similar to: xm mem-set Domain-0 box went poof

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "xm mem-set Domain-0 box went poof"

2006 May 03
Effect.Poof, needs polishing Right now I store a few properties (background, border) and restore them on completion. I''d much prefer to handle this another way, perhaps setting the opacity of the containing element to 0 and setting the contained image element''s opacity to 1. Playing around with this though, I found that it didn''t happen in order like
2010 Mar 11
Installing from source (git, hg) on a fresh debian box
Oye 3 days on this now, my head hurts. I have spent what seems like 40 hours in the last 3 or 4 days reading, and I realize xen is in the middle of this transition of getting into mainline kernel, issues with dom0 etc etc. Ok, so i have come across a few howtos/tutorials on installing xen dom0 kernel, using git to download a patched? kernel tree, and getting xen source from mercurial. Below is my
2010 Mar 16
Input from xen hosting providers?
This is my second mail because the first one turned into a two page novel. Basically my question is this, what is your opinion on the following, in regards to having to know about the os and USE in your hosting environtment. Here is my problem... We have a sales guy that sold people on the idea of having 4 windows clients, and 2 "filestore" servers. filestore1 backs up to filestore2 so
2013 Oct 15
xentop output
Hi all, On xen platform, the output of xentop tool is like this: NAME STATE CPU(sec) CPU(%) MEM(k) MEM(%) MAXMEM(k) MAXMEM(%) VCPUS NETS NETTX(k) NETRX(k)VBDS VBD_OO VBD_RD VBD_WR VBD_RSECT VBD_WSECT SSID Domain-0 -----r 96025 0.0 3902464 23.3 no limit n/a 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 slave3
2013 Oct 17
xentop vbd output
Hi all, Now I use xentop to get disk statistical information. NAME STATE CPU(sec) CPU(%) MEM(k) MEM(%) MAXMEM(k) MAXMEM(%) VCPUS NETS NETTX(k) NETRX(k) VBDS VBD_OO VBD_RD VBD_WR VBD_RSECT VBD_WSECT SSID Domain-0 -----r 96233 0.7 3902464 23.3 no limit n/a 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 slave3
2009 Jun 23
network usage gathering
I''ve run into a problem gathering usage for my xen virtual systems. With my old model I used to gather all network usage via my cisco devices using the the counters for each port. Each system had it''s own port on the switch, and I tracked network usage accordingly. Now that I''m using xen for virtual systems, and multiple vm''s share the same switch port,
2009 May 05
Some POP3 questions
Hi everyone Been spending the whole day on the wiki and in the list archives on using dovecot for POP3 mail. I'd like to present my findings and ask for some feedback. Our current software setup: * Courier-IMAP running POP3/IMAP * Postfix MTA * MySQL backend for user and login info As for the system layout, it looks like this: * NFS server which is the same server that houses single
2009 May 09
Nagios Monitoring with xentop
I am creating some custom nagios plugins and I am scraping data from xen using the nagios command: /usr/sbin/xentop -b -i 2 -d1 I am trying to get the network tx / rx data, however I think I am missing something here. NETTX(k) NETRX(k) So total network bandwidth is 1048576 k if the above header from xentop is true. So I am wondering why the output for each vm exceeds the theoretical max, Is
2010 Oct 18
xen randomly crashes all VMs hosted on iSCSI NAS array
I inherited a xen server that is setup to have all the VM images hosted on an iSCSI mounted NAS array. We been experiencing a random (about every 2-3 days) issue where xen would crash all the VMs, leaving nothing but the Domain0 running. What appears to be happening is something causes the iSCI mount to hiccup. Running "vgchange -a y" and restarting all the VMs brings everything up.
2009 Jan 21
Questions regarding Dovecot's POP3 implementation
Hi all I'm considering moving over my POP3 service from qmail-pop3d to Dovecot for the following reasons: - Support for Maildir++ which I have yet to implement - Already using Dovecot for IMAP, so makes sense i.t.o Maildir++ - Support for SQL based user authentication My primary concerns are performance and security. Before I go down that route of migrating away from qmail-pop3d, I'd
2009 Mar 03
Anyone know or have a perl, c/c++ script?
