similar to: Testing - Is the CentOS Mailing list still working?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Testing - Is the CentOS Mailing list still working?"

2016 Apr 27
Bourne shell deprecated?
On 04/26/16 21:13, John R Pierce wrote: > On 4/26/2016 6:45 PM, Jack Bailey wrote: >> >> Today someone in a meeting claimed the Bourne shell is deprecated, >> one of the reasons being it supposedly has security issues. Well >> that's all news to me, and I cannot find anything online to >> corroborate the claim. Is this true, is it a bash vs. Bourne FUD, or
2007 Jan 19
Problems w/ CentOS 4.4 ....
.... I just installed CentOS 4.4 yesterday P.M., on my 2.4 GHz P4 box, Foxconn i865 mbd, 2 GB DDR400 RAM (4 X 512 MB), 1 X 20 GB HDD (hda), 1 X 160 GB HDD (hdb), 1 X LG GSA H22N DVD reader/burner (hdc), 1 X 400 GB HDD (hdd), Coolmax CP500-T PSU. I wiped SuSE 9.2 off of the 20 GB drive & installed CentOS. The other 2 drives were already ext3 FS & will be mounted as /home & /work
2011 Aug 13
How do I disable auto-logout ....
.... I have a 64-bit CentOS 5.6 VM running on a 64-bit FC14 host. I notice that it has an automatic logout feature after a period of idleness, see below: [wam at centos-5, CFD, 5:52:45pm] 1183 % ll -tr LIST LIST.Update /usr/local/bin/P* /usr/local/bin/*WAM* ; ps -u wam -lf ; uname -a ; date ls: No match. F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI P SZ:RSS WCHAN STIME TTY TIME CMD 5 S
2016 Apr 27
Bourne shell deprecated?
On 04/27/16 13:21, Pouar wrote: > On 04/27/16 08:49, William A. Mahaffey III wrote: >> On 04/26/16 21:13, John R Pierce wrote: >>> On 4/26/2016 6:45 PM, Jack Bailey wrote: >>>> Today someone in a meeting claimed the Bourne shell is deprecated, >>>> one of the reasons being it supposedly has security issues. Well >>>> that's all news to me,
2016 May 14
C6: Gparted "the kernel failed to re-read partition table"
On C6 (latest) I wanted to add an extra partition, number 14, to a 1TB GPT disk. It failed repeatedly. The error message is:- ~~~~~~~ GParted 0.19.1 Libparted 2.1 Create Primary Partition #1 (ext4, 33.00 MiB) on /dev/sda 00:00:01 ( ERROR ) calibrate New Partition #1 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS ) path: /dev/sda-1 start: 613591359 end: 1953525134 size: 1339933776 (638.93 GiB) create empty
2016 May 25
dnf replacing yum?
Kenneth Porter wrote: > I saw mention of dnf in a blog article about installing a package on > CentOS. Further investigation revealed that Fedora is replacing yum with > dnf, apparently a new and better yum. But it wasn't clear if dnf was a For the normal user (like me) dnf is neither better nor worse than yum. In fact it is almost identical. In my view, the introduction of a new
2016 Sep 05
more than one IP address on network device?
Am 05.09.2016 um 15:29 schrieb Kenneth Porter: > --On Monday, September 05, 2016 4:15 PM +0200 Yamaban > <foerster at> wrote: > >> How about using the "ip" tool? > > Thanks. I looked at the man page and it looks like it's the Swiss army > knife of Linux networking. Lots of subcommands. I'll dig through that. Probably a useful summary of ip
2011 Nov 16
Checking if the VM has been created
I'm a Libvirt newbie and I'd really appreciate it if someone could answer my doubts. I'm using Libvirt's Java API. My doubts: 1.Currently, I'm able to create a VM on Ubuntu 11.04 using Libvirt functions domainCreateLinux() and domainDefineXML(). Apart fromt the boolean return status of these operations and running the virsh list command, is there any way to SSH in (login) to
2011 Aug 17
virt-install -> guest stops at installation end
Hello, I am using virt-install to install CentOS6 guests on a CentOS6 KVM remote host. Everything works fine except that at the end of the installation, the guest stops instead of rebooting, which I thought, should be the default behaviour. The command I use is : [root at myorchestrator]# /usr/local/bin/virt-install --connect qemu+ssh://root at mydom0/system --name myclient --accelerate
2016 Aug 11
Software RAID and GRUB on CentOS 7
Hi, When I perform a software RAID 1 or RAID 5 installation on a LAN server with several hard disks, I wonder if GRUB already gets installed on each individual MBR, or if I have to do that manually. On CentOS 5.x and 6.x, this had to be done like this: # grub grub> device (hd0) /dev/sda grub> device (hd1) /dev/sdb grub> root (hd0,0) grub> setup (hd0) grub> root (hd1,0) grub>
2011 Aug 10
Problems setting up a VM ....
