similar to: LVM recovery after pvcreate

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "LVM recovery after pvcreate"

2010 Jan 20
pvcreate fails with "Write locks are prohibited with --ignorelockingfailure. Can't get lock for orphan PVs"
[This email is either empty or too large to be displayed at this time]
2012 May 23
pvcreate limitations on big disks?
OK folks, I'm back at it again. Instead of taking my J4400 ( 24 x 1T disks) and making a big RAID60 out of it which Linux cannot make a filesystem on, I'm created 4 x RAID6 which each are 3.64T I then do : sfdisk /dev/sd{b,c,d,e} <<EOF ,,8e EOF to make a big LVM partition on each one. But then when I do : pvcreate /dev/sd{b,c,d,e}1 and then pvdisplay It shows each one as
2014 Aug 07
Per process memory monitoring tool
Hi all, I am looking for a tool which let me monitor memory consumption per process on CentOS 5/6. The tool should be able to save its history so I could see what amount of memory was consumed yesterday/week ago/etc by each process. Can you recommend anything like that ? Best regards P.
2014 Aug 02
libvirt and lvm thin pool
Hi all. I'm using libvirt 1.2.6 I want to use lvm storage for my virtual machines. But i want to use new lvm2 feature - thin pool. How can i do that in libvirt? If libvirt can't create it via pool xml, does (and how) to use this setup under libvirt? -- Vasiliy Tolstov, e-mail: jabber:
2007 Nov 13
Hello, we are using hardware array and its vendor recommends the following setting in /etc/system: set sd:sd_max_throttle = <value> or set ssd:ssd_max_throttle = <value> Is it possible to monitor *somehow* whether the variable becomes sort of bottleneck ? Or how its value influences io traffic ? Regards przemol
2009 Jun 25
64-bit CentOS - your experience
Hello, one of our developers is developing his Web applications (PHP-based+MySql) on 64-bit Fedora. He would like to use the same, 64-bit environment on CentOS. I am not against 64-bits (we use it for many, many years using Solaris) but what concerns me is the stability of 64-bit Linux. Can you share your experience regarding stability of 32-bit and 64-bit CentOS ? Does anybody use 64-bit CentOS
2009 Aug 26
How to clone CentOS server ?
Hello, I'd like to clone existing CentOS server. Can anybody recommend any working solution to achieve that ? Regards Przemyslaw Bak (przemol) -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Wygraj nawigacje GPS! 14 sztuk czeka. Sprawdz >>
2009 Jun 24
Missing php* packages
Hello, I am trying to migrate one of our fedora-based servers to CentOS. Our PHP developers doesn't allow us to switch because there are no crucial (for them) php packages: php-smarty php-adodb php-accelerator It is not acceptable for us to download sources and compile them and repeat the process each time there is a security bug. Can you recommend any repository which will deliver all the
2011 Feb 02
Centos + python + sqlalchemy + mysql
I am trying to use the following set (all from standard repositories): centos (5.5) + python 2.6 + sqlalchemy + mysql. However while running my script I get: Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 43, in <module> main() File "./", line 23, in main db = create_engine('mysql:///u1oraping at
2011 Oct 07
Chroot in CentOS 5.* ?
Hello, can I use chroot users in their home directories under centos 5.* using standard packages ? How about chrooted sftp in centos 5.* ? If I cannot - do I have to use centos 6.* ? Regards Przemek ---------------------------------------------------------------- Dom pod miastem lub mieszkanie w centrum znajdziesz wlasnie tu!
2011 May 04
Centos under (vmware vs KVM)
Hello, we are using several centos servers under Vmware. We are having more and more requests for server space for each business application (let assume that these business requests are for different type of services: databases, web apps, application servers etc. I wonder which solution is better: 1. new CentOS under vmware (having several CentOS servers under Vmware) or 2. new CentOS under KVM
2010 Sep 13
TCP flow latency graphs
Hello, we have one application which gets some data from our database but to print just one result it connects many times to the database over WAN. Of course there are some performance related problems with this type of work. I'd like to analyze (not necessary online) its tcp flow especially its latency (using port redirect on switch). Do you know any software (similar to tcpdump or so) which
2010 Oct 29
faster fsck ?
Hi, we have CentOS ftp server (vsftpd) which has a lot of users who are writing and reading a lot of small files from/into its own accounts (and other servers - using samba client - are reading these files and putting them into outside database). Since this server is under heavy load its availability is important. >From time to time we "crash" this server (don't ask why ...) but
2007 Oct 01
Samba and AD: Still problem with conection
Hi, I have still problem with samba and AD. And I still know nothing :( Sometimes it works OK, but seldom. Generaly it can't get users from AD. System boots and wbinfo says that there is no users or that there is only 10 users (in AD I have about 1100). I think that this is problem with timeout, because sometimes it works OK. Sometimes linux reboot helps... And simetimes my dhcp on
2006 Dec 21
Difference between ZFS and UFS with one LUN from a SAN
All, I understand that ZFS gives you more error correction when using two LUNS from a SAN. But, does it provide you with less features than UFS does on one LUN from a SAN (i.e is it less stable). Thanks, Shawn This message posted from
2010 Jul 21
Trigger after yum update
Hello, we have installed non-repository based software on our centos servers (e.g. vmware tools). Each time we do 'yum update' we have to run several scripts to check if these software works after update. Sometimes we forget ... It it possible to configure any sort of triggers which will run automatically after 'yum update' ? I'd like to avoid writing shell wrappers for yum
2012 Jun 22
'yum update' rollback or .. ?
Hello, we have several physical servers (CentOS 5.*) with rather critical applications where (because of stability) we don't do regularly 'yum update'. In virtualized environemnts (under Vmware) we do a snapshot, then 'yum update', reboot and if something is wrong we rollback the snapshot. On physical servers we cannot do that. I have read about rollback option of rpm but not
2010 Feb 28
puzzling md error ?
this has never happened to me before, and I'm somewhat at a loss. got a email from the cron thing... /etc/cron.weekly/99-raid-check: WARNING: mismatch_cnt is not 0 on /dev/md10 WARNING: mismatch_cnt is not 0 on /dev/md11 ok, md10 and md11 are each raid1's made from 2 x 72GB scsi drives, on a dell 2850 or something dual single-core 3ghz server. these two md's are in
2017 Apr 12
OT: systemd Poll
<humor for the day>Why don't we discuss something ***less*** controversial, like politics or religion?</humor for the day> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Karanbir Singh" <mail-lists at> To: "centos" <centos at> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 6:19:43 AM Subject: Re: [CentOS] OT: systemd Poll On 09/04/17 05:39, Anthony K
2015 Feb 28
Looking for a life-save LVM Guru
Dear James, Thank you for being quick to help. Yes, I could see all of them: # vgs # lvs # pvs Regards, Khem On Sat, February 28, 2015 7:37 am, James A. Peltier wrote: > > > ----- Original Message ----- > | Dear All, > | > | I am in desperate need for LVM data rescue for my server. > | I have an VG call vg_hosting consisting of 4 PVs each contained in a > | separate