similar to: Pshop cs3 and cs4 wont install, please help!

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Pshop cs3 and cs4 wont install, please help!"

2008 Jun 18
Wine + Adobe CS3 not working
Hi everyone, I'm trying to get wine to work with CS3, but I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried copying some dll's, but it didn't help. I've reverted back to a clean install of Wine 1.0 now, and I was wondering if anyone could help? Code: fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"C:\\Program
2010 Dec 09
Adobe Director issues
Hi again. I'm trying to run Adobe Director 11.5, I made a search and it's not in the AppDB. I knew beforehand it almost obviously would not work before doing some tweaks. However, I take a look at the console's log, and I have no clue about it. Code: User at linux-e9or:~/Downloads/AdobeDirector115> WINEPREFIX=~/director wine Setup.exe fixme:console:AttachConsole stub ffffffff
2009 Feb 16
Photoshop Cs3 or Cs4
Hello people! I've problems with the installation of Photoshop cs3 or cs4. When i try to install with the setup.exe Photoshop cs3, it give me this: deandreon at deandreon-desktop:~/Scrivania/photoshop2$ wine setup.exe fixme:console:AttachConsole stub ffffffff Begin Adobe Setup UI mode: Full GUI fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
2009 Mar 13
Re: problems installing Dreamweaver cs3
when i start not from root see fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls.Resources" fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32f794,0x00000000), stub! fixme:actctx:parse_depend_manifests Could not find dependent assembly L"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls.Resources" err:shell:SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirW Failed to
2011 Nov 03
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 installation
Installation fails with a non-explaining error. here's the log: Code: fixme:console:AttachConsole stub ffffffff Starting installer... UI mode : Full GUI. fixme:wuapi:update_installer_get_IsBusy fixme:wuapi:update_installer_get_RebootRequiredBeforeInstallation fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
2008 Nov 21
Adobe Master Collection and Wine on Ubuntu 8.10
I recently installed Ubuntu 8.10 and wine 1.0.1 and am hoping there is a way to get it to work with adobe master collection. I recently upgraded to CS4 but I also have CS3. I know adobe apps have been hit or miss for compatibility in the past but a friend said the new Ubuntu and wine made it as easy as mount and this true and if not is it even possible to install either the adobe
2009 Mar 13
Help: Adobe Flash CS4 problem.
Can I get your help? I try run Flash CS4 installer, but it works, But I got follow error. And it stops. wayne at linux-jr51:~/Soft/FlashCS4CHS> wine Setup.exe fixme:console:AttachConsole stub ffffffff fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"MACHINE\\Software\\Classes\\.svg" 4 4 (nil) (nil) 0x130f68 (nil) fixme:advapi:SetNamedSecurityInfoW L"MACHINE\\Software\\Classes\\.svgz"
2009 Jul 03
I can't install Photoshop CS4 Extended
Hi, how you can read in the title, I can't install Photoshop CS4, but here you can see that Photoshop CS4 works. Why can't I do it? I use Wine 1.1.17 because there is a screenshot where Photoshop is installed under Wine 1.1.17 and run under Wine 1.1.20. This is the outpute when I write wine
2011 Dec 12
vvvv ole error 80131700
hi.. i am try tu run vvvv, a visual language programm, that run only for wind.. but when i run the vvvv. exe the software don t go for this error ole error 80131700. and in the terminal this error> wine vvvv.exe* machine fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {88d96a05-f192-11d4-a65f-0040963251e5} not registered
2012 Jan 11
Re: Fireworks Cs5 mouse drag problem
I have the exact same problem. Mouse won't drag in image area, but it will drag windows and panels in Fireworks just fine. NOTEs: 1. I installed it Adobe Creative Suite. 2. Based on these instructions (though I had a Program Files (x86) and x86 files in Common Files that I have to copy over as well) 3. The command
2011 Mar 15
Photoshop cs4 do not work with Wine 1.3.15. HELP