.... New to this list & definitely new to virtualization :-/ .... I am trying to setup a 64-bit CentOS 5.6 VM on a 64-bit FC14 server host, all patched up as of a couple of weeks ago. uname -a on the host shows: [wam at Q6600, CFD, 9:24:23am] 540 % uname -a Linux Q6600 #1 SMP Mon Feb 7 07:06:44 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [wam at Q6600, CFD, 9:52:43am]
2016 Sep 08
DNF update
On 9/7/2016 7:02 PM, Keith Keller wrote: >> Staying with excellent C6 until the end. > CentOS 7 is yum based, not dnf. "Always Learning" seems to have a distaste for anything new or different than what he already knows. -- john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz
2016 Apr 27
Bourne shell deprecated?
>>> >>last OS I can think of with an actual Bourne shell was Solaris. >>> >> >>> >> >> > >> >The various *BSD's have & use the actual Bourne shell .... >> > >> > > Which one? All the BSDs I know of use the Almquist Shell except for > OpenBSD which uses a patched version of the Public Domain Korn Shell
2016 Apr 27
Bourne shell deprecated?
Hello List, Today someone in a meeting claimed the Bourne shell is deprecated, one of the reasons being it supposedly has security issues. Well that's all news to me, and I cannot find anything online to corroborate the claim. Is this true, is it a bash vs. Bourne FUD, or something else? Thanks, Jack
2016 Apr 27
Semi-OT: very weird vi behaviour
> Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 13:43:00 +0000 > From: "Vanhorn, Mike" <michael.vanhorn at> > > On 4/27/16, 9:39 AM, "centos-bounces at on behalf of > m.roth at" <centos-bounces at on behalf of > m.roth at> wrote: > >> And now, I just >> ssh'd in from another windows, same
2012 Sep 25
minor swap issue ....
.... I have a CentOS 5.n VM running on a Fedora 14 server/host, installed using virt-manager, pretty plain vanilla. I use it to compile binaries to run under RHEL/CentOS 5.n OS. I occasionally notice that when the VM gets paged out by the server, it takes several minutes to get it back in :-/ (see below). On the host, logged in to a shell through a terminal window, this A.M.: [wam at Q6600,
2011 Aug 13
How to setup routed networking in CLI ....
.... I have a 64-bit CentOS 5.6 VM running on a 64-bit FC14 host. I have the stock networking (NAT), but I need routed to be able to access other boxen on my LAN. I looked at the docs on the libvirtd website, but their example of how to setup routed networking is for the GUI, which doesn't work for me (text in buttons, etc. doesn't display, no gfx card on host). The man pages are
2011 Aug 15
Ongoing VM saga ....
.... I have a 64-bit CentOS 5.6 VM running on a 64-bit FC-14 host. I was originally using the stock NAT networking on the guest, which could access the host, but nothing else on the network. I eventually found some links on how to setup routed networking on the guest using a specifically setup bridge. I followed the example a bit too closely, bridging my eth0 interface, which is the one I
2011 Aug 15
The saga continues ....
.... I have a 64-bit CentOS 5.6 VM running on a 64-bit FC14 host. Actually, I *HAD* a 64-bit CentOS 5.6 VM :-) .... After a read of the virt-install man page, I concluded that I could lose the current VM (but *NOT* its HDD image) & recreate it fairly easily w/ the right combo of arguments to virt-install. The proceedings: [root at Q6600:/etc, Mon Aug 15, 04:30 PM] 1163 # virsh list
2012 Mar 21
MIPS emulation ....
.... When I query my qemu-mips under FC14 64-bit, libvirt.x86_64 0.8.3-10.fc14, qemu 2:0.13.0-1.fc14, I see the following: [root at Q6600:/etc, Wed Mar 21, 03:24 PM] 1022 # qemu-mips -cpu ? MIPS '4Kc' MIPS '4Km' MIPS '4KEcR1' MIPS '4KEmR1' MIPS '4KEc' MIPS '4KEm' MIPS '24Kc' MIPS '24Kf' MIPS '34Kf' [root at Q6600:/etc, Wed