similar to: Xensv

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Xensv"

2005 Jan 28
[PATCH] Daemonize xcs
Currently xcs is run by xend in xen-unstable by simply making it a child process. If you launch xend from an ssh session, the session won''t exit because the xcs still is connected to it''s controlling terminal. xcs should daemonize itself to prevent this from happening. This patch does that along with making the domain id => port mapping dynamically allocated. Regards, --
2005 Sep 27
Memory and other settings for xen server, help needed....
Hi all, i have a question. I''m going to setup a Xen server for a client. It''s going to serve about 25 clients. It''s a Athlon 64 3200+, which currently runs Debian i386-stable and xen 2.0.7 until Xen 3.0 is stable enough, and then i''m gonna replace it with Debian amd64-stable and Xen 3.0. The Xen dom''s consists of: Samba , file printer sharing most
2007 Dec 12
Hi, Could somebody say if it is possible to compute APARCH-models with garchFit commands. I have earlier used aaa (garchOxFit) and now I try to use bbb (look below) aaa <- garchOxFit(formula.mean=~arma(1,0),formula.var=~aparch(1,1),series=nyk,cond.dist=c('gaussian')) bbb <- garchFit(formula=~arma(1,0)+aparch(1,1),data=nyk) aaa works well, but I need other characteristics of
2004 Feb 06
more or less pager
R-users, (forgive my return adres) I've been breaking my head why R---which i find fabulous, by the way---does not pipe interactive output through a pager (more or less), like it does with help(), or like GNU Octave does with arrays with more than terminal height rows. Maybe it is my installation (Debian/GNU Linux). Maybe it is my configuration, but i don't think so because with
2006 Jan 24
Hi all, A little question. How can u use an constructor in controller? I would like to initialize some central stuff before i''m processing the controller. thanks in advance, Martijn
2005 Aug 04
[Xen-tools] [RFC] Daemon startup order
Hi, A few people are having problems with the new console daemon and I''ve tracked the problem down to the order in which daemons are started. Here''s what currently happens: 1) xend (the script in tools/misc) start will launch xcs and consoled 2) xend (the python server) will launch xenstored whenever it needs it This creates a bit of a chicken and the egg problem since
2012 Oct 10
Clearing the heal-failed and split-brain status messages
Hello, Is it possible to clear the heal-failed and split-brain status in a nice way? I would personally like if gluster would automatically remove failed states when they are resolved ( if future reference is needed you can always look at the logs) I'm asking because I'd like to monitor these for issues. The monitoring script would be trivial to setup if the failed status is / can be
2006 Jan 10
FastCGI cannot start; Rails doesn''t work
I have a problem deploying FastCGI for use with RoR. OS: FreeBSD 5.4 Apache: 2.0.55 FastCGI: 2.4.2 ###### I compiled a new and copied it to /usr/lib/apache/ ###### My httpd.conf looks like this: LoadModule fastcgi_module /usr/lib/apache/ <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi </IfModule> ###### The testscript
2016 Aug 11
loosing audio from one end after 5 min.
Hi all, Just installed Asterisk 13 on CentOS 7 and have run into a problem. The Scenario is this: Asterisk is on the internet the Phone, a D40, is behind NAT So someone calls the number and Asterisk routes the call to the D40 Everything works fine and the call is established, but then after 5 min. the caller stops getting audio from the D40 but there is still audio to the D40. using both
2006 Feb 28
HABTM count table
Hello, I have a question about HABTM and counting records. I have these models class Sort < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :reports end class Report < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :region has_and_belongs_to_many :subjects has_and_belongs_to_many :sorts end And i would like to get a count like @sort.reports.count The problem is get this query:
2016 Aug 12
loosing audio from one end after 5 min.
Hi Is the keep alive activated on the phone? On Thu, Aug 11, 2016, 5:36 PM Dovid Bender <dovid at> wrote: > 1) Does it happen every time at the 5 minute work? > 2) Have you done a dump on the client side to see if the NAT device is > dropping the packets? > 3) Is the phone behind a load balance internet connection and is the RTP > port changing? > > >
2006 Oct 22
Question:shardsplot (package:klaR)
Dear all, I have a question on the shardsplot package:klaR(see the below Example). Plese tell me the meanings of " logstand <- t((t(logcount) / sdlogcount) * c(1,2,6,5,5,3))", much more. Why does this example use "c(1,2,6,5,5,3)" ? Examples: # Compute clusters and an Eight Directions Arranged Map for the # country data. Plotting the result.
2009 Oct 19
overloading base function
Hello, I am trying to write an R package for doing analysis of speaker recognition systems. The big thing in this line of research is a DET-plot (detection Error Trade-off, a ROC plot with qnorm() warped axes). My approach has been to make a class "det" and also a function "det()" that will prepare the data into the right class. Now loading the library doesn't like me
2004 Mar 15
effect size
Hi, Having searched google '[R] aov effect size' without any results I wonder if I not completely miss something. Is there any R function that calculates the effect size of an AOV's main effect or interaction effect? It should be related to the F's and the degree of freedom of the error, but the multitude in numbers in aov() baffle me a bit. Thanks, ---david
2002 May 23
Does the rsync/xdelta algorithm *need* to write a new file?
Hello, lately I've been playing with the idea of doing in-place updates of systems using either rsync or xdelta. However, both rsync and xdelta seem to be dead set on writing a new file first, and then atomically exchanging it with the old file. Now, as I want to apply a binary delta to a full filesystem, bigger than the available temporary space, this really makes rsync and xdelta
2003 May 05
bandwith issues, ISP hosting services, etc
I am looking into supporting around 20 SIP clients (ATAs, IP softphones, etc) distributed in around 10 different end points (in South America). For the most part they all have narrow band connections 64kpbs, 128 at most and I?d like to use g729 all around (don?t have too many alternatives) To start with, I will have one * with no gateway to the PSTN and eventually a few * boxes with termination
2006 Mar 08
file_column Cropping -> image offset information
Hello, I had a problem cropping images with file_column. These are my settings: file_column :image, :magick => { :versions => { :thumb => "80x80>", :medium => "150x150>", :square => { :crop => "1:1", :size => "50x50!" } },
2006 Oct 23
Copula fitting
Hi, Is anybody using Copula package for fitting copulas to own datas? I always got this message: Error in qnorm(p, mean, sd, lower.tail, log.p) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function thanks, Psl _______________________________________________________________ Ossza meg bar?taival f?nyk?pen meg?r?k?tett ?lm?nyeit. http:\\
2009 Oct 20
Problem using the source-function within R-functions
Dear R community, You may have the solution to how to construct a function using the function "source()" to build the function; i.e. myfunction <- function(...){ source('file1.r') source('file2.r') } After compiling and installing the "myfunction" in R, then calling the "myfunction" gives an error because the content of 'file1.r' and
2015 Oct 21
Libvirtd hooks in Centos 7
I would like to create some libvirt hooks. This is so the hypervisor can execute some scripts during starting or stopping of a KVM guest. According to they must be present. However, it seems in Centos 7 these hooks are gone in /etc/libvirt/ Libvirtversion: 1.2.8-16.el7_1.4 OS version: CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core) Anyone how solved this riddle? I