similar to: disabling pop/imap per mail address?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "disabling pop/imap per mail address?"

2007 May 01
logging IMAP size?
hi all, is there a way to somehow log the size of an IMAP session with Dovecot? With POP3 there is this pop3 format string I can set in dovecot.conf, but I don't see an equivalent for IMAP. If so, are there any plans to add this functionality? thanks, armijn -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- armijn at | | UULug:
2013 Aug 04
10th anniversary of tinc 1.0
Hello everyone, Today is exactly 10 years ago that tinc 1.0 was released. I would have hoped to celebrate this by releasing 1.0.22 and 1.1pre8 today, but this will instead happen in one week. Tinc 1.1 is close to becoming stable, and I hope to release 1.1.0 before the end of the year. The main features of tinc 1.1 are the improved security over tinc 1.0, and a much nicer interface that makes it
2013 Aug 04
10th anniversary of tinc 1.0
Hello everyone, Today is exactly 10 years ago that tinc 1.0 was released. I would have hoped to celebrate this by releasing 1.0.22 and 1.1pre8 today, but this will instead happen in one week. Tinc 1.1 is close to becoming stable, and I hope to release 1.1.0 before the end of the year. The main features of tinc 1.1 are the improved security over tinc 1.0, and a much nicer interface that makes it
2002 Feb 12
book on Linux VPNs
hi all, I searched the tinc archives and I know one of the authors asked a few questions about tinc. So...go out and buy it :) armijn -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Penguin
2007 Jul 24
need to limit imap/pop processes per user.. possible?
Is it possible to limit the imap/pop connections per user in dovecot? If so i couldnt find the option to do that. Thanks! -- Jordan Tardif DreamHost
2007 Feb 22
Mixing POP and IMAP
Hi, I run a small site, about a dozen users, and many of the users POP their mail. I have just installed Squirrelmail which uses IMAP. Has anyone had any significant problems with mixing POP and IMAP for mail retreival? Your feedback is greatly apprecianted, -- Dominic Lepiane The IRMACS Centre Simon Fraser University -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was
2007 May 25
Variable expansion in LDA vs POP/IMAP
Hello all, I'm trying to understand when exactly the variable substitution happens in Dovecot, as I get different results in the LDA and in the POP/IMAP server. Here's my general setup: - Postfix MTA, delivers mail via Dovecot LDA - users list sits in a database - mail directory is stored in the database, but with Dovecot variables inside Delivery works perfectly fine,
2017 Aug 21
pop 110/995, imap 143/993 ?
On 21/08/17 10:37, Gedalya wrote: > On 08/21/2017 07:28 AM, voytek at wrote: >> is there a 'preferred way'? should I tell users to use 143 over 993 ? or >> 993 over 143? or? > There is no concrete answer. There are various opinions and feelings about this. > The opinion againt 993/995 is that these are not standard ports, Out of curiosity, is there a
2016 May 05
Cannot connect to Dovecot IMAP or POP
Hello all. Thank you for your service. Easy when you know how, but presently I do not. After literally months of research and experimentation we simply cannot log into our PAM / apache2 / postfix / dovecot pop3/imap STARTTLS email server with an ordinary email client, e.g., Evolution or Thunderbird. We can connect to the host server in a host of different ways (no pun intended)?http, https, ssh,
2004 Jul 24
mbox sync: UID inserted in the middle of mailbox
Hello, I found this in the logs of a Dovecot v1.0-test29 test server (OpenBSD 2.9, as mentioned in a previous email): Jul 24 05:37:47 myhostname dovecot: IMAP(username): mbox sync: UID inserted in the middle of mailbox /home/username/.mailbox (235 > 234) Jul 24 05:37:52 myhostname dovecot: IMAP(username): file mbox-sync-rewrite.c: line 357 (mbox_sync_read_and_move): assertion failed:
2004 Dec 09
When the 1.0 release is planed?
Hi! When the 1.0 release is planed?
2003 Jun 16
crash on LIST command
Hello, I'm experiencing a reproducable crash in the imap daemon of dovecot when running the next commands (sniffed from a sylpheed session): [cocaine:~] telnet ice 143 Trying Connected to ice. Escape character is '^]'. * OK dovecot ready. 1 NOOP 1 OK NOOP completed. 2 LOGIN wouter password 2 OK Logged in. 3 NAMESPACE 3 BAD Error in IMAP command: Unknown
2015 Jan 20
Problem with Cisco Phones
Possibly slightly off topic, has anyone ever had Cisco 79xx Series phones come up with "cannot complete conference" errors when trying to conference two calls together? This message may be private and confidential. If you have received this message in error, please notify us and remove it from your system. Gyron may monitor email traffic data and the content of email for the purposes
2006 Apr 20
per connection shaping
Is there a qdisc that allows a per connection maximization? E.g.: bandwidth 1Mb, four sessions RDP and a per session limit of 250kb R. -- ___________________________________________________________________ It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak aloud and remove all doubt. +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Richard Lucassen,
2004 Aug 04
No incoming audio on incoming SIP calls
Now this is really frustrating. Everything was working fine, and now it isn't ... I don't think I've changed anything that would affect this, but I guess you never can be too sure. My setup is as follows: SIP softphone (SJphone) connected to Asterisk running my Linux NAT firewall box. This is all on the internal network. Asterisk then dialing out through various means - SIP to
2010 Dec 21
Shared Folders via Symlinking
Hi folks, I'm trying to set up shared folders via symlinking and have come across a problem. I created a folder for one user, then symlinked it to another. I figured that one thing that is likely to happen at some point is that user 2 is going to decide they don't want to look at that folder any more, and will delete it, so I tried this. Much to my relief, it didn't delete the actual
2015 Jan 23
Polycom SoundStation 6000 Dropping Registration
Hello, I'm having a problem with a few Polycom SoundStation 6000s. Everything works fine, but they drop registration to asterisk after about maybe 30 minutes - the phone does not re-try to register and if you try to dial out on the phone it says "URI Dialing is Disabled" Has anyone else had this issue? I'm running asterisk 11.7.0. This message may be private and confidential.
2004 Dec 20
1.0-test59 on OpenBSD: Undefined symbol `_strtoull' referenced
Hello, dovecot-1.0-test59 compilation fails on an old OpenBSD version with: var-expand.c:19: Undefined symbol `_strtoull' referenced from text segment collect2: ld returned 1 exit status *** Error code 1 Stop in /root/dovecot-1.0-test59/src/auth (line 392 of Makefile). [...] OpenBSD should have strtoull starting from about version 3.2.
2007 Jan 24
pop/imap login logging only username part of full email address
I have my login log format set like so: login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l %c When I log in using a full email address, though, I only get the username part of the address: Jan 24 13:28:29 node7 dovecot: pop3-login: Login: user=<justin>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip= Jan 24 13:28:30 node7 dovecot: POP3(justin): Disconnected: Logged
2013 Aug 21
High Load Average on POP/IMAP.
Hi, We have a serious issue running on our POP/IMAP servers these days. The load average of a servers spikes up to 400-500 as a uptime command result, for a particular time period , to be specific mostly in noon time and evening, but it last for few minutes only. We have 2 servers running dovecot 1.1.20 , in loadbanlancer, We have used KEEPLIVE (1.1.13) for loadbalacing. Server