similar to: RE: Fox Pro DBF open problems Solved.....FOLLOW UP

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2009 Mar 05
Fox Pro DBF open problems
Hi List, Second attempt to get this issue diagnosed and solved. Samba Version 3.0.28el4 CentOS 4.7 The behavior is as follows when accessing Fox Pro dbf files. Users can access the files through the Fox Pro command interface without issues,when they choose a graphical environment (windows explore of the windows file open gui) the system returns an access denied message on the first
2009 Mar 03
First attempt file access denied subsequent file accesses granted
Hi List, We?re running 3.0.28.el4.9 on CentOS 4.7 in a production environment with one minor annoyance. This is a very inconsistent behavior ,frequent enough top be annoying ,yet unpredictable enough to warrant this email. Our Samba server is serving up a wide variety of files but in this instance in particular are Visual Fox Pro tables (*.dbf). When a user wishes to open a Fox Pro
2003 Aug 01
Problem with dc-nics 10,11
Hi, I have a little problem with dc10, dc11. I use three quad dc cards, so far from dc0 up to dc8 with no problems. All (dc0 to dc11) are displayed correctly with pciconf and with ifconfig. The trouble is with dc10 and dc11 that they don't send any data out and also don't react to arp requests etc. - at least using tcpdump won't show anything coming in or going out. Monitoring from
2006 Feb 22
freebsd-stable Digest, Vol 147, Issue 4
On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 07:08:11AM +0000, wrote: > > 21. uscanner-problems (Holger Kipp) > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 21 > Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 00:01:59 +0100 > From: Holger Kipp <> > Subject: uscanner-problems > To: > Message-ID:
2010 Jan 13
column width in .dbf files using write.dbf ... to be continued
Dear UseRs, I did not have any answer to my previous message ("Is there a way to define "manually" columns width when using write.dbf function from the library foreign ?"), so I tried to modify write.dbf function to do what I want. Here is my modified version : write.dbfMODIF <- function (dataframe, file, factor2char = TRUE, max_nchar = 254, width = d) {
2002 Dec 17
FOX PRO 2.6 on SMB
Hello list We have some Fox Pro apps shared on Samba server (I know FOX sucks) and sometimes we need to recreate indexes, and we have to call all the users and ask them to close their programs. If we kill the user's smb process we got corrupted indexes... here's the question : is there any way to force the used files by an smb user process to close avoiding corruption, or perhaps make
2011 May 16
reading multiple .dbf files
Hello.. I am currently working on running random forest to make predictions. For that I have a bunch of .dbf files from shapefiiles. Earlier I was running random forest on those dbf files individually but now I have >1,000 such files and procesisng one by one is not an option. I started by trying to read multiple dbf files as: >setwd (..) >a=list.files() > for (x in
2013 May 22
column width in .dbf files using write.dbf ... to be continued
Hello Arnaud, You posted this question a long long time ago, however I found your answer so I decided to post it anyway in case somebody else have the same problem as you and me. You were actually very close in finding your solution. The function DoWritedbf is an internal function from the foreign package. To access it outside of the package just do: foreign:::DoWritedbf so in your line:
2011 Aug 29
Problem exporting table with many columns to dbf
Hello, I'm newbie in R and I have a problem exporting a table with many columns to a dbf file. I found an error when I open the result DBF file on other software and also importing it on R again. Here a example snippet of the problem (on a GNU/Linux OS): Is it a bug? Thank you, Nacho V [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 08
Bringing dbf Data With SQL
I have a heavy DATA saved in dbf format. What I want is to bring that data to R with SQL statements. Like: I want columns 1, 4, 5 and only when column 4 > 30. Sorry asking it here instead of keep searching in manuals, but it seems that there are too many ways of doing it. So what's the appropriate package that I need to work it, considering also that im dealing with lots of gigas so the
2006 Jul 31
Issues with cifs mounts following Samba upgrade to 3.0.23a
My LAN includes a server machine running FC4, with several shares mounted with Samba. Yesterday, I upgraded the packages on the FC4 machine, and these included Samba, which is now at 3.0.23a. Unfortunately, this seems to have broken the mounted shares for my Ubuntu 6.06 installation on my Acer 1682WLMI laptop. The cifs module on Ubuntu reports as version 1.39. The symptoms are that I can
2005 Aug 19
Summary: Unexpected result of read.dbf
Hi there, This is summary and patch for a bug in read.dbf, demonstrating in Message-Id: <20050818150446.697835cb.stanimura-ngs at>. After consulting Rjpwiki, a cyber-community of R user in Japan, the cause was found, and the patch of solution was proposed. Overflowing occurs when we use read.dbf for reading a dbf file having a field of longer signed integer. For example, $
2006 May 23
exporting long character vectors to dbf
Hi - I need to export data to openoffice base, where one of the elements is a long character vector (>255 characters.) write.dbf exports it as varchar, truncating the data. Any idea how to do this? thanks, -eduardo
2002 May 10
RODBC for importing dbf
Hi I know that it is very easy to import data from a dbf file to R, by saving the data as csv, for instance. However, I have several hundreds of files to do that. So, I thought of using RODBC to read the dbf files and save it as data.frame. However, I cannot even start (this is my first time using such package): > library(RODBC) > bdades <- odbcConnect("prova.DBF") Warning
2011 Jan 31
Files dbf and cdx - net linux
Hello. I am trying to acces to a software in a network, from a terminal. This terminal works on Windows, so I use Wine. I could execute the software, but some errors appear. It seams that it couldn't create in the right way the indexes in the data base (.dbf and cdx files). I think that the software was programed with Visual Fox Pro (but I am not sure) I will appreciate yours comments and
2011 Aug 23
Re: Files dbf and cdx - net linux
Hi, I have these BMIMS .dbf/.cdx/.fpt files. I have no longer BMIMS. I would like to transfers theses files to another visible format. I tried opening them with Monarch 4.0, but it does not give me a proper format. what do i do? thankx
2005 Oct 17
DBF database hangs up, when running from Samba 3.0.14 share
Hi to everyone, Since last week I am trying to fix following problem: I have a DOS application, operating on DBF databases. I've set up a Samba 3.0.14a-2 server running as a PDC on Fedora Core 4 (in fact, Samba server was a part of FC4 distribution). I've set up a share and then I've moved all data for this application on to that share. The problem is that the application hangs
2008 Apr 02
Windows-Application can't handle .dbf- Files correctly
For several days, I try to run an Windows- Application on an Ubuntu 7.04 System through wine 0.9.58. In detail, it's a tool for supporting a change of food and sports behavior. The tool is freeware, named "Di?t- Tagebuch" (diet diary or diet day book) and downloadable at: (unfortunately it's only in german) The DTBInstall2.exe is an
2006 Nov 06
problem with windows 98 and dbf?
Hello. I have a server running FC5 and samba-3.0.23c-1.fc5. In the samba shares i have files for a program running with DBF's database files. In windows xp works normally, but when windows 98 clientes start using the program normally the program freezes and the windows freeze too. Can someone tell me if a have to do some special configuration? Here my smb.conf [global] workgroup =
2010 Sep 02
Strange Data Problems with legacy dbf tables.
I sent the following to the Opensuse Forum, but I might find better expertise directly with Samba with no intent to duplicate the request. > Since upgrading to 11.3 I have noticed a number of strange problems > accessing or manipulating Foxpro DOS tables. > This is of course a Samba Issue. > I see a lot of issues with 11.3, I can't even operate an ssh login > to run yast