similar to: [S] Gstat: multivariable geostatistics for S (R and S-Plus)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "[S] Gstat: multivariable geostatistics for S (R and S-Plus)"

2004 Jun 16
gstat 0.9-12: cokriging cross validation and class name incompatibilities
I uploaded gstat 0.9-12 to CRAN, which has a few important changes: 1. Cokriging cross validation Cokriging cross validation is now possible with the function you simply pass a multivariable gstat object, and cross validation is done for the first variable in the object. Optionally, secondary variable records at locations coinciding with the validation locations are removed. 2. Class
2004 Jun 16
gstat 0.9-12: cokriging cross validation and class name incompatibilities
I uploaded gstat 0.9-12 to CRAN, which has a few important changes: 1. Cokriging cross validation Cokriging cross validation is now possible with the function you simply pass a multivariable gstat object, and cross validation is done for the first variable in the object. Optionally, secondary variable records at locations coinciding with the validation locations are removed. 2. Class
2003 Oct 02
Are package maintainers responsible for name-mangling class names?
The following came up when Roger Bivand and I discussed R's name spaces and overlap in packages, in the bus to the field trip during StatGIS, last Tuesday: If two packages create the same class, say "variogram", and both are loaded, then using a method for an object of class "variogram" cannot discriminate between them and will call the method in the package loaded last.
2006 Jun 03
default value for cutoff in gstat variogram()
I wonder what is the default value for the argument 'cutoff' when not specified in the variogram.formula function of gstat. Computing variogram envelops within gstat, I am comparing the results obtained with variog in geoR and variogram in gstat, and it took me a while before understanding that the cutoff default value is not the maximum distance. Can Edzer tell us about it? All the
2008 Aug 05
LIDAR Problem in R (THANKS for HELP)
Hi All, I am a PhD student in forestry science and I am working with LiDAR data set (huge data set). I am a brand-new in R and geostatistic (SORRY, my background it?s in forestry) but I wish improve my skill for improve myself. I wish to develop a methodology to processing a large data-set of points (typical in LiDAR) but there is a problem with memory. I had created a subsample data-base but
2003 Jun 26
krige in gstat() package
HI, I wonder does anyone have experience with doing sequential gaussian simulation with krige() function in gstat? I find it VERY slow compared to use krige() to achieve kriging function itself.. I wonder why, is that because it has to model the variogram, and do the kriging separately for each point to be simulated? so it would be N times slower to achieve the simulation than the kriging if
2006 Jan 10
new gstat version
Soon on CRAN a new version of package gstat will emerge, which has a few minor changes and possible incompatibilities w.r.t. the previous version(s). The new gstat (0.9-23) now: + depends on sp, and uses internally with Spatial* classes from sp if data are provided in the old-fashoned way (as data.frame) + has a vignette to get you started with the classes in sp + defines krige as a generic;
2006 Jan 10
new gstat version
Soon on CRAN a new version of package gstat will emerge, which has a few minor changes and possible incompatibilities w.r.t. the previous version(s). The new gstat (0.9-23) now: + depends on sp, and uses internally with Spatial* classes from sp if data are provided in the old-fashoned way (as data.frame) + has a vignette to get you started with the classes in sp + defines krige as a generic;
2003 Aug 17
(no subject)
Hi all, >str(df) `data.frame': 31837 obs. of 3 variables: $ x : num 410683 410700 410720 410740 410324 ... $ y : num 43136 43126 43123 43125 42709 ... $ wz: num -101.1 -94.9 -93.3 -94.5 30.8 ... >library(gstat) >g<-gstat(id="rv",form=wz~1,loc=~x+y,data=df,model=mat,nmax=500,set=list(average=1)) >str(g) List of 3 $ data :List of 1 ..$ rv:List of 10 ..