Hi, I have a problem when i try running setup.exe of photoshop cs4. I have tried everything likz putting amtllib.ddl or an other in system32, i update wine twice and reinstall it 5 times, but nothing. Ubuntu 10.10 ( my pc config is perfect for running ubunutu and wine) wine 1.3.15. here the problem i get when i try to lunch setup.exe with wine. [Image:
2011 Nov 08
Cooltype crash on Photoshop CS5 and WIne 1.3.32
Am I the only one getting this? Whenever I select a certain font or open a PSD file that uses it, the application hangs up or crashes. Code: err:shell:HCR_GetFolderAttributes should be called for simple PIDL's only! fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub! fixme:ntdll:NtSetInformationToken unimplemented class 24 fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
2011 Dec 31
Pressure sensitivity not working on Photoshop CS or CS2
Hello! I have a problem with my Genius tablet. It works on GIMP (native) but not on Photoshop, I tried CS and CS2. I got how to make a log file from another thread, but it was old and photoshop version was different. Tablet is a Genius G-Pen 4500. Name UC-LOGIC Tablet WP5540U. Distro is Arch Linux, Wine package version is 1.3.36-1. Thanks a lot :). Here is the log: Code:
2008 Dec 07
Upgrade borked wine...
I was running dreamweaver cs4 just fine in wine 1.1.9, I then upgraded to version 1.1.10 and it no longer ran. I tried to redo the steps that I took to install dreamweaver cs4 (I have the dreamweaver files on a portable harddrive, all I have to do is copy them over to the wine directories) in wine 1.1.9 in wine 1.1.10 but it still froze. I tried downgrading to 1.1.9 again and redoing the steps
2012 Jan 14
professional application Olympe5
Hello. Code: $ env WINEPREFIX="/home/thierry/.wine" wine C:\\Program\ Files\\Olympe\ V5.0\ FirefoxPortable\\Olympe5.exe fixme:advapi:GetCurrentHwProfileA (0x33fbc8) semi-stub fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0x13b4a0, filter=0xe6e9d4,flags=0x00000001) returns a fake device notification handle! wine: Unhandled page fault on write
2008 Dec 15
MS Visio 2003 - Wine 1.1.10 - Ubuntu 8.04
I would like to install (and work) with Visio 2003 using Ubuntu 8.04 and Wine 1.1.10. I have tried to install using setup.exe and the setup app started all looked ok then right at the end of the install it crashed with a "cannot find the wscript.exe" I tried to start Visio and as if i couldn't work this out Visio didn't start. I started to look at the forums to see if someone
2010 Dec 14
Wine+Rosetta Stone(yes, this again)
fixme:system:SetProcessDPIAware stub! fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership ((nil) 0x12a4a0 0x35fd0c) stub! fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership ((nil) 0x12a4a0 0x35fd0c) stub! ALSA lib seq_hw.c:457:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW (null) L"root" (nil) 0x33f864 (nil) 0x33f868 0x33f85c - stub fixme:advapi:LookupAccountNameW
2012 Feb 05
I recently switched from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu). I have had no issues until for a job I was required to use a program called Planswift ( It's specialized construction software that only runs on Windows. I tried installing it with Wine, there were no problems until the very end of the installation when it was "finalizing" and a small message window with a status
2012 Jun 10
Garena Messenger Chat not working
Hello, I installed wine 1.3.35 in bodhi Linux to play warcraft online. I use Garena to play dota online therefore installed the latest Garena plus from their website .Everything is working fine except for chat and discussion.When I hover the mouse over friend list Garena exits automatically. Can someone help me with this?? When i run Garena Plus ,terminal shows the following code: Code: wine
2010 Oct 11
Rosetta Stone
I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and WINE 1.2. WineHQ APPDB states that Rosetta Stone is not installable. I have installed it, so the information there is not correct/complete. When I installed, it ran perfectly. I created an ISO of the install disc and the first lesson. I then loop mounted each of them in turn for them to run and assigned each of them a windows directory, configuring them as CD-ROM.