similar to: Booting using another kernel

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Booting using another kernel"

2010 Dec 06
CentOS 5.5 on a new Mac Mini? no CD Driver?
Hi All, I am attempting to install CentOS 5.5 64 bit on my new Mac Mini. I boot to the CD and when I get to selecting where I am installing from (local cd, hard disk, ftp, etc) I select Local CD and it cannot find a driver and wants me to manually specify or use a driver disk. I ave no idea what drive is in this system. Can anyone point me in the right direction? -Jason
2013 Apr 09
web collaboration packages.
Hello All, Try as I might, I cannot get Zimbra 8.0.3 to install on CentOS 6.4, even with --platform override. I followed some tutorials even that show the result working and nada. Can anyone suggest a good setup for e-mails erving, calendaring, web mail? Web mail is particularly important for my wife so she can check e-mail when she is at work. Jason
2012 Jan 25
Can anyone talk infrastructure with me?
Hi All, I started a 501c3 (not-for-profit) organization back in February 2011 to deal with information archival. A long vision here, I wont bore you with the details (if you really want to know, e-mail me privately) but the gist is I need to build an infrastructure to accommodate about 2PB of data that is database stuff, stored video, crawl data, static data sets, etc. Right now in my testing of
2013 Apr 10
Formatting a USB Drive
Hi All, I have a Drobo, connected to a CentOS 6.4 box. The box sees it as /dev/sdg. I want to format it ext3 (as they dont support ext4) but when I try I get: # fdisk -u /dev/sdg WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdg'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted. WARNING: The size of this disk is 17.6 TB (17592186044416 bytes). DOS partition table
2014 Oct 30
CentOS 6.5 equivalents in CentOS 7
I tried to install CentOS 7 on a new system. It works. However, I'm noticing small things: 1. system-config-network-tui is not installed and yum cannot find it. I realized for this -- nmtui What about firewall? I can't seem to understand the replacement from system-config-firewall-tui Jason
2013 Dec 12
Do I need a dedicated firewall?
Hi All, So my electricity bill is through the roof and I need to pair down some equipment. I have a CentOS 6.5 Server (a few TB, 32gb RAM) running some simple web stuff and Zimbra. I have 5 static IP's from Comcast. I am considering giving this server a public IP and plugging it directly into my cable modem. This box can handle everything with room for me to do more. Doing this would allow
2010 Dec 22
Changing Root E-Mail address
Hi All, I installed a new CentOS 5.5 box and I am getting a daily e-mail (I am not sure how this was triggered) with XNTPD logs, HTTP Error and Disk Space). It is being sent to root at which bounces, but I have a catch all so it does get to me. How do I change where this e-mail is sent? I have tried in /etc/postfix/,,, etc and I don't see
2013 Apr 11
How to change 'fstab' when you cannot boot the machine?
Hello All, So My Drobo finished formatting and I added an entry to fstab for it and now I cannot boot the machine. I get an error about fsck.ext3: is a directory while trying to open /drobo and then a mention of a valid super block I had mounted the Drobo as /drobo and in 'fstab' I copied the line for '/' changing to ext3 where it was ext4. I have made a mistake I cannot fix
2012 Jan 17
Dedicated Firewall/Router
Hi All, I want to build a dedicated firewall/router as I am launching a NPO and I can host this in my garage. (Comcast offered me a 100 x 20 circuit for $99/mo with 5 statics) I used to run Untangle, but as of version 9, you are forced to use their build in protocol policies versus the firewalling I am used to (Deny All and then opening holes for specific IP's, etc). There are so many
2014 Oct 09
file system replication
Hi Everyone, I need to keep 2 systems identical. Mostly e-mail directories, web directories, mysql, etc. The goal here is to have a 2nd system ready to go it the first one starts to exhibit hardware issues. What are options to have this happen? I'm going out on a limb and thinking rsync but I haven't used it past just simple use cases. Can anyone provide some insight for me? CentOS
2011 Mar 16
Watching a directory
Hi All, I am thinking about an idea, but it requires that I be able to watch several directories for files that are added, deleted or maybe changed. Let start with adding files. What tools are available for me to watch a directory. In an example, if a file is added to a directory I want to run a shell script that will do some conversation on the file to produce a second copy. I have the shell
2012 Jan 17
Theoretical Firewall Specs?
So, the more I look at various ways to lay out my infrastructure, the more I am thinking about specs for hardware. Starting with firewalling. How does one determine the specs for a firewall? What I mean is: 1. motherboard/CPU - p4? Dual-Core? Intel i3, i5, i7? 2. RAM? 4gb? 8gb? More? 32gb? 3. Obviously GB Nics! I am bring about 300gb of traffic a month right now and I expect that to
2014 Jan 22
NIC Throwing errors I dont understand
I am having an issue where eth1 is throwing some messages and stops responding. Restarting networking doesn't work and also just bringing down eth1 with 'ifdown' doesn't fix it. I have never seen anything like these messages: eth1: no IPv6 routers present r8169 0000:03:00.0: eth1: rtl_counters_cond == 1 (loop: 1000, delay: 10). r8169 0000:03:00.0: eth1: rtl_chipcmd_cond == 1
2010 Dec 19
httpd log weirdness
Hi All, I setup a new Centos 5.5 bod and it will be running a site for me. Apache is running and daily I get e-mailed a log from the box. The log today said: --------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------ Requests with error response codes 404 Not Found 1 Time(s) ---------------------- httpd End ------------------------- But that
2012 Jan 25
HP ProLiant N40L
Hi All, A friend gave me his HP ProLiant N40L and I am wondering if anyone has installed CentOS 6 on it? Raided the drives, etc? -Jason
2014 Nov 06
updating pandoc and converting to UTF-8
Hi guys, I need to run pandoc. ( I did this: rpm -ivh yum install -y pandoc This is version They are up to 13.1.1. How can I update to the latest? Yum doesn't have anything more that I can see. Also, is there a tool like 'iconv' on OS X where I can
2012 Feb 07
MySQL on CentOS 6 broken? No 'mysql' database?
Hi Guys, I installed CentOS 6 and installed 'yum install mysql mysql-devel mysql-server' When I try and start MySQL I get: 120206 16:42:07 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql /usr/libexec/mysqld: Table 'mysql.plugin' doesn't exist 120206 16:42:07 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it. 120206
2010 Dec 14
RAID help
Hi All, I have a new system with 2 Seagate 1TB SATA Enterprise level drives in it. I want to RAID1 (mirror) these drives. This machine will be a web-server in my apartment hosting an HTML video fan site I am creating. Apache, MySQL, PHP etc. This site will easily be 300+ gigs with all the versions of each video, the MySQL won't be huge, but will grow as data for each video is added (i.e
2009 Apr 27
E-Mail Serving Options
Hi All, What are my e-mail serving options? I need to host POP, IMAP and SMTP. I must admit that non-windows e-mail hosting has always been a chore for me. I remember QMail and QPopper IIRC. -Jason
2013 Apr 08
Hostname question
CentOS 6.4, clean install. Zimbra 8.0.3 I am behind a PfSense box using a virtual IP. So the IP of the box is I entered this in /etc/hosts: localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 mail but `hostname -f` says: $ hostname -f