similar to: filesystem read only after logrotate CentOS 5

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "filesystem read only after logrotate CentOS 5"

2014 Feb 03
[solved] filesystem read only after logrotate CentOS 5
Helo, the solution was now found in dmesg. I/O error for the journal. dmesg was updated, /var/log/messages not. I think because of read only file system. Best regards Helmut Helo, up to 04:02 the root file system was OK. With the logrotate activities there are messages: read only. Last entry in /var/log/messages is the sendmail entry from logrotate. less /etc/mtab gives: /dev/sda1 /
2016 Jul 07
update clamav to 0.99.2
Helo, update is in EPEL repository. on startup, clamd does not further create clamd.sock and clamd service stops without any message - even in debug mode. It's a nightmare. Helmut -- Viele Gr??e Helmut Drodofsky Internet XS Service GmbH He?br?hlstra?e 15 70565 Stuttgart Gesch?ftsf?hrung Dr.-Ing. Roswitha Hahn-Drodofsky HRB 21091 Stuttgart USt.ID: DE190582774 Tel. 0711
2015 Dec 07
openvpn + routing
Helmut Drodofsky wrote: > Hello, > > there is one route missing: > > > Did you mean mark > config client: > route-nopull > redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp > > best regards > Helmut > > Viele Gr??e > Helmut Drodofsky > > Internet XS Service GmbH > He?br?hlstra?e 15 > 70565 Stuttgart > > Gesch?ftsf?hrung
2016 Jul 08
update clamav to 0.99.2
2016-07-08 4:19 GMT+08:00 Helmut Drodofsky <drodofsky at>: > Helo, > > update is in EPEL repository. > > on startup, clamd does not further create clamd.sock and > > clamd service stops without any message - even in debug mode. > > Comment out "AllowSupplementaryGroups" in config clamd.conf and try restart again > It's a
2012 Nov 09
iptables: recent nolonger supported in Centos 5.8?!
Helo, we use recent to control ip traffic. kernel 2.6.18-308.13.1.el5 : all is OK kernel 2.6.18-308.16.1.el5 : the first recent statement causes an error. E.g.: iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m recent --set -p tcp --dport 80 iptables: Unknown error 18446744073709551615 The man pages say: recent is supported. CentOS 6: is OK Knows anyone more? Best regards Helmut Drodofsky -- Viele
2013 Mar 13
important spamassassin update
Hello, will discontinue blacklist services. On 1. March 2013 Apache published: Bug 6913; Disabled rules/scores for See: Will there be an update from CentOS? Best regards Helmut Drodofsky -- Viele Gr??e Helmut Drodofsky Internet XS Service GmbH He?br?hlstra?e 15 70565 Stuttgart Gesch?ftsf?hrung
2016 Jan 07
CentOS 6, SSD recommendations?
Hello, because of high disk load we plan to move from disk (raid1) to ssd. Are there recommendations for - manufacturer - file sytem - raid1 The Red Hat Storage Administration Guide says: - no raid 1 - ext4 only is this state of the art? I have searched list, 2015 - nothing found. I found in the year 2012 / 2013:
2012 Oct 11
escd daemon
Helo, this morning I have had a pop up Window in the gnome desktop, that - the esc service is stopped - I should restart the esc service or - restart the computer But there is no esc servcie in CentOS 5 ?! What to do? As far as I know, the server is ok. So I have closed the pop up. It does not come up again after later login. -- Viele Gr??e Helmut Drodofsky Internet XS Service GmbH
2012 Jan 27
LSi Logic SCSI controller driver
Hello, I have found a lot of discussions concerning the LSI Logic scsi driver. E.g.: VMware ESXI was updated on 28. April 2011. Is this bug fixed in CentOS 6? RHEL 6 beta: the bug was included so far as I have read. -- Viele Gr??e Helmut
2012 Feb 01
first steps in selinux: cron.daily and postfix
Hello, my CentOS 6.2 server sends the daily messages correct e.g. today at Feb 1 03:31:14 At the beginning of work hours (9:00 am local time): Feb 1 10:06:17 server postfix/sendmail[27125]: fatal: chdir /var/spool/postfix: Permission denied Solution: restorecon -R /var/spool/postfix/ Afterwards, postfix is OK again. My own cron jobs will be run latest 1 am What daily cron job destroys
2015 Feb 27
CentOS 7 hand-edit the network configuration files