2015 Aug 06
Duda interpolación (package ' gstat ')
Sale plano sí. Ya se que sin tener los datos y el código es un poco difícil, pero es que mis datos ocupan mucho, es imposible. Seguiré mirando por internet. Muchas gracias Rubén. Un saludo, > To: r-help-es en > From: rubenfcasal en > Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 14:21:47 +0200 > Subject: Re: [R-es] Duda interpolación (package ' gstat ') > > Hola
2003 Apr 17
kriging in R
Hi If you read the description of "varcov.spatial" you'll see that it is used to *predict* a covariance matrix, based on the parameters of the covariance function. So you don't need the oebserved data, you need parameters for the covariance function. Regards EJ On Thu, 2003-04-17 at 05:43, Yan Yu wrote: > THanks for the suggestion. > I have a Q when trying to use it..
2012 Dec 17
How to make Ordinary Kriging using gstat predict?
Hi, I am new in R and trying to implement an algorithm which makes ordinary kriging by using gstat library and the predict method. I use the predict method as following: First, I create an object g: g <- gstat(id="tec", formula=TEC ~ 1, data=data) ## Create gstat object called g And then I use this object in the predict. p <- predict.gstat(g, model=mod, newdata=predGrid,
2015 Aug 04
Duda interpolación (package ' gstat ')
Hola, # Hacemos el KED. Ver función "krige()": KED.rad <- krige( formula=pluvPcp~layer, # covariable -> radar locations=lluvia.rad.pluv.spdf, newdata=radarGrid, # podría ser cualquier objeto Spatial, # modelo de semivariograma. maxdist=Inf
2010 Aug 31
VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a 'integer (gstat problem)
Hi there, I have a problem using gstat when attempting to fit a regression-kriging model to my data. I have successfully carried out a stepwise regression on my data and I have the model residuals. However when I try to apply a variogram to the residuals I get the following error message; *>>>Error in grid.newpage() : * * VECTOR_ELT() can only be applied to a 'list', not a
2006 Nov 27
[R-sig-Geo] plot() and Jpeg() increase font size and resolution
Thanks to Edzer and Roger, I can now plot with increased font sizes. However, jpeg still does not reproduce these, nor does it show up in high quality. What I would like to do is produce some highresolution jpegs. Any help would be appreciated Thanx Herry R2.4 on Mandriva 10.2 linux. Dr Alexander Herr Spatial and statistical analyst CSIRO, Sustainable Ecosystems Davies Laboratory, University
2007 Jan 05
gstat package. "singular" attibute
Hello, I'm using the gstat package within R for an automated procedure that uses ordinary kriging. I can see that there is a logical ("singular") atrtibute of some adjusted model semivariograms: .- attr(*, "singular")= logi TRUE I cannot find documentation about the exact meaning and the implications of this attribute, and I dont know anything about the inner calculations
2005 Oct 17
[R-sig-Geo] rGeo vs. gstat
Schlatter Christian wrote: >Dear list members > > > >I'm very new to R but a little informed about geostatistics. > >As I was looking for possibilities of geostatistical analysis in R I encountered at least two very interesting packages: > > > >Rgeo and gstat > > > >And of course I'm wondering now about the one which fits better my needs
2008 Aug 07
3d kriging et al
R Users: ...been working with the sp and gstat packages for the past couple of days in an effort to analyze a set of ~ 200 soil samples collected from various eastings, northings, and depths and containing a wide range of measured hydrocarbon concentrations. Thus far, I've managed to import the data, log-transform the concentrations, assign coordinates, generate and fit a variogram model and
2003 Mar 07
REML option in gstat
Hi, please help!! I've been trying to fit variogram models using the REML method in the gstat package. Every time the Windows GUI crashes. For example library(gstat) data(meuse) x <- variogram(zinc ~ 1, ~x + y, meuse) v <- vgm(140000, "Sph", 800, nug = 10000) plot(x, model = fit.variogram(x, model = v, fit.method=5)) Other fit methods are non problematic (eg. fit.method=7
2017 Sep 24
R version 3.3.2, Windows 10: gstat package: Error in fitting a variogram model using 'fit.variogram' function
Dear Members, I am trying to fit a variogram model using fit.variogram function from the gstat package. The figure showing my experimental variogram can be seen here: My code line for this operation is: ><-fit.variogram(c2.vgm.exp,vgm(nugget=0, psill=400,model="Exp",range =40000),fit.method = 7) The system throws following error