similar to: How much test data to use in specs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "How much test data to use in specs"

2009 May 24
Class method not being stubbed
Hi guys. I''m setting an expectation on a class method. For some reason, the method isn''t being stubbed, and the expectation isn''t seeing the call. In KeywordListsController#create, I call the private method #create_keywords_and_associate, which calls AdSenseHeavenParser#parse . Thus, some of my specs set an expectation on AdSenseHeavenParser#parse . However, that
2008 Oct 20
RSpec-Rails bug with to_xml?
Hello, everyone. I''ve been lurking here for a while, but this is my first post. I think I''ve run into a RSpec bug in a Rails project I''m working on. I was working on a few REST controllers, and started getting failures on a specific spec that verified whether a certain action returned XML output. I spent quite a lot of time checking my code to see if it was something I
2011 Mar 06
render_views and render_to_string
Hey guys. One of my controller actions uses #render_to_string to send back a JSON response. When I try to spec this, Ruby raises a NoMethodError, saying that #render_to_string doesn''t exist in my controller action. Here''s the controller action, spec, and output: Any idea what I''m doing wrong? Thanks, Nick -------------- next part
2009 Nov 10
Model spec for file upload with paperclip and fastercsv
I just started my ImportsController and was this was really the way to go: ////////import.rb///////////////// class Import < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :csv validates_attachment_presence :csv after_save :process_csv private def process_csv FasterCSV.foreach( csv.path) do |row| #TODO end end end /////////import_spec.rb///////////////// require
2008 Oct 31
Stubbing #javascript_include_tag in a helper spec
When writing specs for a helper method, how do you set an expectation for #javascript_include_tag ? describe NeighbourhoodsHelper do describe ''#initialise_map'' do it ''should include the "foo" JS file'' do # expectation here helper.foobar end end end I''ve tried replacing "# expectation here" with the
2006 May 01
Radiant CMS
I am pleased to announce that Radiant CMS is now publically available from the Subversion repository at: What is Radiant? ---------------- Radiant is a no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams. It is similar to Textpattern or MovableType, but is a general purpose content management system (not a blogging engine). Radiant features:
2006 Aug 10
Radiant CMS 0.5.1 - Gemdust
I am pleased to announce the release of Radiant 0.5.1 Gemdust: This is primarily a security update. A critical security vulnerability has been discovered in Rails 1.1.5. It is therefore highly recommended that you upgrade immediately. Apart from the Rails 1.1.5 upgrade, this release includes a number of small enhancements. From the change log: WHAT IS
2008 Jul 27
Radiant CMS 0.6.8 "Incise" Release
Looks like it''s time for another release of Radiant: Radiant 0.6.8 "Incise" adds a number of new features that enhance support for extensions and completes the project''s move to github. Of special note are: * Extension installer/uninstaller scripts (script/extension) and a global ''extension registry'' at
2007 Jun 28
new to rails... suitable for what I wanna do?
Hi, I have created and now maintain the website (http:// for english) for my brother. He creates more and more content for it each week and I''m seriously feeling the pain now archiving everything manually and making sure that links works once items are archived (which I lost control of). Like you can see, it is basically a news site about art
2011 Sep 04
rspec assert inclusion in..
hello, I would like to assert that an attribute of a model has value among those in an array. How would I do it in rspec? Something like this... describe OptionType do context "shoulda validations" do it { assert_contains :type, [''Type1'', ''Type1'']} end end
2006 Jul 04
Any CMS for Ruby on Rails..
Well i want to make a photography community site on the lines of ,, Where the community votes for every subbmission from a artist and can comment (like a forum).. Now gfxartist has used probably SMARTY,php,and their own CMS. terminus used Drupal,Gallery 2.Some one tells me that this combo is heavy on resources and slows down sites.
2006 Jun 01
Content Management System
I am looking for a good CMS based on Rails that has at least these attributes: 1. Ease of use ( as it will be used by people who are not html literate) 2. Very easy/flexible to change layout. So far I have looked at (have not installed it yet) MuraveyWeb does not seem
2007 May 21
Rails'' fixtures suck! But what about something like this?
Sorry about the very long email, but this is a hairy topic that''s been annoying me for some time and I decided to try to do something about. Also, if you got this twice, I apologize too, but it didn''t seem to have successfully gone out the first time. Background: ---------- I''ve been dealing with Rails for about a year and a half now. I''ve been using
2007 May 10
Shared behavior and_raise problem, and site aestetics
Hello, Is anyone else having trouble with the and_raise method on mocks, with respect to shared behaviors? If I do the following instead: foo.should_receive(:bar).and_return { raise } everything seems to work. I have been supplying no arguments to and_raise, by the way. Also, you may want to make the background in the code examples on the home page a little lighter. I am hardly able to
2008 May 30
Any good Rails example app created with RSpec and Rspec on Rails?
Hi, I''m pretty new to RSpec. I''ve been browsing to find a good app built using RSpec (and RSpec on Rails). Does anybody have a recommendation? I wanna see example of mocks/stubs, associated models and integrated_view. -T
2007 May 04
spec template for CRUD?
Hello, Has anyone already come up with a set of shared behaviours that someone could leverage when adhering to a CRUD concept, with respect to controllers? Relatedly, it would be nice if there were a way to share generalized behaviour specs. -Chris
2007 Apr 30
Migrating spec_helper with modifications
Hello, After moving into the HEAD of rspec, I am greeted with a mountain of errors, which I expected, due to my specs not being migrated. I use hpricot for a lot of my view tests, as it is extremely simple to traverse the DOM with it. I used to include HpricotSpecHelper in spec_helper.rb, like so: require ''hpricot_spec_helper'' module Spec module Rails module Runner
2007 May 03
0.9.2 redirect_to no longer accepts hash?
Why am I now getting these errors? expected redirect to {:action=>"index"}, got redirect to "" I know in the AuthenticatedUsersController, the redirect call is redirect_to :action => ''index'' So why should I have to convert this to a url in my specs?
2006 Mar 25
Polycom IP 301 is slow
Hi guys, I've been using a Polycom IP 301 for a couple of weeks now and find that it's extremely slow for configuring. For instance, it takes several minutes to boot up, apply any changes via the web interface takes at least a minute, etc. Is this normal behaviour? Is there anything that can be done about it? Thanks, -- Nick e: p: +61 7 5591 3588 f: +61 7 5591
2007 Apr 30
svn head api url?
Hello, Is there a url for the api used on the development branch, which gets updated per commit or so? I am using rspec as a plugin, complete with the externals property, and would like to refer to the new api while I fix all my specs up. Thanks. -Chris -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: