similar to: Difference between root as samba user and other non-root-users?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Difference between root as samba user and other non-root-users?"

2009 Mar 09
ms office and 3.3.1
I upgraded from 3.2.7 to 3.3.1 and am having the most peculiar problem with Microsoft Office 2007 and samba shares. Users can open a share, create, edit and delete files/folders with no problem. But when a user opens a file on a samba share in any Office application, for example Word, and clicks 'Save' then a dialog box opens: "Access denied. Contact your administrator". This
2017 Jun 30
Accessing a guest share from Windows 10 gives System error 5 on some computers
Hi, I have an embedded instrument running samba 4.4.5 or 4.6.2 that connect to Windows / Mac / Linux via USB RNDIS / CDC Ethernet. On those instrument, there's a single share that is configured for guest access without password: [global] log level = 10 workgroup = DATA server string = Samba Server log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 50 security = user map to
2011 Sep 19
Installing Rails Help!
Hi, I followed a Tutorial on Nettuts to install Ruby with RVM and this went well. I then tried to install Rails to follow the ''How to build a dropbox live service'' from Netttus but appear to get errors can anybody help?. Once I installed rails I created a new rails project using the command (Rails new sharebox -d mysql) This worked and created the folder structure. I then
2016 Apr 19
Channel Mapping Family for Ambisonics
Hi, Ambisonics are good for the recording but what is about the playback? In addition to an Ambisonic channel mapping, isn't it worthwhile to think about some object based audio coding, too? But then again, that would be much more work than just adding a new channel mapping. Christian > Michael Graczyk <mgraczyk at> hat am 18. April 2016 um 04:29 >
2004 Jan 04
Cisco 12sp+ program update
does anyone have a running cisco 12sp+ or 30 vip phone on their network? and if so could you also tell me what tftp files you actually use and if there are any special settings in skinny.conf that i need? (I ran several searches for setup, nothing has come up so far so i'll ask for advice now.) Thanks Rohde -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
1999 May 19
can't save files in 2.0.4
After upgrading from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4, my Office 97 users can no longer save files to drives on my Enterprise 250 running Solaris 7. Other methods(explorer, file manager, wordpad) allow writing to these file systems, but office 97, Word in particular, is a complete no go. Anybody else have this experience with version 2.0.4? Bob Rohde
1998 Mar 23
Browsing across subnets
I would like to know how to view a samba server on a different subnet than the client workstation resides. For example, I have a Samba 1.9.18p3 server in subnet 'a' and a NT 4.0 client in subnet 'b'. The Samba server does not show up when the NT client double-clicks on the Network Neighborhood. However, if the client does a Find:computer it will find the server, and shares can be
2013 Jul 26
Some listening test results
Hi, a first set of results can be downloaded here <> More will be added soon. Thanks to Patrick Schreiner and Alfons Martin, who did the tests. With best regards, Christian Hoene Symonics GmbH Sand 13 72076 T?bingen Tel +49 7071 5681302
2007 Jul 03
lookup a anonymous internal caller
Dear list, following problem, i have some users, who are supressing their callerid. This setting is adjusted at the sip phone. So if these guys are calling internal persons nobody sees the callerid. I am looking for the following resolution: User has set his phone to anonymous, user calls somebody internal, Asterisk initials a lookup on the channel and generates a new callerid for the
2003 Dec 14
Error loading modem driver
When I attempt to start asterisk with my modem setup listed it will not start attached are the error messages i get and also the modem.conf that i am currently using. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. running CVS ver 12/7/03, modified only to allow the RxFax and TxFax to compile and run with it (from just e-mail me privately if you need more info Thanks in
2004 May 05
3.0.3 Woody packages?
All, has anybody built samba 3.0.3 woody packages already? Thanks, Michael
2006 Jan 05
Naming convention for foreign keys
Hi, In "Agilge Web Development With Rails" on page 217, an example of foreign keys is shown. I am however unable to find a definition of wheater the naming of the index is significant. On the above mentioned page, this line is shown in the example: constraint fk_items_product foreign key (product_id) references products(id) In "fk_items_product", "items" is
2004 Apr 12
Complex sample variances
Hello, Is there a way to get complex sample variances in the survey package on summary statistics other than means? If not, can they be added to a future version? It would be be great to have them on totals, quantiles, ratios, and tables (eg row percent, columns percent, etc). Thanks. Fred --------------------------------- [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Dec 22
Ruby on Rails and lookup tables
Hi, I''m a newbie on both Ruby and Ruby on Rails, and I''m struggling with my first app. I have a table with a column called "employee_id" which is a foreing key associating it with the "employees" table. I have populated both tables. When I run "ruby script/generate scaffold <model name> <controller>" it generates a web page with all
2009 Dec 10
Antwort: Re: Crash with Unicode and sub (PR#14114)
I don't know about the technicalities, but Peter Dalgaard said the offending code also causes R to come to a stop using SUSE + WINE. Is it possible to run that lot on top of valgrind? Of course, it will probably take all day ... If not, I have a clue which might help. The problem seems to lie in the "sub" routine. In the original report I used -- cut here -- gctorture() u <-
2004 Nov 09
Connection is up - but no packets are coming back...
All, I've set up tinc yesterday (Win32 -> Linux), the connection comes up but I can't reach a host behind the tinc "Server". Maybe I did something completely wrong, so let me first describe my network.... The "Server" has multiple Interfaces, be we just care for two of them here. One NIC "eth2" ist to the LAN (192.168.100.x/24) and the oher one is
2013 Sep 05
Enquiry into .Opus Audio Quality
1999 Jun 30
Urgent: multiple NIC
Hi, I have a NT Workstation with SP4 and 3 network interfaces. I use ATM over IP, so two of my interfaces are CLIP. CLIP is ip over atm, so the only problem for samba would be no broadcasts in atm interfaces. I also have a Linux Box (RedHat 2.2.1 with samba 2.0.2) with 3 interfaces for the same networks as my PC. It looks something like this: -Linux Box- -NT Box- (atm)
2003 Dec 18
joining a domain (ldap)
All, I try to add a computer to a PDC running SAMBA 3.0 (client is Windows NT 4.0 SP5). I want all the user- and machine accounts stored on my LDAP server. When I try to join the domain I just get the error message "The machine account for this computer either does not exist or is not accessible". When I look on my LDAP-Server, I see that SAMBA has not created an account for my
2004 Mar 15
R equiv to proc gremove in maps package
Is there an R equivalent to SAS's proc gremove? You would use this procedure to combine the units on an existing map, for example to build a map of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) from the [US] counties dataset where the internal boundries surround the MSAs (which are groups of counties) rather than the individual counties. I can imagine the mechanism would be to find and erase the