similar to: Glances for CentOS 8?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "Glances for CentOS 8?"

2022 Jan 15
Script for making a KVM VM from a kickstart
I have been building up a script to quickly and easily make CentOS/RHEL and Fedora VMs from kickstart files for a long time, and thought I'd see if anyone else was interested. It's especially useful IMHO if you are working on building kickstarts, because you can fairly rapidly iterate and test. I've got it built as an RPM, so if others think this is useful, I might submit it to
2019 Oct 08
Glances for CentOS 8?
On Mon, 7 Oct 2019 at 23:08, Wynona Stacy Lockwood <stacy at> wrote: > > It seems that glances is not in EPEL for CentOS 8. Is that coming at some > point, or has it been deprecated in favor of some other tool? Hi, Because RHEL releases are far apart, packages don't get automatically added to newer EPEL releases. Instead, packages are usually added after
2003 Oct 27
expanding factor with NA
I have a factor (with "n" observations and "k" levels), with only "nobs" < n of the observations not missing. I would like to produce a (n x k) model matrix with treatment contrasts for this factor, with rows of NAs placeholding the missing observations. If I use model.matrix() I get back a (nobs x k) matrix. Is there an easy way to get the (n x k) without
2002 Aug 29
lme() with known level-one variances
Greetings, I have a meta-analysis problem in which I have fixed effects regression coefficients (and estimated standard errors) from identical models fit to different data sets. I would like to use these results to create pooled estimated regression coefficients and estimated standard errors for these pooled coefficients. In particular, I would like to estimate the model \beta_{i} = \mu +
2003 Jan 02
random number generation
Can a single random number be generated in R? I have an exercise that wants to simulate coin tosses, and I cannot seem to find a good example of the use of random number generation in R. Any help? Joshua Gramlich Chicago, IL
2004 Jan 30
Measures of central tendency - mode
Greetings, This seems too rudimentary to ask but for the life of me I cannot locate a readily easy method to compute the univariate mode. I know "mode" is not correct and "table" provides a reasonable count but I figured there would be an easy way to extract the value from the table after I do something like: max(table(mydadat$myvar)) unfortunately it only returns the max
2006 May 24
Reading external files with dtrace
I''d like to be able to dynamically read external configuration files within a dtrace script. I know dtrace allows inclusion of C header files but only at the preprocessing stage. What we need to do is dynamically enable/disable probes based on current application settings. I''d rather not have a bunch of independant scripts running and being started and killed whenever the
2020 Sep 16
Problems with x2go
On Sep 15, 2020, at 19:32, Jack Bailey via CentOS <centos at> wrote: > > This is not the answer to your question, but if this is a new install and not an existing installation, consider NoMachine <>. It's free and so much better than x2go it's hard to even compare the two. It is ?free? only for noncommercial use. It isn?t open
2002 Sep 25
Samba and WinXP problem
Greets to all, Recently, I was given the task of setting up a Samba server where I work, to accept domain logons for Win9x machines and also NT-based machines, which consist of mostly XP boxes, with a couple 2K machines as well. This domain would be replacing an older one, that was using a very out of date Samba (from RedHat 6.1) that couldn't do XP/2K at all. The new one is from
2003 Jun 19
Fitting particular repeated measures model with lme()
Hello, I have a simulated data structure in which students are nested within teachers, and with each student are associated two test scores. There are 20 classrooms and 25 students per classroom, for a total of 500 students and two scores per student. Here are the first 10 lines of my dataframe "d": studid tchid Y time 1 1 1 -1.0833222 0 2 1 1
2003 Mar 05
how to find the location of the first TRUE of a logical vector
without having to check the vector element by element? Thanks a lot! Jason ===== Jason G. Liao, Ph.D. Division of Biometrics University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 335 George Street, Suite 2200 New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2688 phone (732) 235-8611, fax (732) 235-9777
2003 Jul 11
three short questions
Hi all; This is my first message to the list, and I've got three "basic" questions: How could I insert comments in a file with commands to be used as source in R? Is it possible to quickly display a window with all the colors available in colors()? How? I'm displaying points, but they overlap, wether points() uses triangles, bullets or whatever. Is it possible to change
2003 Jun 25
within group variance of the coeficients in LME
Dear listers, I can't find the variance or se of the coefficients in a multilevel model using lme. I want to calculate a Chi square test statistics for the variability of the coefficients across levels. I have a simple 2-level problem, where I want to check weather a certain covariate varies across level 2 units. Pinheiro Bates suggest just looking at the intervals or doing a rather
2003 May 20
Need help troubleshooting nmbd -D
I get the following log when trying to run nmbd -D Netbios nameserver version 2.2.3a started. Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1994-2002 [2003/05/20 15:02:44, 0] lib/util_sock.c:open_socket_in(789) bind failed on port 137 socket_addr = Error = Cannot assign requested address [2003/05/20 15:02:44, 0] nmbd/nmbd_subnetdb.c:make_subnet(140) nmbd_subnetdb:make_subnet()
2003 Jan 23
subset dataframe based on rows
I want to subset the dataframe based on certain values in a row. for each row in my dataframe if ANY one value of a particular set of columns satisfies cond append a logical value true at the end of the row else append a false at the end of the row in the end I want to be able to subset the whole data based on the appended true or false value. I could literally code like this, but I think
2020 Sep 03
ansible: which repo?
What would you recommend: ansible is in EPEL8 and ConfigSIG. For the latter I do not see any sources in Where they come from? I wonder with which repository I should use (long term)? dnf not checking gpg signature sounds scary: -- Leon
2003 May 30
Extracting Vectors from Lists of Lists Produced by Functions
If you found my subject heading to be confusing then I'm sure you'll enjoy the example I've included below. I find the apply type functions to be wonderful for avoiding loops but when I use them with existing functions, I end up using loops anyway to extract the vectors I want. I would appreciate it if someone could show me how to avoid these loops. Thanks. EXAMPLE:
2007 Nov 01
RPM Key in Readme file
The readme file on the cran website for linux EL5 contains the following RPMS for Red Hat Enterprise Linux created by Bob Kinney <rhel_cran at>. The RPMS are signed with the following key available from Type bits /keyID Date User ID pub 1024D/99B62126 2004/11/18 HMDC Linux Support <linux_support at> I went ot and
2019 Nov 15
C8 Questions
Hi all, I've several questions about C8. I'm using 8 on my personal NAS and works very well. I'm running several VMs with centos 8 and noticed something: 1) Why corosync, pacemaker and pcs are missing on C8? They are only available on rhel with payments( rhel ha addons)? 2) Why there is only Gnome as available DE? I use centos on my workstation and I'm a kde-plasma user. XFCE
2003 Sep 18
[Fwd: Re: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-03:12.openssh]
Roger Marquis wrote: > [snip] > >It takes all of 2 seconds to generate a ssh 2 new session on a >500Mhz cpu (causing less than 20% utilization). Considering that >99% of even the most heavily loaded servers have more than enough >cpu for this task I don't really see it as an issue. > >Also, by generating a different key for each session you get better >entropy,