similar to: about family=binomial in glm funtion

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2005 Jul 15
Hi I am trying to make glm() work to analyze a toy logit system. I have a dataframe with x and y independent variables. I have L=1+x-y (ie coefficients 1,1,-1) then if I have a logit relation with L=log(p/(1-p)), p=1/(1+exp(L)). If I interpret "p" as the probability of success in a Bernouilli trial, and I can observe the result (0 for "no", 1 for
2011 Aug 26
How to find the accuracy of the predicted glm model with family = binomial (link = logit)
Hi All, When modeling with glm and family = binomial (link = logit) and response values of 0 and 1, I get the predicted probabilities of assigning to my class one, then I would like to compare it with my vector y which does have the original labels. How should I change the probabilities into values of zero and 1 and then compare it with my vector y to find out about the accuracy of my
2007 Mar 20
How does glm(family='binomial') deal with perfect sucess?
Hi all, Trying to understand the logistic regression performed by glm (i.e. when family='binomial'), and I'm curious to know how it treats perfect success. That is, lets say I have the following summary data x=c(1,2,3,4,5,6) y=c(0,.04,.26,.76,.94,1) w=c(100,100,100,100,100,100) where x is y is the probability of success at each value of x, calculated across w observations.
2013 Jan 29
starting values in glm(..., family = binomial(link = log))
Dear R-helpers, i have a problem with a glm-model. I am trying to fit models with the log as link function instead of the logit. However, in some cases glm fails to estimate those models and suggests to give start values. However, when I set start = coef(logistic_model) within the function call, glm still says it cannot find starting values? This seems to be more of a problem, when I include a
1999 Apr 19
Algorithm used by glm, family=binomial?
Does anyone know what algorithm R uses in glm, family=binomial (i.e. a logit model)? I assume that it's in the source somewhere, but I wasn't able to find it. I'd like to know what file it's in (in a unix distribution of R). Thanks for your help. --------------------------- Barnet Wagman wagman at 1361 N. Hoyne, 2nd floor Chicago, IL 60622 773-645-8369
2005 Aug 08
Help with "non-integer #successes in a binomial glm"
Hi, I had a logit regression, but don't really know how to handle the "Warning message: non-integer #successes in a binomial glm! in: eval(expr, envir, enclos)" problem. I had the same logit regression without weights and it worked out without the warning, but I figured it makes more sense to add the weights. The weights sum up to one. Could anyone give me some hint? Thanks a lot!
2012 Apr 10
Package boot, funtion cv.glm
Hey all, I need some help with a cross validation. I'm new with R and as well with statistics. I had a group work to create a tool for remote sensing class that extracts the best bands of hyperspectral satellite images that describe vegetation. Its a regression between a linear function of using a normalized differenced index (i-j)/(i+j) while i and j are the bands (in the data these are the
2012 Nov 08
How to include CI in a grouped barplot?
