotting plsr loadings
Hi I am attempting to do a loadings plot from a plsr object. I have managed to do this using the gasoline data that comes with the pls package. However when I conduct this on my dataset i get the following error message. >plot(BHPLS1, "loadings", comps = 1:2, legendpos = "topleft", labels = "numbers", >xlab = "nm") Error in
2007 May 25
R-About PLSR
hi R help group, I have installed PLS package in R and use it for princomp & prcomp commands for calculating PCA using its example file(USArrests example). But How I can use PLS for Partial least square, R square, mvrCv one more think how i can import external file in R. When I use plsr, R2, RMSEP it show error could not find function plsr, RMSEP etc. How I can calculate PLS, R2, RMSEP, PCR,
2006 Feb 23
pls version 1.2-0
Version 1.2-0 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. The pls package implements partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). Features of the package include - Several plsr algorithms: orthogonal scores, kernel pls and simpls - Flexible cross-validation - A formula interface, with traditional methods like predict, coef, plot and summary - Functions
2006 Feb 23
pls version 1.2-0
Version 1.2-0 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. The pls package implements partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). Features of the package include - Several plsr algorithms: orthogonal scores, kernel pls and simpls - Flexible cross-validation - A formula interface, with traditional methods like predict, coef, plot and summary - Functions
2005 May 12
pls -- crossval vs plsr(..., CV=TRUE)
Hi, Newbie question about the pls package. Setup: Mac OS 10.3.9 R: Aqua GUI 1.01, v 2.0.1 I want to get R^2 and Q^2 (LOO and Leave-10-Out) values for each component for my model. I was running into a few problems so I played with the example a little and the results do not match up with the comments in the help pages. $ library(pls) $ data(NIR) $ testing.plsNOCV <- plsr(y ~ X, 6, data =
2011 Oct 21
use of segments in PLS
How to use the segments in the PLS fit1 <- mvr(formula=Y~X1+X2+X3+X4+x5+....+x27, data=Dataset, comp=5,segment =7 ) here when i use segments,the error was like this rror in mvrCv(X, Y, ncomp, method = method, scale = sdscale, ...) : argument 7 matches multiple formal arguments Please help -- View this message in context:
2006 Apr 27
pls package: bugfix release 1.2-1
Version 1.2-1 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. This is mainly a bugfix-release. If you fit multi-response models, you are strongly engouraged to upgrade! The main changes since 1.2-0 are - Fixed bug in that resulted in incorrect results when fitting mulitresponse models with fewer responses than predictors - Changed default radii in corrplot() - It is now
2006 Apr 27
pls package: bugfix release 1.2-1
Version 1.2-1 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. This is mainly a bugfix-release. If you fit multi-response models, you are strongly engouraged to upgrade! The main changes since 1.2-0 are - Fixed bug in that resulted in incorrect results when fitting mulitresponse models with fewer responses than predictors - Changed default radii in corrplot() - It is now
2013 Jul 13
Alternative to eval(cl, parent.frame()) ?
Dear developeRs, I maintain a package 'pls', which has a main fit function mvr(), and functions plsr() and pcr() which are meant to take the same arguments as mvr() and do exactly the same, but have different default values for the 'method' argument. The three functions are all exported from the name space. In the 'pre namespace' era, I took inspiration from lm() and
2007 Jul 06
about R, RMSEP, R2, PCR
Hi, I want to calculate PLS package in R. Now I want to calculate R, MSEP, RMSEP and R2 of PLSR and PCR using this. I also add this in library of R. How I can calculate R, MSEP, RMSEP and R2 of PLSR and PCR in R. I s any other method then please also suggest me. Simply I want to calculate these value. Thanking you. -- Nitish Kumar Mishra Junior Research Fellow BIC, IMTECH, Chandigarh, India
2008 Mar 21
what is mvrCv PRESS?
Hello! I have a problem with the multivariante regression function mvr (PLS package) with leave-one-out validation. In the value ...$validation there are the $PRESSs listed. I found in the literature PRESS is the sum of squares of observed minus predicted. Well, I don't understand how PRESS can grow with a better model (which indicated by more the use of more latent variables
2005 Jul 05
PLS: problem transforming scores to variable space
Dear List! I am trying to calculate the distance between original data points and their position in the PLS model. In order to do this, I tried to predict the scores using the predict.mvr function and calculate the corresponding positions in variable space. The prediction of scores works perfectly: ------ data(trees) # build model t<-plsr(Volume~.,data=trees) # predict scores for training
2012 Aug 10
Direct Method Age-Adjustment to Complex Survey Data
Hi everyone, my apologies in advance if I'm overlooking something simple in this question. I am trying to use R's survey package to make a direct method age-adjustment to some complex survey data. I have played with postStratify, calibrate, rake, and simply multiplying the base weights by the correct proportions - nothing seems to hit the published numbers on the nose. I am trying to
2005 May 22
pls version 1.0-3
Version 1.0-3 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. The pls package implements partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). Features of the package include - Several plsr algorithms: orthogonal scores, kernel pls and simpls - Flexible cross-validation - A formula interface, with traditional methods like predict, coef, plot and summary - Functions
2005 May 22
pls version 1.0-3
Version 1.0-3 of the pls package is now available on CRAN. The pls package implements partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). Features of the package include - Several plsr algorithms: orthogonal scores, kernel pls and simpls - Flexible cross-validation - A formula interface, with traditional methods like predict, coef, plot and summary - Functions