similar to: OpenSolaris 200805 as pv domU

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "OpenSolaris 200805 as pv domU"

2008 Jun 20
Solaris N90 on RedHat RHEL5
Hi There is a problem when creating a domU. I intend to install Solaris N90 on RedHat RHEL5 in paravirtualized(I''ve tried fully virtualized method, that''s no problem). #xm info release : 2.6.18-53.el5xen machine : i686 xen_caps : xen-3.0-x86_32p My steps are as follow(install via NFS): 1 mkdir disk and mkdir Solaris 2 mount /dev/cdrom /disk/Solaris, it tell me that disk
2011 Apr 14
Rcpp segmentation faults on the simplest code
Hi all, I'm new to R and Rcpp, and I'm trying to learn Rcpp with the simplest code possible. My goal is to be able to call R functions from C++. The code I'm trying to run is: #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Rcpp::NumericVector v(1); return 0; } It compiles and links fine. However, as soon as I run it, it segfaults. The following is
2013 May 06
SAMBA implementation for DOS ?
Hello Samba users, I use FreeDOS with MS Client to map a network drive. However MS Client is a memory hog and prevents me to run all applications I need. Therefore I would like to ask here is there SAMBA implementation for DOS ? BR, czezz
2011 Sep 13
help with hclust and cutree
Hello, I would like to cut a hclust tree into several groups at a specific similarity. I assume this can be achieved by specifying the "h" argument with the specified similarity, e.g.: clust<-hclust(dist,"average") cut<-cutree(clust,h=0.65) Now, I would like to draw rectangles around the branches of the dendrogram highlighting the corresponding clusters, as is done by
2003 Jan 08
what is on port 10619
since a few days i have a huge number of ips trying to access something on UDP port 10619... i have a shorewall running on a dynamic dsl provider, which gets a new ip every 24 hours, so maybe those ips are trying to access some service, but i doubt it... anyone seen some activity on udp 10619 lately? is there some new trojan, virus or something floating around? they are flooding the logs with
2008 Jun 17
mirroring zfs slice
Hi All, I had a slice with zfs file system which I want to mirror, I followed the procedure mentioned in the amin guide I am getting this error. Can you tell me what I did wrong? root # zpool list NAME SIZE USED AVAIL CAP HEALTH ALTROOT export 254G 230K 254G 0% ONLINE - root # echo |format Searching for disks...done
2009 Feb 12
Macintosh rsync: Inconsistent Behaviour: Hints Appreciated
I have a problem with rsync on macintosh copying files that have not been updated. Despite careful reading of the archives, I can't find an explanation (or a fix), but I strongly suspect I'm just missing something that an expert will recognise instantly... Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. I'm running a nightly backup of my photo/home video directory from a partition
2011 Mar 24
CIFS mount with non-ascii (UTF8) password is not working
Hi , I have French CIFS server. If I try to map a share from any windows machine with non-ascii (UTF-8, french characters are part of password) password, it is successful. But If I try from linux machine, it fails. mount -t cifs //MACHINE/DatasetFIGS_?????????????&nbsp; /tmp/rahul -o user=??,password=??,domain=eKKDr mount error 13 = Permission denied Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual
2006 Apr 17
ruby on rails book, fundamental question
Hi guys, bought the ROR book. I understand most of it and really like it. There is just on thing I just dont get. Lets take this code for example. def list @products = paginate :product, :per_page => 10 end As far as I understand @products should be some kinda hash or array, with the data of the Database inside. How can I display this array ? One solution is to do it like this (like in
2010 Nov 05
xe cli not working on remote machine
Hi list, I have 3 Citrix Xenserver 5.6  and currently building a a VM backup server. I took the xe client on one of the server and installed it on the backup server (gentoo based) installed the stunnel package to make XE work. now when running, I get this error message : [server ­~ #] ./xe help -debug -s -u user -pw pass Connecting via stunnel to [] port [443]
2008 Dec 15
pGINA and samba - authentication against LDAP userPassword field?
Hi, Back to a while ago, someone mentioned about taking pGINA code to samba, so samba can work against LDAP authentication, but instead of using the sambaNTPassword and sambaLMPassword, this way samba can use the userPassword field directly. This sounds very promissing because we can then just use one set of passwords. It may be not usable in a domain enviroment where machine accounts and other
2003 Dec 28
TDM Card loses Dialtone and Battery
Hello all, I've posted on this problem before. Well here goes again. I have an intel mobo with a p4 2.4ghz proc, 1GB Ram. It has built-in ethernet and vga and 6 pci slots. I dreamed of making this my household communications server: internet router, firewall, vpn and asterisk. Everything works except the TDM fxs card. Well it works for a little while and it dies: no dialtone, no
2008 Dec 26
Installing domU from ISO image file
I am trying to install CentOS from an ISO image file but the installer does not see a CD-ROM drive. The VNC viewer works but the CentOS installer indicates "Unable to find any devices of the type needed for this installation type." Then it prompts with "[Select driver] [Use a driver disk] [Back]". I have tried several variations of the "disk" paramater, all
2008 Nov 02
Fw: Re: What packages ubuntu-xen-server & ubuntu-xen-desktop are up to on intrepid
I have installed Ubuntu Intrepid Server on bare metal and successfully ran:- # apt-get install ubuntu-xen-server.     It installed several packages on system . Now i can see files /boot/xen-3.3.gz, /etc/init.d/xend, /etc/init.d/xendomains, but no xenified kernel gets in. Attempt  to use vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-server, obviously , fails with system panic.    I do remember recompiling  procedure for Xen
2007 Sep 27
There is a easy way to valid markup?
Do I have to create a custom Expectation Matcher? or there is a way to integrate assert_valid_asset plugin? thx -- Edgar Gonz?lez Gonz?lez --
2008 Apr 01
panic ... recursive mutex_enter installing a snv_85 domU on Linux dom0
While attempting to install snv_85 as a domU, Debian etch as the dom0, the kernel panics before the rest of the system starts to boot. Currently I''m using the sid releases of xen 3.2 found in Debian sid. I stopped using 3.0.3, as it appears I''m unable to use a ramdisk setting. # dmesg | grep -i mem ... Memory: 1903728k/1949252k available (1623k kernel code, 36208k reserved,
2008 Oct 09
xen 3.2.1 - How to boot ISO image
Hi All, I have working CentOS xen guest (domU) inside in Debian xen domain (dom0) and here is the domU''s config file <>. How could I put the proper syntax inside of domU''s config to instruct the domU to boot the /data/CentOS-5.1-i386-bin-DVD.iso during starting of domU? BTW, I am using xen-3.2-1. Thanks, James
2009 Jan 19
Linux distributions supported by Xen as PVM domUs
Hi: Reading Red Hat''s Website and a printed manual of RH184 (Red Hat Virtualization course) I see that RHEL 5 only supports RHEL 4.5 and RHEL 5 as paravirtualized guests. So I asume this is the same situation for CentOS 5, right? What''s the dependency between Xen versions for paravirtualized guests? I ask this questions because I got this experiences: 1. Running CentOS 5 as
2008 Aug 29
question on Opensolaris
Can I use Opensolaris 2008.5 as a XEN "host"? virt-install does not seem to be included in the distro. Thank you. -- This message posted from
2008 May 15
xvm packages for 2008.05
It looks like xvm does not come built-in to Indiana 2008.05. Which leads to the obvious questions: 1. is xvm compatible with 2008.05 (looking to evaluate Indiana as Dom0)? 2. which packages need to be installed (still getting used to the IPS package naming structure) Thanks! This message posted from