similar to: Replication not happening on 2.2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Replication not happening on 2.2"

2013 Oct 20
Upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2 on Debian
Hello, I am currently running Dovecot 2.1 on current Debian and need to upgrade to 2.2 to use the replication features. I understand that I therefore need to compile Dovecot myself. I am using a MySQL database for users authentication, therefore I need to compile Dovecot with mysql support: *./configure --with-mysql* Unfortunately this terminates with: *configure: error: Can't build with
2014 Oct 24
Replication only sporadic
Hello dear Dovecot Gurus, I am setting up two servers with Dovecot replication as hot-standby servers for a small high availability cluster, switch-over through DNS-redirect. For testing purposes, both servers are generating a small test mail every few minutes and delivering to the local dovecot each. In my mail client, I added both servers through IMAP to watch how the replication is
2013 Oct 07
Replication: long detalys
Hello everybody, I am running dovecot 2.1.7 on Debian Wheezy on two servers with replication set up, MTA is postfix. The idea is to have a redundant mail system so that when one server fails, users can continue using the other server (failover of POP/IMAP through DNS redirection). Servers are called srv06 and srv07: Below is the dovecot config, both servers have identical config, only the
2013 Oct 28
Dovecot replication - I'm stuck
Hi, I've been following the wiki document at, but I've become stuck. I'm running version 2.1.3 on NetBSD 5.2 (v2.2+ isn't available as a package yet, and compiling my own is well outside my wheelhouse). I have a couple of questions: The wiki page keeps referring to "vmail". Is this a just system user I need to create? Presumably
2004 Jan 02
Several people on this mailing list have the W32/Swen@MM virus
Ever since I signed up for this mailing list and sent my first question, I have been bombarded with the W32/Swen@MM and the emails aren't all from the same person. Is anyone else experiencing this? Rob
2005 Feb 03
good god! stop the damn auto-replys!
Every freekin' time I post something to this list I get bombarded with "out of office" auto-replys. Is there no way to stop this? (other than not posting to the list..) -Matthew
2008 Mar 04
Hi there! I use an gnome-terminal for using R. When I resize the termial to the maximum size, R uses only the left side of the window. Can I tell R to use the whole window somehow? Thanks, Martin -- Ihr Partner f?r Webdesign, Webapplikationen und Webspace. Martin Kaffanke +43 650 4514224 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was
2008 Mar 10
format a number
Hi there! I have i.e. v = c(0.43554, -0.22343), and so on. Now I'd like to make a format like format(v, digits=2) but without the leading 0, so 0.43554 becomes .44, -0.22343 becomes -.22 How can I do that? runnable example for copy and paste: v = c(0.43554, -0.22343) format(v, digits=2) Thanks, Martin -- Ihr Partner f?r Webdesign, Webapplikationen und Webspace.
2009 Jun 28
OT: Linux WYSIWYG HTML Editors
I have KomPozer installed, but after using M$ FrontPage for years, KomPozer looks like it is going to have a learning curve and I want to get away from FrontPage and Windows. I know Mark (MHR) uses SeaMonkey. Wondering if there is anything else I can use on Linux that is easier on a FrontPage user. I found this article: <> when I
2005 Nov 08
do I have to worry if executing an exe that may contain a virus under Wine?
Hi, I have a question: do I have to worry if I run with wine an executable that may contain a virus (I am running linux as a normal user, not root)? -- Peter Kostov, webdesigner, photographer Sofia, Bulgaria Home sites - -
2008 Mar 06
mean and sd with number of values?
Hi there, When i do mean(fl[1:20], na.rm=T) sd(fl[1:20], na.rm=T) I get 20 Results, but now I'd like to know from how many numbers my mean and sd are calculated. How to I use the length() for this, or is this possible? Because there are missing values in some, but not in all columns. So there should be a different count of numbers. Thanks, Martin -- Ihr Partner f?r Webdesign,
2003 Apr 30
pam + privileges
Hi, Apologies if my attempts to subscribe bombarded this list with empty emails. We're running openssh 3.6.1p1 on Linux i386 and need to chroot and modify people's capabilities (Linux specific) when they log in. To do this we've compiled openssh with pam support and then configured pam to chroot people and alter their capabilities (such as giving them the privilege to bind to a port
2008 Mar 03
names of data.frame variables?
Hi there! I'd like to make many tests and plots, for each variables. i.E. i <- 1 repeat { print (t.test(e[i], f[i])) i <- i + 1 if (i == 21) break } but the output is: Welch Two Sample t-test data: e[i] and f[i] ... so I don't know which data was calculated. Is there a way to tell the t.test or I'll make the same with plotmeans (from the gplots library)
2008 Mar 13
Compare two correlations matrices
Hi there, When I make two correlations matrices of the same size from a <- cor(el[1:20]) b <- cor(fl[1:20]) how can I compare if this matrices are equal? Thanks, Martin -- Ihr Partner f?r Webdesign, Webapplikationen und Webspace. Martin Kaffanke +43 650 4514224 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available
2008 Mar 13
factanal and plotting?
Hi there! To make a good choice for the estimation of the number of usefull factors. And I'd like to plot a graph like: where I don't need the green line (random values). But with str(factanal(data, factors=10)) I cannot figure out where I can find the values for plotting. Can you please help me in this question? Thanks, Martin
2008 Mar 05
Correlation matrix one side with significance
Hi there! In my case, cor(d[1:20]) makes me a good correlation matrix. Now I'd like to have it one sided, means only the left bottom side to be printed (the others are the same) and I'd like to have * where the p-value is lower than 0.05 and ** lower than 0.01. How can I do this? And another thing: Is there a way to output that table as a latex table? Thanks, Martin -- Ihr
2014 Dec 29
Looking for company behind and for causing problems on
On 12/29/2014 02:39 PM, Hoggins! wrote: > Hello Thomas, > > Le 29/12/2014 15:25, "Thomas B. R?cker" a ?crit : >> The directory is a free service and it's my >> time that goes into maintaining it and I'm not willing to pour more time >> into finding some hoster who thinks playing hide and seek is cool. > This is slightly off-topic, but do you plan on
2006 Feb 08
Installing Rails on FreeBSD with Apache (and php)...
Hi, Sometime in the near future I''m going to attempt an installation of Rails on one of our school servers, so that a few of our most talanted students also will have the opportunity to learn RoR. The problem is that I''m not entirely sure on the best way to proceed, and I''m the only teacher on the school with Rails experience, but only for Windows. The server runs
2006 May 24
enumerables problem?
I was wondering whether anybody could please tell me why this is causing an error in IE (works in Firefox): $A(container.getElementsByTagName(''*'')).each( function(el) { Element.cleanWhitespace(el); }.bind(this)); What would be an alternative of achieving the same? Thank you Marco M. Jaeger | Url: <> | E-mail:
2003 Jul 22
New ESFQ Bandwith Management (VoIP traffic)
Hi All, Leo here''s the information: Having being bombarded for not providing a link, i guess its time. Actually wanted to see the response first, we would like interested parties we can communicate too in other to get updates on how the code is performing. Please if your interested or you know someone that is, send a mail to <>,