similar to: how to derive true surface area from `computeContour3d' (misc3d package) -- follow up

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "how to derive true surface area from `computeContour3d' (misc3d package) -- follow up"

2009 Oct 25
Importing data from text file with mixed format
Hi, I'm having difficulty importing my textfile that looks something like this: #begin text file Timepoint 1 ObjectNumber Volume SurfaceArea 1 5.3 9.7 2 4.9 8.3 3 5.0 9.1 4 3.5 7.8 Timepoint 2 ObjectNumber Volume SurfaceArea 1 5.1
2003 Jun 16
Isocontour-lines of spatial data on a rectangular grid (not plots!)
Dear R-Listers, I have spatial data on an equidistant rectangular grid, similar to topographic data. I know that there are quite a few R-packages or base functions that provide nice iso-contours plot, but I don't want a plot, just the smoothed isocontour line of ONE level (e.g. 10 mm). Data sets are large, so it would be preferable if the availability of regular grid data could be exploited,
2010 Apr 19
Drawing a line with misc3d
Hi the list, I would like to draw some lines with misc3d. I find a lot of tools to draw surfaces, but nothing for simple line... Is it possible? Note that I know that it is possible to draw lines with rgl (using lines3d), but I need to do it with misc3d to export the drawing in .asy format. Any solution? Christophe
2005 Jul 11
misc3d package
Hi, I am trying to install the misc3d package on a Windows (XP) installation of R 2.0.1 using install.packages("misc3d") but with no success. I have used this approach with other packages OK, but for misc3d I get the following output... trying URL `' Content type `text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' length 27996 bytes
2005 Jun 04
New CRAN package misc3d
The misc3d package provides a small collection of mostly rgl-based functions for 3D data: contour3d Uses rgl to render isosurfaces, or three-dimensional contours, computed by the marching cubes algorithm. image3d Crude 3d analog of image() using rgl to plot points on a three dimensional grid representing values in a three dimensional array. Assumes high
2005 Jun 04
New CRAN package misc3d
The misc3d package provides a small collection of mostly rgl-based functions for 3D data: contour3d Uses rgl to render isosurfaces, or three-dimensional contours, computed by the marching cubes algorithm. image3d Crude 3d analog of image() using rgl to plot points on a three dimensional grid representing values in a three dimensional array. Assumes high
2009 Apr 28
image3d in misc3d
Hi, I'm trying to make sense of the image3d plots in misc3d. Unfortunately I can't find any authors on the help pages of the function to e-mail directly. In the following toy example, I'm puzzled as to why (1) the positions of the image plot on the axes include negative values when I think I've specified all to be 1:3 and (2) the logic that needs to be adhered to in order to
2010 Mar 03
Screen settings for point of view in lattice and misc3d
I'm making some 3D plots with contour3d from misc3d and wireframe from lattice. I want to view them from below; i.e. the negative z-axis. I can't figure out how to do so. I would like my point of view looking up from below, with the z, y, and x axes positive going away. Can anyone tell me the correct settings for screen to achieve this? Here is what I've found so far:
2013 Mar 10
misc3d Contour export to vtk
So I wanted to export a contour3d object into VTK and it worked well enough, except the top of the ball (the contour) was missing. Example below, or gist here: rm(list=ls()) require(misc3d) f <- function(x, y, z) x^2+y^2+z^2 x <- seq(-2,2,len=20) ball <- contour3d(f,4,x,x,x, draw=FALSE) drawScene.rgl(ball) ### get the triangles allids
2012 Nov 16
Question about contour3d and writeWebGL: rgl and misc3d package
I saw that in rgl:::writeWebGL that "Polygons will only be rendered as filled; there is no support in WebGL for wireframe or point rendering.". I found that you can easily use contour3d to make reproducible contour web figures, such as (taken from contour3d help) library(AnalyzeFMRI) a <-"example.img", package=
2011 Aug 17
3D surface plot
I have what is probably a noob question, but.... I am trying to create a 3d plot to illustrate the range of values for the following simple function: A = B*(C/D) B, C, and D are independent variables whose range are equal (e.g. 1 to 3 inclusive) I figure it's not possible to map the surface of A on the 3d space defined by B, C and D but I would like to create a surface defined by the
2010 Jul 08
0 exit status on packages update try
I am not entirely sure what is going on. I am sure that I am missing something. maptools won't detach... Thanks for all of your help. R 2.11.1 OS Ubuntu 10.04 R --vanilla install.packages("sp", dep=TRUE) Loading required package: reshape Loading required package: plyr Loading required package: grid Loading required package: proto This is vegan 1.17-3 Loading required package:
2013 Sep 05
Problem installing "sp" package
Hi, I get an error message (see below) when trying to install the sp package in R version 2.15.2 running under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I have run sudo apt-get build-dep r-base, but to no help. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Terje > install.packages("sp") Installing package(s) into ?/home/terjej/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.15? (as ?lib? is unspecified) trying URL
2010 Dec 09
Plotting 3d surfaces
Dear Subscribers, I am using R for quite a while nowadays on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I a using R for doing my statistics. Furthermore I am using it as a tool to generate the graphics for my publications. I am currently working on a project which involves nls-fits of three dimensional surfaces such as ellipsoids or even more complex. I have been searching R help and the manuals for a possibility to
2003 Oct 27
Lattice: no grid name space
The following now occurs to me when I try to load lattice (R 1.7.1, debian stable): > library(lattice) Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), keep.source) : package `grid' does not have a name space Error in library(lattice) : package/namespace load failed I did an update.packages() as root recently. Any idea what's wrong? -- Edzer
2011 May 12
Exporting interactive 3D plots with axes and labels
Hi, I have a question about exporting interactive 3D plots. I use the following code to plot a contour of a trivariate normal distribution: library(mvtnorm) library(rgl) library(misc3d) n=25 x=seq(-3,3,length=n) X=cbind(rep(x,each=n**2),rep(rep(x,each=n),n),rep(x,n**2)) p=array(dmvnorm(X,sigma=diag(3)*0.5+0.5),c(n,n,n)) contour3d(p,x,x,x,level=mean(p)) lim=c(-3,3)
2017 Jan 17
[PATCH 0/6] drm/nouveau: Enable HDMI Stereoscopy
This is an initial implementation of HDMI 3D mode support for the nouveau kernel driver. It works on all of the hardware that I have available to test at the moment, but I am unsure as to the overall approach taken for setting HDMI InfoFrames, there's no support for g84 or gf119 disps, and the criteria for enabling stereo support for an output seems a bit iffy. The first four patches arrange
2010 Apr 15
Exporting an rgl graph
Hi the list, I use rgl to produce a 3D graph. I would like to "show" this graph to some collaborator. Is there a way to save it and send it to someone else? Christophe Genolini
2008 Jul 01
Problem with loading library-ks
Hi, I am trying to load the library(ks), but I am getting the following error: Loading required package: KernSmooth KernSmooth 2.22 installed Copyright M. P. Wand 1997 Loading required package: mvtnorm Loading required package: rgl Loading required package: misc3d Error in lazyLoadDBfetch(key, datafile, compressed, envhook) : ReadItem: unknown type 241 In addition: Warning messages: 1:
2008 Oct 10
how to convert source code in windows package for linux (ubuntu)
Hi All, I was wondering if anyone here as successfully converted a package for windows to one that will work in Linux? What are the necessary steps if you have the source code? Thanks, Josh