similar to: yum update fails

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "yum update fails"

2009 Jun 23
problem with centos 5.3 upgrade
Hi All, I'm running CentOS 5.3 x86, and recently my yum update isn't running as it should. It pops up with sub conflict messages for i386 packages, which I don't need - even though yum is downloading them. Due to this sub conflict messages, I'm not able to update/install my x86 packages, as the installation stops at the error message. Anybody, any idea how to come over
2009 Aug 06
How come rpmforge.repo wants to install a whole slew of perl modules, yet if I leave rpmforge.repo out of the update process, none of the perl modules shows up? Here's the rpmforge.repo file.. do any of yall see anything wrong with anything in there? Sam # Name: RPMforge RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise 5 - dag # URL: [rpmforge] name = Red Hat Enterprise
2009 Jan 23
svnserve with SASL on CentOS 5.2
Hello List. I'm cross posting this from svn-users, as I'm not sure whether this is an CentOS specific issue. Perhaps someone here has an idea of what's going on? ----------------------------- I got a fresh install of CentOS 5.2 x32, svnserve, version 1.5.5 (r34862), here is my svnserve.conf file [general] anon-access = none auth-access = write realm = isf [sasl] use-sasl = true
2006 Mar 07
subversion help!
I created a subversion repository on my new vps and i''m trying to setup my rails app there. However i keep getting this error: subversion/libsvn_subr/io.c:2516: (apr_err=13) svn: Can''t create directory ''/home/svnadmin/rapleaf/db/transactions/0-1.txn'': Permission denied How do i fix this? I know others have had this before, so i would appreciate some help.
2011 Feb 03
Problem with --link-dest from within subversion working copy
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello, I've just encountered an issue where using --link-dest from within a Subversion working copy does not create hard links as intended. The idea is to supply the build toolchain for an embedded software development project to all users without having to force everybody to check out the whole stuff. This way we have the toolchain under
2006 Apr 13
[OT] Is it safe to ''su'' to the right user ?
Hi ! I''m using daemontools[1] to manage a few processes on my Debian box. Among other things, I use it to manage svnserve, because it uses less memory than Apache. My /service/svnserve/run looks like this: #!/bin/sh su svn -c "/usr/local/bin/svnserve --foreground --daemon --root /var/svn" Is it safe for me to run like that ? If an attacker cracks svnserve, what will they
2006 Jul 10
Hello Rails, I am working on a web app and trying to integrate some source control into our existing user and password base. I would like to use svnserve if possible but most importantly I would like to have svnserve or the (SVN server) use my cygwin accounts to access the files and manage my source control. Is this possible? the thing I have mostly been looking into is svn+ssh:// that
2002 May 23
Does the rsync/xdelta algorithm *need* to write a new file?
Hello, lately I've been playing with the idea of doing in-place updates of systems using either rsync or xdelta. However, both rsync and xdelta seem to be dead set on writing a new file first, and then atomically exchanging it with the old file. Now, as I want to apply a binary delta to a full filesystem, bigger than the available temporary space, this really makes rsync and xdelta
2007 Apr 16
Yum issue on CentOS 5, x86_64
I just loaded CentOS 5 on a new x86_64 machine I built for my wife. I am converting her from the dark $ide. :-) I started getting the following messages from yum: ]: yum update Loading "installonlyn" plugin Setting up Update Process Setting up repositories Reading repository metadata in from local files Resolving Dependencies --> Populating transaction set with selected packages.
2012 Sep 04
svn: Authorization failed
How do I set up a subversion repository so that svn can use an svnserve running locally? I own the repository. svnserve -d -r ... runs as me. svn mkdir -m 'make trunk' svn://localhost/redeye/trunk fails with svn: Authorization failed There is no request for credentials. Is anyone that can willing to share an example that works? I'm running CentOP 6.2 [hennebry at 67-61-185-5 reps]$
2003 May 12
xdelta files for security patches
Has xdelta (in ports under misc/xdelta) ever been considered as a means of delivering binary patches for security updates? It seems to be a pretty neat. -- Regards, Michael Nottebrock -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 187 bytes Desc: signature Url :
2011 Aug 25
svnserve and SysVinit
Hello there and SFME. Since el6 subversion package doesn't contain traditional SysV demonization script anymore I wonder how it is supposed to run svnserve from now on. 1) Should one write init script to be managed with service(8) on his own? 2) Or launch svnserve on demand via (x)inetd? 3) Or put svnserve command line in some rc-script? 4) Or maybe is ra_svn deployment scheme not supported
2008 Jul 26
problems with update of perl-5.8.8-10.el5_2.3
List, I have an 2.6.18-92.1.6.el5xen X86_64 machine that is failing to update perl. I did not see any bugs reported on the list and was wondering if anyone else had the same problem with a solution. Thanks, Greg Ennis Updating: perl x86_64 4:5.8.8-10.el5_2.3 updates 12 M Transaction Summary
2011 Jul 15
svnserve with encryption on CentOS
Hello, I've got a CentOS box that i'm wanting to set up svnserve on. I've read much, and am confused. Does svnserve support data encryption and also restricting users from specific repositories? I'm thinking of a single repo structure under /var/svn-repos and I've got two users user1 and user2, each should have access to their own projects in this case user1 can access
2003 Jun 08
state of the rsync nation? (revisited 6/2003 from 11/2000)
I'm interested in these very questions (librsync-rsync relationship, remaining limitations of rsync, active prospects for ground-up rewrites), Google searches for rsync info have proved a little too vague due to the programs ubiquity. Much has certainly changed since this was written, could some people with knowledge in these areas could update martin's response for the state of rsync,
2012 Aug 27
Deduplication data for CentOS?
Hi list, is there any working solution for deduplication of data for centos? We are trying to find a solution for our backup server which runs a bash script invoking xdelta(3). But having this functionality in fs is much more friendly... We have looked into lessfs, sdfs and ddar. Are these filesystems ready to use (on centos)? ddar is sthg different, I know. Thx Rainer
2006 May 19
Using Rails with Subversion
I followed the instructions at Hivelogic on Building Subversion (SVN) on Mac OS X and installed it on my machine. Now I am following the rubyonrails wiki on How to Use Rails With Subversion, it assumes that you have already created a subversion repository. Could someone please point me in the right direction for creating a subversion repository? Searching lead me to macdevcenter which seems to be
2008 Nov 12
SVN missing while it is present
Hello, Hopefully I am sending this to the correct mailing list but it seemed best suited for troubleshooting :-) I am trying to fix Subversion which isn't working for me on one of our machines: every attempt to run 'svn ls' or 'svn co' ends in: svnserve: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Which is
2005 Apr 06
dovecot-sasl license
hi, i talked to timo about re-licensing the sasl part of dovecot under a more liberal license (bsd/lgpl e.g.). it would allow the integration of it in bsd base systems. another reason i would be interested is adding sasl support to svnserve [1]. so here is my question: what is your oppinion about this issue? any objections from contributors? darix [1] -- irssi
2007 Mar 08
cant fully capture child output
I cant seem to get the io from a child process of a worker back to my client. There most be something academic I''m missing :/. I looked at examples in Pickaxe and Ruby PLEAC library ... and I believe the following should work: # called from within do_work... def backup(repo)''SvnWorker backup repo ''+repo) tmp = [] my_project =