similar to: Height problem after interrupting SlideDown/SlideUp effects

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Height problem after interrupting SlideDown/SlideUp effects"

2006 Jan 23
Transition between effects
Peepz, I was looking into how handles effect to write a tutorial and for a current project I wanted to make transition between PAIR effects possible. These PAIR effects are (Appear/Fade, SlideUp/SlideDown, BlindUp/BlindDown) the effect that toggle can handle. calls queue.loop each 40 milliseconds, and that calls all the effect.loop for all effects in the
2005 Dec 03
SlideDown/SlideUp question
Hi , i jotted down this script here its a RSS reader thing , what i am trying to achieve here is save browser space here by using SlideDown and SlideUp , as you might see whats happening with the script when you click on the newsbar name , what i want is when initially WorldNews is displayed and when you click on Slashdot ,it
2005 Sep 13
flicker in IE with SlideDown/SlideUp
The flicker I am seeing in IE is really really bad with SlideDown/SlideUp. The element I am sliding is a div that contains a table. The tables are stacked on top of each other so that the presentation actually appears as a single table. When I SlideDown, the toggled element flashed into view then disappears before sliding down. On SlideUp it slides up then flashes into view for a split
2005 Oct 10
Scrollable DIV causes flicker in FF - SlideDown & SlideUp
I have a fixed height scrollable div inside another div that controls the slideDown and slideUp effects. This causes a really bad flicker in Firefox (1.0.7) for the entire duration of the slide down and up. While on the other hand it works smoothly in IE (except that on a slideUp it causes a last second flash that shows the entire div). Any ideas on how I can fix this? Thanks.
2006 Apr 23
multiple applications to reduce complexity but how to interact...
Hi, we are building couple of application that will need to communicate with each other, because there where special in what they do, I will explain it with some general application: For example, you have a projectmanagement application, where you can store messages, milestones, enc, and you have a online time registration application. Now you want to be able to setup the task for each
2006 Feb 02
this pointer in Event.observe function
Hello, please consider the following code example. It applies the onclick handler to all image tags, and through window.event it ensures that it works in IE too: -------------------------------------------------- var imgs = $(''foo'').getElementsByTagName(''img''); for(var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) { // Apply onclick handler imgs[i].onclick=function() {
2006 Jun 30
Development of RailsCron
Hi, Is the development of Rails Cron still active? most of the blog articles about it are unavailable and it hasn''t been updated for a long time. -- Abdur-Rahman Advany
2006 Jan 23
Hi, there already had been a Tooltips implementation [1] but i wasn''t to happy with that one, not only because they didn''t support simple mouse-hover tooltips (just as they appear when you are using title attributes) But writting this lib was also a good way to get into and prototype.js. (and i can''t say how impressed i am) So here it is: An all
2005 Dec 29
Ajax.Request: onLoading executed after onComplete in IE
Hi, i''m trying to use a visual indicator for my Ajax requests. It''s based on the shopping cart demo at and works great in Firefox, Konqueror and Opera, but fails in IE6. For some reason (timing problems?) onComplete is executed before onLoading, so the indicator is shown but not hidden when the request has finished. Oddly enough it works fine in the shopping
2006 Jun 23
Queue 3 or more RJS actions
My .rjs file page.visual_effect :BlindUp, "people", :queue => ''front'' #first action page.replace_html "people", :partial => ''person/person_compressed'', :collection => @search_results , :queue => ''end'' #second action, after first is done page.visual_effect :BlindDown, "people" , :queue =>
2005 Dec 15
Generic Question about the way code is written
Hi, This is a generic question about the way code is written in prototype and scriptaculous libraries. Inside every object, we find functions that begin with "_". How are these methods/functions different from the rest? eg _text, _attributes, _each... Please let me know. Thank you, Mandy.
2006 Apr 23
Shattered, the rails-based MVC game development framework
if( you_want_to_make_a_game_with_ruby ) { Shattered 0.3 has just been released! Inspired by Ruby on Rails, Shattered is doing for game development what rails has done for web development. Get it here ! We''ve made this
2005 Nov 30
SlideUp/SlideDown errors in FF 1.5?
I''m getting the following errors in Firefox 1.5 when I use the SlideUp/SlideDown effects: Error: Error in parsing value for property ''bottom''. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://localhost:3000/conferences/new Line: 0 I get about 8 of them all in a row for each call; however, the effects still work as they should. Is this a known problem, or am I doing
2005 Oct 03
SlideDown and SlideUp Flickers in IE
I am trying to use SlideUp and SlideDown in a couple of my sites and it works great in Firefox and Opera but has a terrible flash in IE. You can see this here: Is the problem in my css or my html? Something else? Thanks Chad Henderson -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Dec 27
Rewriting FormBuilder
Hi, I want to extend formbuilder to make it output a lable (I know about labeled_form_helper made by technoweenie), my own formating, and a couple of extra tags inside the form attribute. I was easily able to extend form_remote_to. But when I continue to adjust the way elements are handled I don''t know how to continue. I can''t find the method text_field thats should is
2005 Dec 25
App access privileges
Hi all, I''m about to go wild on my new application under Rails. I''ve got a hosting company and want to build a complete administration app. Are there any pitfals to avoid, when for instance in the future I want a seperate account (or group) for managing contact details etc, and a seperate acount (or group) for managing prices. I do not have clear yet what I want seperated
2006 Feb 26
Ajax training in Austria: "Ajax richtig verwenden"
Heya all, I?m doing a one-day training on everything Ajax mainly focusing on, but naturally including Prototype and a look on Ruby on Rails Ajax capabilities as well, plus a look on our product fluxiom - on March 17, here in Vienna, Austria (for german speaking audiences). Here are the (in-german) details: In diesem eint?gigen Seminar zeigt Ihnen Thomas Fuchs wie Sie die
2006 Jul 10
Effect.SlideDown/Up() and HTML issues
Hello, I''m hoping this is the right place to ask these kind of questions. If not, please excuse me. Anyway, the problem I''m having is that I have a HTML table showing some tabular data and I want to use Effect.SlideDown/Up to allow the user to interactively show "details" for each item (<tr><td> etc) in that list. I''ll do some pseudo-code for
2006 Mar 05
Ruby Based "Mint"?
I remember some time ago there was a post that contained a link to a Ruby based product similar to Mint for webstats that was in early development. For the life of me I cannot find the link in the usual places. Anyone have a link? Thanks, -S
2006 Feb 06
Urgently Need Solution
I''m using scriptaculous'' SlideUp and SlideDown effects to animate a menu. Specifically, I SlideUp, make some CSS changes, and SlideDown. All works well, except that for a split second in between, the element''s display becomes ''none'' and the other menu item jump into the space. I haven''t been able to find any way to force an element to retain