similar to: one DomU, 2 IP =>why ? any ideas,

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "one DomU, 2 IP =>why ? any ideas,"

2008 Aug 01
Xen Networking problem!
Hi, I ''ve got a CentOS 5.2 server running xen 3.0 with 2 DomUs also running CentOS 5.2. All my boxes are up-to date. I''m experiencing trouble with networking. Dom0 can reach the outside world when no DomU are started. It can also reach the outside world when only one DomU is running. The troubles begin when I start the second DomU. At first, this new DomU, called DomU2,
2008 Jul 17
blktap complaining what does it mean ?
Hi, I''m a newbie to Xen. I installed a DomO CentOS 5.2 and several DomU (centOS, Debian and Ubuntu). It worked very well. Yesterday I experienced a power cut. I now experienced some problems. For example, when I start a DomU with the "xm create whatever_I_want" command, I get : Using config file nnnnnnn tap tap-10-51712 : 2 getting info Started domain xxxxxx and just after,
2005 Nov 09
dataframe without repetition
Hello, with a data.frame like this : > toto <- data.frame(id=c("id1","id1","id2","id3","id3","id3"),dpt=c("13","13","34","30","30","30")) > toto id dpt 1 id1 13 2 id1 13 3 id2 34 4 id3 30 5 id3 30 6 id3 30 what is the most efficient ways to obtain : id
2004 Oct 07
title in bold - simple question in R 1.9.0
Hi, how can i write this simple sentence : "Hello world" with "Hello" only in bold ? I try > plot(1:5) > title(main=paste(expression(bold("Hello")),"world",sep=" ")) but the result is wrong. thanks, Bruno Si vous n'etes pas destinataires de ce message, merci d'avertir l'expediteur de l'erreur de distribution et de le
2004 Jul 29
2 questions : format and hh:mm
Dear R-users, i have two questions : 1- first of all, i wish to know the way to obtain a serie with a format like "00" : ( "01","02","03","04"....) or like postal code ("01100","02222"). for instance, i do : > format(strptime(as.character(c(1:4)),"%H"),"%H") but it sounds complicate and not really
2002 Jul 30
Fwd: Reh Hat ipchains tricks
Hi Raymond, I also struggled 3 days to set up a direct connection between a RH7.3 box and a WinME box with a crossover cable for experiment and met with frustration. The setup of WinME box has no problem and it can connect to other Win boxes for file sharing. IP Address RH7.3 WinME Ping started connecting but both boxes can't see each another. I also doubt
2003 Dec 01
No subject
out(Sometimes it fun to watch for hours) and see if you see any coming from Dan -----Original Message----- From: Stephen Liu [] Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 7:31 PM To: Raymond Gimilio Cc: Subject: Re: Fwd: [Samba] Reh Hat ipchains tricks Hi Raymond, I also struggled 3 days to set up a direct connection between a RH7.3 = box=20 and a
2004 Jul 23
merge, cbind, or....?
Hi, i have two data.frame x and y like : > x <- data.frame( num = c(1:10), value = runif(10) ) > y <- data.frame( num = c(6:10), value = runif(5) ) and i want to obtain something like : num.x value.x num.y value.y 1 0.38423828 NA 0.2911089 2 0.17402507 NA 0.8455208 3 0.54443465 NA 0.8782199 4 0.04540406 NA 0.3202252 5 0.46052426
2004 Nov 22
Mode context extremely poor performance.
Hi all, I curently have a big problem. One request (listed above) using context take up to 1000 more time than the on RAW or ext2 database. I have ran this request on a single IA32 machine with Redhat and dbf on ext2. The average reponse time is less than a sec. The same request on RAC 4 nodes cluster on RAW take the same average time. On ext2 idem. But on OCFS it took up to 15 sec randomly
2004 Nov 22
Mode context extremely poor performance.
