similar to: Error: Maximum number of mail processes exceeded (see max_mail_processes setting)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Error: Maximum number of mail processes exceeded (see max_mail_processes setting)"

2009 Jan 14
troubles with 1.1.8 and squirrelmail over HTTPS
Hello I noticed a problem after upgrading to 1.1.8 Users that access to their mailboxes using webmail squirrelmail and HTTPS using HTTP seems to work correctly but it not safe enough ... There is an error message saying the imap server send a BYE command ... I downgraded our Dovecot server to 1.1.7 then it works again ... Does somebody has the same problem ? -- Cordialement Frank Bonnet
2009 Mar 12
file client-common.c: line 25 (client_unlink): assertion failed: (clients_count > 0)
Hello since few days I got this in dovecot log I use 1.1.11 on Debian etch 64 bits Thanks for any info dovecot: Mar 12 16:57:37 Panic: imap-login: file client-common.c: line 25 (client_unlink): assertion failed: (clients_count > 0) dovecot: Mar 12 16:57:37 Error: child 5247 (login) killed with signal 6 (ip= dovecot: Mar 12 17:10:04 Panic: imap-login: file client-common.c:
2008 Feb 25
1.1rc1: Maximum number of mail processes exceeded
I'm getting "Maximum number of mail processes exceeded" messages when 512 imap Processes are active. Dovecot reports: Warning: fd limit 1024 is lower than what Dovecot can use under full load (more than 1712). Either grow the limit or change login_max_processes_count and max_mail_processes settings But in my /var/service/dovecot/run script I use: #!/bin/sh mkdir /var/core chmod
2008 Oct 01
"dovecot: Maximum number of mail processes exceeded"
At noon, I often get "dovecot: Maximum number of mail processes exceeded" I'm at my wits end, which parameter needs to be increased further? # 1.1.3: /usr/local/etc/dovecot.conf protocols: imap imaps pop3s ssl_cert_file: /etc/ssl/certs/postamt.pem ssl_key_file: /etc/ssl/private/postamt.key disable_plaintext_auth: no version_ignore: yes login_dir: /usr/local/var/run/dovecot/login
2008 Mar 17
XEN ON IBM System X3650/X3950
Hi,all, Is there anyone which installed xen on ibm system x3650? I read a link from redhat: That is running xen guests on System x3950 is not recommended. I installed rhel5.1 x86_64 on a ibm system x3650 with xen kernel,but I can not install guest with paravirtualizing,the guest os include rhel5.1 32/64bit rhel4.5/32bit the guest crashed when the
2007 Jul 31
Problems using TE412P and TDM400B in a IBM x3650
Another day, another apparant unexplained hardware incompatibility. I have a TE412P and a TDM400B living quite happily in a whitebox using an Intel motherboard: I tried to move to an IBM x3650 system. It uses a slightly newer chipset, but apparantly it's in the same family. The SE-7230 board has been EOL'd and the
2016 May 13
Installing 32-bit CentOS 6 on a new Lenovo System x3650 M5 server?
Is there any known incompatibility with the latest 32-bit (i386) CentOS 6 and the latest Lenovo x3650 M5 servers? I?ve been running i386 CentOS 6.X on 3 year old x3650 M4 servers without any issues. Our development environment has not been ported to 64-bit (x86_64) yet, so we are stuck using i386 for another few months. When I try to boot from the netinstall ISO image I just get a ?Boot Failed?
2010 Dec 15
ssl enabled, but ssl_cert not set ( 2.0.7 freebsd 8.1 )
hello trying to install dovecot 2 on a fresh installed machine I get this error message : doveconf -n > dovecot-new.conf doveconf: Error: ssl enabled, but ssl_cert not set doveconf: Fatal: Error in configuration file /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf: ssl enabled, but ssl_cert not set the ssl config file look like the following : Thanks for any info. ## ## SSL settings ## # SSL/TLS
2008 Dec 11
Multi OS boot and shared secret trouble
Hello We are facing a boring trouble with multi OB boot machines that access to our samba server. All machines authenticate to samba PDC ( linux debian etch + windows ) It appears when machines windows's bootup the shared secret is changed by windows if we reboot the same machine under Linux it cannot authenticate anymore because Linux does NOT change the shared secret ... The machines
2010 Apr 07
Joining a NetApp filer to a Samba PDC ?
