similar to: What do you use RJS for?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "What do you use RJS for?"

2006 Apr 07
RJS support "toggle" effect?
Does RJS inherently support the Element.toggle effect? I haven''t been able to call it the way you call "appear", "fade", etc... Jeff -- Posted via
2006 May 04
Ajas Scaffolding and RJS Templates the same thing?
Hey all, I''m just starting in rails and am working on my first app. I need to do inline editing for 2-15 rows of data on a page. I found Ajax Scaffolding here: And it is EXACTLY what I want in my app. But I''ve also been trying to read a bit up on RJS Templates. Are they basically the same things except RJS is built into rails or is the
2006 Apr 04
Ajax Effects Tutorial
Hi there, I am in love with rails... And now I want to rule Ajax effects with rails. Where could I find a book like: Ajax on Rails? :) Tutorials will be welcome too. Thanks in advance. Fernando Lujan
2006 Apr 14
RJS Templates & Safari?
Hello, I tried Cody Fauser RJS tutorial ( on my railsplayground dev site and got it to work when using Firefox, but when I tried it on Safari, nothing happens. Then I tried this tutorial - Similarly, it works fine on Firefox... but with Safari the list is not
2006 Jun 13
RJS Templates for Rails
I''m happy to announce the availability of RJS Templates for Rails published by O''Reilly. The book covers all aspects and features of RJS that are included in Rails 1.1. It also walks through a few examples, debugging with FireBug, and finishes off with some reference material. The book is 56 pages and is available in PDF format. I''m really happy with how the book has
2008 May 13
calling another rjs file in an if condition
Hi I have a controller action like below.This def is called by a submit_to_remote def edit_service_desk_status_after_transfer if params[:transfer_reason].empty? #This is used in the :failure of submit_to_remote else @sd_ticket = ServiceDeskTicket.find(params[:sd_id]) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do @sd_status_history =
2009 Sep 25
Cheapest Rails Hosting where they give you full access to Apache (to load modules etc)???
any pointers / suggestions re cheapest Rails hosting where they give you full access to Apache (to load modules etc)??? Can be a shared platform, however not sure if there is a shared platform type hosting service where they do give you such access?
2007 Apr 15
5 down?
I can''t access my account page, my hosting page or their main site? Anyone else having this issue as well? traceroutes and pings return nothing at present. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2006 Aug 02
RJS not cross browser compatible?
I have an RJS template that does the following page.insert_html :bottom, "some_id", ''<tr id="some_id"><td></td></tr>'' This works just find in safari and firefox. In IE and Opera it doesn''t work so great. Any ideas? Am I doing something wrong here? -- Posted via
2005 Sep 12
RailsPlayground Beta Launch - Free Rails Hosting
I have launched a free Ruby on Rails hosting site as my gift back to the rails community. For details visit -- Joe Clarke
2006 May 09
Reusing a model to form and link_to.
Hy guys, Inside my app I have a form which contains user information. Sometimes a have a form with a text_field as above: <%= form_remote_tag(:html => { :action => url_for(:controller => "my_controller", :action => "my_action") }) %> <%= text_field(''my_object'', ''my_parameter'', :maxlength =>
2006 May 17
Slackware 10.2
Hi guys, I'm trying to use asterisk with my slackware 10.2 box. Kernel 2.6.13 from the testing... The udevd are not creating the /dev/zap devices. Someone already have success installing asterisk over slackware? Thanks in advance. Fernando Lujan
2006 Jun 16
RJS replaces JavaScript?
Hi All, I am currently devleoping a Rails application and I need to do following as part of client side operations, 1. HTML Form validations 2. AJAX I am currently calling Javascript methods from views of my application; I heard about RJS(Remote Javascripts) templates; are the replacing Javascript altogether? can I use RJS for HTML Form validations and AJAX? What I believe is that with RJS
2006 Feb 08
RJS templates before, during and after
RJS templates are nifty. They let you put all sorts of fun effects all over your bland html pages without too much work. The link_to_remote function also lets you run scripts before, during, and after an AJAX call is run by using callbacks. There does not seem to be an equivalent method for running an RJS template before or during an action. Rendering it at the end is no problem. One
2006 Jul 18
Agile Web Developement with Rails
I recently got a copy of the second addition in PDF and got stuck on the Ajax portion using highlighting page 128. While trying to make my cart flash I got an RJS error when I click add to cart. I have gone back and made sure my code matched what was in the book but no help. I sent Dave an email and he rec''d this list. Anybody got any good links for troubleshooting Ajax or maybe have see
2006 Jun 13
strange RJS behavior
I used RJS extensively in my last web app with no problem. I''m just beginning a new one and having a very odd problem. The called method, get_names, retrieves some values from the database, then ends: render :layout => false the get_names.rjs file is rendered into Javascript, but then is just dumped as Javascript (text) into the browser: e.g: try {
2006 Apr 27
RJS & Ajax question...
Hi, I''m trying to convert an older Rails application to use Ajax. I''ve already moved my edit and show actions so that, instead of displaying as separate pages, they appear in a <div> on my list view. However, I have two problems: 1) When the user saves the changes, I want to put all the ajax changes in an RJS template. However, form_remote_tag :url =>{:action =>
2006 Apr 27
Execute controller function from RJS
Hi all, I wonder if it is somehow possible to execture or redirect to a controller function from RJS? Right now I do: def foo() render :partial => ''executeagain'' end _executeagain.rhtml <script> new Ajax.Updater(''elmntID'', ''/test/foo/'', {evalScripts:true}); </script> This will loop I know :) How can I achieve the same
2007 Jan 16
RJS - What the the advantages? / Why use?
Hi, I''ve read up on RJS and understand the concept/how-to-use. It''s still not clear in my mind when and why to use RJS? Can anyone drop in a couple of bullet points re advantages + when/why would RJS make sense? Thanks --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2006 Apr 21
rjs in multiple ajax page
Sorry for the long explanation but I''m having trouble integrating rjs into my form page. Here''s my page: <div id="posts"> <ul id="post_list"><%= render :partial => ''list_results'', :collection => @posts %></ul> <p><%= link_to_remote(''+'', :url => {:action =>