Hi all, I curently have a big problem. One request (listed above) using context take up to 1000 more time than the on RAW or ext2 database. I have ran this request on a single IA32 machine with Redhat and dbf on ext2. The average reponse time is less than a sec. The same request on RAC 4 nodes cluster on RAW take the same average time. On ext2 idem. But on OCFS it took up to 15 sec randomly
2006 Dec 09
Hi Everyboy ! I read that LVM2 is not cluster aware (specially with OCFS2) from different post on internet forum... If it's true, could someone could confirm this information and point me where i can find this affirmation in documentation ? I do some test with OCFS2 on LVM2 and it's seems to run correctly , so i have some interrogation about this fact ! If it's true that LVM2 are
2006 Nov 27
copying files from ocfs to ext3
Hi, using ocfs-2.4.9-e-smp-1.0.12-1 on Redhat 3 U4 Trying to copy files from an ocfs volume to an ext3 volume is very very slow - talking a couple of minutes for a 100Mb file. same happens if I use o-direct or not, dd exhibits the same behaviour ocfs is in the updatedb.conf and both filesystems are in the PRUNEPATHS line in the same file (a reboot was done after the changes were made just to
2023 Apr 03
Should help of estimate in t.test be corrected?
Hallo, you are probably right that "the estimated mean or difference in means depending on whether it was a one-sample test or a two-sample test" should be rephrased to "the estimated mean or difference in means depending on whether it was a one-sample test, two-sample test or two sample paired test" Cheers Petr > -----Original Message----- > From: Samuel Granjeaud
2010 Oct 15
How to extract parameter estimates of variance function from lme fit
Dear R-Users, I have a question concerning extraction of parameter estimates of variance function from lme fit. To fit my simulated data, we use varConstPower ( constant plus power variance function). fm<-lme(UPDRS~time,data=data.simula,random=~time,method="ML",weights=varConstPower(fixed=list(power=1))) I extract the results of this function by using the following codes:
2004 Dec 06
Problem with OCFS and EMC Snapshots
An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Andrew.McCurdy.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 359 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2003 Nov 05
Multiple comparisons with a glm
I've never seen anything written about multiple comparisons, as in the multcomp package or with TukeyHSD, but using a glm. Do such procedures exist? Are they sensible? Are there any packages in R that implement such comparisons? Thank you. -- Ken Knoblauch Inserm U371 Cerveau et Vision 18 avenue du Doyen Lepine 69675 Bron cedex France Tel: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 77 Fax: +33 (0)4 72 91 34 61
2003 Aug 06
(no subject)
Hi everybody, Hope your are not all on holyday because I've got a problem that is going to drive me crazy... I would like to remove some rows from a dataframe. The rows correspond to some specific indexes which I can get by looking at the name in the first column of my dataset. But I manage to get only the opposite of what I really want (function #1) #Function#1:
2010 May 05
t.test per line
Dear All, I apologize for this trivial question, I can not find the solution I try to use t.test function per line in the data.frame, But i dont'understand the error message my program is as follows group1<-gl(2,20) fun<-function(x){ m<-data.frame(group1,x) #anova(aov(x ~ group1, m)) t.est(x ~ group1,m) } ttest<- apply(data, 1, fun) Error in t.test.default(x = c(1, 1,
2009 May 28
String replacement in an expression
Dear R-experts, I need to replace in an expression the character "Cl" by "Cl+beta" But in the following case: form<-expression((Cl-(V *ka) ) +(V *Vm *exp(-(Clm/Vm) *t))) gsub("Cl","(Cl+beta)",as.character(form)) We obtain: [1] "((Cl+beta) - (V * ka)) + (V * Vm * exp(-((Cl+beta)m/Vm) * t))" the character "Clm" has been
2005 Sep 08
FW: Re: Doubt about nested aov output
Your response nicely clarifies a question that I've had for a long time, but which I've dealt with by giving each subject a unique label. Unless I'm missing something, both techniques should work as the toy example below gives exactly the same output in all 3 cases below (forgetting about the convergence problem). Would there be a reason to prefer labeling the levels one way or