Helo, on in 3. And what if I want the old naming back? is written: /etc/udev/rules.d/60-net.rules seems necessary to override /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-net.rules According to my experience, the text should be changed to: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules has to describe the naming rule according to this example: SUBSYSTEM=="net",
2015 Dec 07
openvpn + routing
Hello, there is one route missing: config client: route-nopull redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp best regards Helmut Viele Gr??e Helmut Drodofsky Internet XS Service GmbH He?br?hlstra?e 15 70565 Stuttgart Gesch?ftsf?hrung Dr.-Ing. Roswitha Hahn-Drodofsky HRB 21091 Stuttgart USt.ID: DE190582774 Tel. 0711 781941 0 Fax: 0711 781941 79 Mail: info at
2017 Feb 03
CentOS 7.3, SPF+ 10GBit network
Hello, our server uses 1 GBit Nic and 10 GBit SPF+ NIC. When both nics are configured ONBOOT=yes, then both nics are OK. Wen 1GBit nic is ONBOOT=no, netwerk does not come up. Missing driver? What else? -- Viele Gr??e Helmut Drodofsky Internet XS Service GmbH He?br?hlstra?e 15 70565 Stuttgart Gesch?ftsf?hrung Dr.-Ing. Roswitha Hahn-Drodofsky HRB 21091 Stuttgart USt.ID: DE190582774 Tel.
2012 Jun 11
iptables: hitcount
Hello, up to CentOS 5.3 it was possible, to control new ip connections by "recent", "seconds" and "hitcount" -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m recent --set -p tcp --dport 80 -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 1000 -p tcp --dport 80 -j LOG --log-prefix "FW DROP IP Flood: " -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m state
2012 Apr 05
Hello, now I have spent many hours to configure openswan for VPN connections without any success. My goal: VPN Server CentOS 6 with public IPv4 VPN Client (= road warrier) from private site with NAT router or from mobile cell with Linux, Windows 7, Mac, iPhone or Android Is there any how to in the net? When I read file:///usr/share/doc/openswan-doc-2.6.32/config.html then I belive, there is
2019 Dec 01
update CentOS 7 at Nov 05 2019
yum update was run 23.10.19 and then 05.11.19 to the beginning of the update 5.11.2019 kernel logging to /var/log/messages was ok. During the update at 5.11.2019 logging to /var/log/messages finished. I persume, this bug began during processing updates. yum-log shows: ........... Nov 05 14:56:54 Installed: virt-viewer-5.0-15.el7.x86_64 Nov 05 15:59:28 Installed: nbdkit-1.8.0-1.el7.x86_64
2020 Jan 01
KVM Random Reboots AMD EPYC Server
our new Server with AMD EPYC and super micro board reboots ramdonly. There is no error message before the reboot in /var/log/messages. we are running 2 Server with VMWare workstation without any problem. The new server should run KVM. older servers with AMD (before EPYC) running KVM without any problem. any idea or recommendation? -- Viele Gr??e Helmut Drodofsky Internet XS Service GmbH
2019 Feb 07
persistent generic device for tape changer
Hello, mtx and therefor amanda use generic device /dev/sg<x> for tape changer. These devices change on reboot. How to make them persistent? /dev/sch0 and /dev/sch1 seem to be persistent. /dev/tape/by-id/ shows links from WWID to generic device An UDEV rule could help? I have not found any example. -- Viele Gr??e Helmut Drodofsky Internet XS Service GmbH He?br?hlstra?e 15 70565
2019 Feb 07
persistent generic device for tape changer
Hello Ron, sounds good. I have 2 tape changer. I persume, udev creates the same link for both. Can I modify SYMLINK+="changer-$env{ID_SERIAL}" The serial should be unique. Viele Gr??e Helmut Drodofsky Internet XS Service GmbH He?br?hlstra?e 15 70565 Stuttgart Gesch?ftsf?hrung Helmut Drodofsky HRB 21091 Stuttgart USt.ID: DE190582774 Fon: 0711 781941 0 <tel:+497117819410> Fax:
2019 Feb 07
persistent generic device for tape changer
I've taken you as far as I can go. ?Now you will have to experiment a bit for your use case. ?I should point out that at least in my system, the link with the serial number in it shows up even with the line commented in the rules file. As always, YMMV. On Thu, 2019-02-07 at 22:29 +0100, Helmut Drodofsky wrote: > Hello Ron, > > sounds good. I have 2 tape changer. I persume, udev