Hello Does anyone succeded in joining a Samba PDC with a NetApp filer ? I tried many times but never succeded ... Any infos welcome. Thanks
2008 May 05
Inotify instance limit for user exceeded, disabling.
Hi. What does the warning "Inotify instance limit for user exceeded, disabling." mean, and how do I get rid of it? I assume that I have to change a limit somewhere? Regards, Anders.
2008 Oct 10
pop3-login: Internal login failure (auth failed, 1 attempts)
Hello I have a user that experience troubles with it's pop3 client (eudora) at random time/hour the dovecot server refuse the connection to his machine during several minutes then it restart normally to download its emails ... the message is like the following : dovecot: Oct 09 15:36:35 Info: pop3-login: Internal login failure (auth failed, 1 attempts): user=<xxxxxxx>, method=PLAIN,
2007 Aug 15
Hello, I have some doubts about max_mail_process option on dovecot.conf. When I set to 3, only 2 clients can be logged in at the same time. when I set it to 2, only 1 clients can be logged in. Why is the maximum number of concurrent clients is always 1 less than max_mail_process? Is any other process is also counted as mail_process other than imap and pop3? Tony
2009 Jul 08
Unable to install 64 bit on x3650
Greetings, I am trying to install Centos 5.3 on IBM x3650 with Adaptec based ServeRAID 8k Just two disk in RAID 1 When trying boot with CD1 the booting process aborts with a kernel panic saying that some unknown-de and some message saying to use the correct 'root=' boot parameter. Kindly help Thanks and Regards Rajagopal
2008 Feb 14
FW: Memory Problem
I am sure this has been covered before, but I can find it in my archives. I loaded up a new server IBM x3650, 2x Intel dual core cpu's I installed additional RAM to take it up to 7 gigs according to CentOS 5 x86 which I am using supports up to 16gigs of RAM. Once I boot up CentOS only see's about 3.2Gigs of Ram. I installed the kernel-PAE
2009 Jul 02
Word and Excel files are read-only when opening
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello Since we started our new Samba + LDAP backend server yesterday some (not all) PC we have a problem with Word and Excel files that are marked "read-only" when users are trying to open them from their Samba network shares. This happen ONLY for *.doc and *.xls files , if we open and save a *.html file with Word it works ... Any
2013 Aug 16
Xyratex disk units
I am wondering if any one knows of a way to manage Xyratex disk shelves from CentOS (in particular CentOS 4). More details: Some years ago I installed a NAS unit from Exanet which consists of 2 rebadged IBM x3650 head nodes and a couple of Xyratex disk shelves with a total of 96 TB of raw disk, connected by fibre channel. The operating system is based on CentOS 4.4, but is modified, and runs a
2011 Apr 15
Corrupted index cache file
Hello I got this error message yesterday evening for a user I've checked LDA error log it happened 6 times in 3 days for 5 differents users, not much but I wonder what's going on as actually the server is moderately loaded ( Easter holidays ) we have currently 250/300 IMAP processes , in "normal" production time we have approx 1000 IMAP processes running. Apr 14 19:24:37
2011 Jan 10
Max number of mail processes
Dovecot version 1.1.11. Error: Maximum number of mail processes exceeded (see max_mail_processes setting). I can't seem to get rid of these errors. I get batches of these errors about 4 or 5 times a day. I have a cron-job checking for the existence of this error and then I reboot dovecot when I see this error, but what is causing this error ? What I am reading on the
2006 Jul 28
maximum likelihood
hi, using articial data, i'm supposed to estimate model y(t) = beta(1) + beta(2)*x(t) + u(t), u(t) = gamma*u(t-1) + v(t), t = 1,...,100 which is correctly specified in two ways: ML ommiting the first observation, and ML using all 100 observation. since i'm still learning how to use R, i would like to know how MLE works. there is neither information about the distribution of v(t) nor