Hello all, Im hoping maybe someone on this list has already looked for or built something similiar. Basically from what I can tell, phps imap libraries or whatever dont support setting custom keywords. So I am wondering if someone has a library or script that can take a username, domain, password, folder, uid and flag to set so that my webmail app can call this to set imap keywords. So far my
2010 Oct 08
Why do these keep showing up?
2010-10-08 14:37:29 imap <hmarie at>: Error: Mailbox Removed: Expunged GUID mismatch for UID 1257: ceb413227b55e8aa14cf86ec86f2b652 vs 32b06aa8bc66762bbd6af15228072949 I keep getting a bunch of these, which turn out to be "customer cant delete messages from folder X". I just deleted all dovecot indexes (find -name dovecot* -type f -delete) from all users this morning
2010 Sep 24
Good day everybody How do i switch from the xen console to the vm console and below is what i have xentop - 11:46:22 Xen 3.4.2 2 domains: 1 running, 1 blocked, 0 paused, 0 crashed, 0 dying, 0 shutdown Mem: 4184164k total, 706684k used, 3477480k free CPUs: 16 @ 2394MHz NAME STATE CPU(sec) CPU(%) MEM(k) MEM(%) MAXMEM(k) MAXMEM(%) VCPUS NETS NETTX(k) NETRX(k) VBDS VBD_OO
2009 May 18
XP SP3 guest high CPU usage
Hi I''m getting very high CPU usage on idle for an XP SP3 guest, which is doing nothing and is reporting 0% CPU within the guest. xentop - 14:36:29 Xen 3.2-1 10 domains: 1 running, 9 blocked, 0 paused, 0 crashed, 0 dying, 0 shutdown Mem: 4192752k total, 2654960k used, 1537792k free CPUs: 4 @ 3000MHz NAME STATE CPU(sec) CPU(%) MEM(k) MEM(%) MAXMEM(k) MAXMEM(%) VCPUS
2010 Jul 16
Questions about dbox (sdbox?), mdbox
Hello, So ive spent the last 45 minutes or so searching the list for dbox stuff, but Im not seeing anything real definitive. My question is basically whether the dbox format is ready for production environment, is sdbox or mdbox more stable/ready than the other or does it matter? What are people's experience/review with running this format (and if you reply can you tell me which one
2010 Aug 26
Panic, rawtrace, log, etc
While running some doveadm expunge -A mailbox Spam savedbefore 30d and doveadm purge -A after 2010-08-26 16:20:51 auth: Error: net_accept() failed: Too many open files 2010-08-26 16:20:51 master: Warning: service(auth): process_limit reached, client connections are being dropped 2010-08-26 16:21:21 auth: Panic: file auth-request-handler.c: line 85 (auth_request_handler_unref): assertion failed:
2008 Oct 12
blue screen: clock interrupt win2008
Hi, when installing windows server 2008 Std hvm I get always a blue screen telling me: ''a clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor within the allocated time interval'' I googled around and found, that this occured with vista as well: Config is: + virt-install --name=win2008ss
2010 Nov 12
Virtual Network Interfaces showing all packets as dropped
Hey, I am having the problem that when looking at my virtual network interface stats all packets are shown as dropped (The guests all do have a working internet connection though). All the guests are running Debian Lenny with Kernel version 2.6.26-2-amd64 and running as HVM. The host is running Debian Lenny with the stable-2.6.32.x git kernel.
2009 Apr 28
Virtual mailbox plugin, 4 days of struggling
Hello, I finally got an INBOX to work, but is virtual mailbox plugin only meant to create a virtual inbox, or should I be able to have an Allmails virtual folder that is viewable in my imap client? if ~/virtual/ is my location, would I create an Allmails directory in the virtual/ or virtual/INBOX/Allmails. Im fairly confused on how this is suppose to work. I was trying to duplicate the gmail-like
2007 May 28
hvm performance
Hi I''ve been running xen with linux guests for a while now and thought I''d try windows as I have a new server. All seemed to go fine except performance is *horrible* - I''m currently installing Win2003 SP2 and it''s been running over 12 hours (thank god for vnc) - each individual file is taking between 3 and 4 seconds each. Server is an intel E6600 with