Hello everyone! I need to include the confidence interval bar in a grouped barplot. I've found some options on the web, but none of them solved my problem. The question is: my barplot was created using vectors for each pair of bar and them combining them using cbind. I mean: a=c(10,15) b=c(20,24) c=c(21,23) ... hei=cbind(a,b,c) graph1=barplot(hei, beside=T,...) I've tried to include
2001 Jul 31
using identity link for binomial familly with glm
-- Error in binomial(link = "identity") : identity link not available for binomial family, available links are "logit", "probbit", "cloglog" and "log" Hi, I have a question, dealing with this error response. I'm trying to make anova on percentages. The variablethat has a biological significance is actually the percentage itself. Is it
2007 Sep 19
lmer using quasibinomial family
Dear all, I try to consider overdispersion in a lmer model. But using family=quasibinomial rather than family=binomial seems to change the fit but not the result of an anova test. In addition if we specify test="F" as it is recomanded for glm using quasibinomial, the test remains a Chisq test. Are all tests scaled for dispersion, or none? Why is there a difference between glm and lmer
2014 Nov 14
Cómo aplicar weights a las observaciones en un GLM binomial
Hola, espero ser clara en el mensaje ya que es la primera vez que recurro a este tipo de ayudas, explico mi duda: Tengo un dataset con 4505 observaciones en el que la variable dependiente son presencias (n=97 y clasificadas como 1) y ausencias (n=4408 y clasificadas como 0). Mi primer paso fue realizar un GLM con una muestra compensada de ausencias y presencias para la variable dependiente, es
2013 Dec 17
ggplot2: stat_smooth for family=binomial with cbind(Y, N) formula
With ggplot2, I can plot the glm stat_smooth for binomial data when the response is binary or a two-level factor as follows: data("Donner", package="vcdExtra") ggplot(Donner, aes(age, survived)) + geom_point(position = position_jitter(height = 0.02, width = 0)) + stat_smooth(method = "glm", family = binomial, formula = y ~ x, alpha = 0.2, size=2) But how can I
2011 May 04
hurdle, simulated power
Hi all-- We are planning an intervention study for adolescent alcohol use, and I am planning to use simulations based on a hurdle model (using the hurdle() function in package pscl) for sample size estimation. The simulation code and power code are below -- note that at the moment the "power" code is just returning the coefficients, as something isn't working quite right. The
2010 Oct 04
Plot for Binomial GLM
Hi i would like to use some graphs or tables to explore the data and make some sensible guesses of what to expect to see in a glm model to assess if toxin concentration and sex have a relationship with the kill rate of rats. But i cant seem to work it out as i have two predictor variables~help?Thanks.:) Here's my data. >
2004 Jun 15
AIC in glm.nb and glm(
Can anyone explain to me why the AIC values are so different when using glm.nb and glm with a negative.binomial family, from the MASS library? I'm using R 1.8.1 with Mac 0S 10.3.4. >library(MASS) > dfr <- data.frame(c=rnbinom(100,size=2,mu=rep(c(10,20,100,1000),rep(25,4))), + f=factor(rep(seq(1,4),rep(25,4)))) > AIC(nb1 <- glm.nb(c~f, data=dfr)) [1] 1047 >
2002 Mar 01
glm with binomial errors in R and GLIM
Hi all, In my continuous transition of GLIM to R I try to make a glm with binomial errors. The data file have 3 vectors: h -> the factor that is ajusted (have 3 levels) d -> number of animais alive (the response) n -> total number of animals To test proportion of alive, make d/n. In GLIM: $yvar d$ $error binomial n$ $fit +h$ scale deviance = 25.730 (change = -9.138) at cycle 4
2013 Feb 13
sweave question
Hi Everyone: I was having trouble getting the plot size correct when putting a plot in an sweave document. So, I searched on the internet and I found a clever solution where the person uses the cat function to write latex code so he can include the cat code in the chunk and place the plot using width and height. The solution is here:
2005 Jun 14
New Family object for GLM models...
Dear R-Users, I wish to create a new family object based on the Binomial family. The only difference will be with the link function. Thus instead if using the 'logit(u)' link function, i plan to use '-log(i-u)'. So far, i have tried to write the function following that of the Binomial and Negative Binomial families. The major problem i have here is with the definition of the
2005 Oct 16
BIC doesn't work for glm(family=binomial()) (PR#8208)
Full_Name: Ju-Sung Lee Version: 2.2.0 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( BIC() requires the attribute $nobs from the logLik object but the logLik of a glm(formula,family=binomial()) object does not include $nobs. Adding attr(obj,'nobs') = value, seems to allow BIC() to work. Reproducing the problem: library(nmle); BIC(logLik(glm(1~1,family=binomial())));
2007 Dec 03
difficulties getting coef() to work in some lmer() calls
I'm working with Andrew Gelman on a book project and we're having some difficulties getting coef() to work in some lmer() calls. Some versions of the model work and some do not. For example, this works (in that we can run the model and do coef() from the output): R2 <- lmer(y2 ~ factor( + + + (1 + factor( | st.num),