similar to: test unit approach?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "test unit approach?"

2006 Nov 08
New Backgroundrb Speed Issues?
The new backgroundrb seemed to me to be markedly slower than the old one. So, I ran a "side-by-side" comparison test using a worker that I had written which parses a CSV file and loads the results into a database. The results? The latest version appears to take twice as long to run the same code as the previous version. Has anyone else experienced speed issues with the new
2006 Nov 05
backgroundrb preview
Hi Ezra/skaar, Wow man, the exercise was worth it. The connection closed problem with socket as i mentioned in my earlier mails...completely disappeared, and now i can connect only once to the socket and keep reading..till end of its days. Literally impossible with older release of backgroundrb. This could also potentially solve the issues people were having with ActiveRecord. As i said
2007 Jan 04
Intermittent "can''t convert Float into Hash" and results.rb
Hi, I''m using backgroundrb 0.2.1 in a production environment and for most parts I''m very happy. We are using it to do some heavy video editing on the server side and it works great except that under, what seems heavy load the below problem happens intermittently. The problem has only happened 5 times out of over 500 runs by our backgroundrb worker. This is the code in our
2007 Feb 07
ncluding backgroundrb issue
I have the next including files structure : - controller fileaA.rb including line (#8): require "fileB"... - /lib/fileB.rb with main header: load ''backgroundrb/worker.rb'' load ''backgroundrb/ worker_rails.rb'' class FileB <
2006 Oct 27
Error after moving to production server
so i have an after_create method on my track model that kicks off a background process that converts an mp3 to a swf. this is working fine locally on my machine, but upon moving it to my production server, i am getting the following error. I''ve only been using backgroundRB for like 48 hours, so i''m not really sure what this means or where to go. any ideas?
2007 Feb 20
rails 1.2.1, locomotive and backgroundrb
Hi I just tried to move my project to rails 1.2.1 on my locomotive development setup. It seems that backgroundrb is not willing to start up anymore. If I switch locomotive back to 1.1.6, everthing is fine. This is the error I get while attempting to start backgroundrb: /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/standardRailsJan2007.locobundle/
2007 Feb 18
backgroundrb launches concurrent instances of same job
Hi there, Backgroundrb is working pretty well for me but I have a job that launches two of the same job, apparently a minute(?) apart from each other. Should this be happening if I have repeat interval enabled with a job_key? It seems like it should wait until the job is finished before launching a new instance. --Backgroundrb_schedules.yml-- city_updater: :class: :city_updater_worker
2006 Oct 30
BackgrounDRb 0.2.0 Release! Complete rewrite.
Hello Folks- I am really happy to announce the release of BackgrounDRb 0.2.0 . This is a complete rewrite and re-architecture of this codebase. I want to thank skaar for all of his hard work. I put out a call for help with the new architecture and skaar stepped up bigtime. I had already written the new scheduler and cron compatible syntax and moved to multi process architecture. But he
2006 Dec 01
passing arguments to worker method
Hello all, i just started using backgroundrb and i really like it a lot so far. I finally succeeded in setting up version 0.21 and the examples from the readme run fine. Now i do not want to create and delete my worker anytime i want it to do something but call repeatedly a method with arguments. There is a arg_method defined in the readme so i guess this is a feasible way to procede.
2006 Nov 20
Passing object into results - "can''t convert DRb::DRbUnknown into Hash - (TypeError)"
Hi, I''m using backgroundrb to get RSS feeds and pass them back to the controller. I''m using the Ruby RSS library to parse the feed, which returns an RSS object. After that I pass the object into the results hash, but that''s when this error occurs. Basically, this is what I have: rss = RSS::Parser.parse(response.body) results[:feed] = rss # error! 20061120-15:46:19
2007 Jan 22
MiddleMan behavior
i found some questions and answers on mailing lists but there is still a problem - when i want to create new worker from within a worker - ::BackgrounDRb::MiddleMan.new_worker(:class => :second_worker, :args => {:id=>2, :text=>"slave"}) works but when i want to get reference to that object: ::BackgrounDRb::MiddleMan.worker(@second) yields: NoMethodError: undefined
2006 Nov 22
Hey all, Quick question about handling completed workers... Most of my workers are one-offs that just let me spin off a long-running file transfer process and then they just need to self-destruct when completed. Thus, at the end of my do_work, I just call self.delete to (in theory) self-destruct. However, while checking the jobs.size from the console, I''ve noticed that this
2007 Jan 22
Strange behavior
Ok two things that bug me 1) i thought i''ll just post ticket link - but well - it''s strange 2) when i switch base class from RailsBase to Base i can''t access MiddleMan - i get error NameError: uninitialized constant MiddleMan from (drbunix:///tmp/backgroundrbunix_localhost_2999)
2006 Oct 30
Question about new results hash
Is it really a hash? As in, can I pass it into a method that a worker is calling so that, for example, a method in my ActiveRecord that''s actually doing the work? Really liking the new code. Does rubyforge or devjavu have the rdocs anywhere? -- Joshua Warchol Code Poet, Zaadz Inc.
2006 Nov 09
Making it work under JRuby
I''ve been having problems starting the daemon under JRuby, has anyone else tried this? What I''m trying to accomplish is running Rails on regular ruby and BackgroundRB on JRuby. I''m working on a project that requires me to use a java-api to communicate with a service and it should work so that when a user logs on to the rails app, it actually authenticates through the
2007 Jan 11
Load balancing
Hi, Can somebody point me in the right direction about what approach would be best to load-balance between two or more physical servers running backgroundrb while using BackgrounDRb::Worker::RailsBase with mongrel? Thanks, Robert Bjarnason
2006 Nov 10
acls in 0.2.0?
Hi -- Just trying to get started with backgroundrb 0.2.0 after having glanced at an earlier version and thought "cool, I''ll definitely need this later." I notice that the old sample config file has the following in it: acl: deny: all allow: localhost order: deny,allow I''m not seeing this in the sample configuration in the current README, though, and
2007 May 15
Behaviour of pool_size setting
Hi, I have backgroundrb running to decouple the execution of massive business logic from an ActionWebservice request. The service is designed to take some configuration parameters and fire a lot of background workers to do the requested work. Due to performance reasons I want to limit the number of workers to a maximum number of 30. But when I start a configuration that requires for example
2006 Nov 07
start a worker when bdrb starts
I am sure..again I am missing something, but I am trying to start a worker, when backgroundrb starts and it doesn''t seem to work. Here is my config/backgroundrb_schedules.yml file: feed_worker: class: feed_worker job_key: feed_worker_key worker_method: do_work trigger_args: repeat_interval: 20.minutes I even tried this from Rails controller: # def start_feed_worker #
2007 May 03
Reloadable workers? (Rails Testing without DRb restart?)
Hey guys, I just opened up my first installation of BackgrounDRb and so far I love it. I''ll have to share this plugin at my next Ruby Brigade meeting! I have one question though: Is there a way that I can run the BackgrounDRb server in a "test" mode that will reload my changes without having to restart every time? (Similar to how mongrel does this with my