similar to: openldap 2.4.11 ......unable to start on reboot

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches similar to: "openldap 2.4.11 ......unable to start on reboot"

2009 May 08
openldap 5.1 crashing
Hi One of our server opneldap seems to crash ... following is info about my ldap. nss_ldap-253-3 php-ldap-5.1.6-5.el5 openldap-2.4.11-1.3.el5 openldap-servers-2.4.11-1.3.el5 compat-openldap-2.4.11_2.3.27-1.3.el5 openldap-clients-2.4.11-1.3.el5 openldap-devel-2.4.11-1.3.el5 And m getting error on command slapcat [root@ ldap]# slapcat bdb_db_open: DB_CONFIG for suffix "o=nerv_ldap" has
2004 Sep 13
problems building / starting test40 + test42
Hi I was trying to build test40 (and then test42, since it came out in the mean time) on my fresh Solaris 9 box at home, and ran into a few snags. First problem was during the build. Make spat the dummy in the auth directory: Making all in auth make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 701: Unexpected end of line seen Current working directory /home/pkg/dovecot-1.0-test42/src/auth So, I
2003 Dec 30
printing problem from Windows 98 - samba 3.0.1
Hi List, (PS: I am not signed to list, please CC a mail to ). I am using samba 3.0.1 as a primary domain controller with LDAP. I am able to do file sharing very well with user wise restriction. The problem is with printer. I have a HP1200 printer for which i have to do JOB accounting. All the jobs will be queued through samba. I have done setup so that the
2010 Mar 08
openldap-2.3.43 and db4-utils - DB_VERSION_MISMATCH
Hi, I just started to set up a test ldap server and followed some tutorials. One topic is the tuning/monitoring of the bdb. So I installed the db4-utils and executed a "db_stat -h /var/lib/ldap/ -m". The answere is no stat, but: db_stat: Program version 4.3 doesn't match environment version db_stat: DB_ENV->open: DB_VERSION_MISMATCH: Database environment version mismatch The
2008 Apr 01
stalling on LOGIN
I'm getting strange timeouts occasionally on Dovecot 1.0.rc15 on Debian 4.0, and haven't been able to figure out the cause. $ ./src/imaptest user=test%d at host=localhost pass=foo mbox=~/dovecot-crlf - select=0 Logi Logo 100% 100% 2 4 7/ 10 0 0 10/ 10 0 0 10/ 10 0 0 10/ 10 0 0 10/ 10 0 0 10/ 10 0 0 10/ 10 0 0
2007 Jan 18
Why slapd dying?
I am wondering why slapd in my CentOS 4.4s erver was unable to run. I already configure ldap to start at boot and when I issue command /sbin/service ldap start it is sucessfully started but again when I check the status etheir thru service or by netstat, it was stopped and not exist respectively. Is anybody encountered this. If you need some more info just let me know. Thanks. junji linux
2004 Sep 05
1.0-test40 - Fixed dying with SIGIO signal with busy Maildir + Linux + IDLE system - Fixed maildir syncing: "UIDs not ordered in file" errors could have occured sometimes wrongly - --with-ioloop=epoll enables epoll code with Linux 2.6. Untested after my changes. - Pretty big changes in internal index handling code (I started this change 2-3 months ago..) Keywords are
2004 Feb 05
LDAP don't start
Hello, When I lauch 'slapd -d -1', I have this error : slapd startup: initiated. bdb_db_open: dc=effbe,o=net bdb_db_open: dbenv_open(/usr/local/var/openldap-data) bdb(dc=effbe,o=net): Berkeley DB library configured to support only DB_PRIVATE environments bdb_db_open: dbenv_open failed: Invalid argument (22) backend_startup: bi_db_open(0) failed! (22) slapd shutdown: initiated ====>
2009 Jan 18
Starting slapd: /bin/bash: /tmp/start-slapd.K12378: Permission denied
Hi, I'm running Centos 5, with openldap Version: 2.3.27 Release: 8.el5_2.4. When I run: $ sudo /etc/init.d/ldap start I get the following error: Starting slapd: /bin/bash: /tmp/start-slapd.l14891: Permission denied (obviously the temp file number changes every time). It appears to be a permission problem but I thought I did everything to set up the permissions correctly... Everything
2007 Feb 13
Load data in ldap
Hi.. I try to load data in ldap server. I am using migration tools... But, When I use the migration tools throw the following message: bdb_db_open: Warning - No DB_CONFIG file found in directory /usr/local/var/openldap-data: (2) Expect poor performance for suffix,c=ec. str2entry: invalid value for attributeType objectClass #6 (syntax I hope your
2011 Feb 18
nss_ldap: reconnected to LDAP server ldap://
Hello, I have a problem that I'm really having trouble figuring out. I run CentOS Linux 5.5. I have three servers. All have been setup and running with LDAP authentication for a couple years with absolutely no problems. Unfortunately a couple weeks ago, we had a power outage. Ever since, I am having continuous problems with authentication to the server. I see in /var/log/messages
2006 Aug 22
/lib/tls.disabled or xen-friendly glibc?
Hi, until now I have run Xen with /lib/tls out of the way for both dom0 and domU''s, but now I''m trying to install OpenLDAP in a domU, which requires TLS as default. So now I have at least three options ahead of me: 1. mv /lib/tls.disabled back to /lib/tls and accept the performance penalty (is there any documentation on how heavy this penalty is?) 2. Compile OpenLDAP
2007 Mar 13
This message does not contain a bug report or any issues. It is a summary of my experiences with Postfix, Dovecot, and Ldap. 1. Do not use Dovecot 0.99, even if it's what your vendor has packaged. 1a. ... When you upgrade past 0.99, you'll get some double mail because of UIDL's. 2. Do not use PAM and Ldap and then let dovecot talk to pam. It is bad. Don't do it. 2a. Unless
2012 May 01
OpenLDAP migration from Centos 5 to 6
I'm moving my home network server from a Dell server, which has been having some mysterious problems, to an HP MicroServer. Everything - MySQL, OpenVPN, email (dovecot), httpd, etc - except for openLDAP, which is taking more time than everything else put together. I haven't found any straightforward instructions on this anywhere. The official RedHat document
2001 Oct 10
ext3 patch for 2.4.11
Hi ! Is a ext3 patch against latest kernel 2.4.11 available ? Dirk
2009 Oct 21
samba 3.4.2 centos with ldap 2.4.11 stucks - The workaround
Hi! As I said, I the smbd daemon stucks if you use Samba 3.4.2 on CentOS 5.3 with ldap 2.4.11. (You start the smb daemons, then you have to wait a few minutes before the daemon states "waiting for connections" and then after you try to connect to a network share the daemon stucks" - all that behaviour when you use the local ldap) I found a workaround - if I use winbind nested
2007 Oct 29
Samba+LDAP problems
Hello there... My name is Marcelo, i am new in this list. I don't know if here is the right place for asking about samba + LDAP, if not, sorry... I am finishing to implement a samba server with ldap support but, when i want to add some group to the samba domain i obtain the following error messages: - SMBLDAP_TOOLS # smbldap-groupadd -a -g 10000 -s S-1-5-21-blablabla -t 2 domainadmins
2010 Jan 25
Debian Lenny - Samba 3.2.5 + OpenLDAP (slapd) 2.4.11
I have a serous problem. I have for some time now tried to get an SAMBA based Domain Controller working. I have tried with OpenLDAP and tdbsam as backend, but I get the same error every time. I wood prefer to use LDAP as my backend. I have read tons of how-to SAMBA + LDAP, but non of the seams to work for my, is there someone that maybe can see what I have done rung in my config.? I have