similar to: Locating inefficient code

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Locating inefficient code"

2019 Sep 24
Emilio Ahora cuando quiero instalar los paquetes pdftools, magick y otros más me salen el siguiente error WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages but is not currently installed. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools before proceeding: Installing package into ?C:/Users/bdominguez/Documents/R/win-library/3.6? (as ?lib?
2019 Sep 23
Buenas tarde a todo en s: Tenia la versión de R 3.6 y utilizaba la paquetería de pdftools para extraer información de archivos en pdf actualice la versión 3.6.1 y ya no reconoce la paquetería alguien que me pueda ayudar. Prácticamente no reconoce las funciones de pdftools library(pdftools) library(stringr)? library(NLP)? library(tm)? library(tesseract)? library(magick)?
2023 Dec 18
Function with large nested list
Hello list, I want to make a large rulebased algorithm, to provide decision support for drug prescriptions. I have defined the algorithm in a function, with a for loop and many if statements. The structure should be as follows: 1. Iterate over a list of drug names. For each drug: 2. Get some drug related data (external dataset). Row of a dataframe. 3. Check if adaptions should be made to
2013 Aug 27
Scale of axis for two data sets
Hi, Kbytes RSS rNo 2689632 1450876 1433788 2689632 1450876 1433788 2689632 1450876 1433788 2689632 1450876 1433788 2689632 1450876 1433788 2689632 1450876 1433788 2689632 1450876 1433788 2689632 1460168 1443084 plot(data$rNo,data$RSS,pch=0,type="b",col=36,axes=FALSE, ylab="", xlab="",las=2,lwd=2.5) title(" PID -
2012 Jun 27
A solution for question about formatting Dates
Hello again: Here is a solution to the dates without leading zeros: pou1 <- function(x) { #Note: x is a data frame #Assume that Column 1 has the date #Column 2 has station #Column 3 has min #Column 4 has max library(stringr) w <- character(length=nrow(x)) z <- str_split(x[,1],"/") for(i in 1:nrow(x)) { u <-
2013 Nov 01
Replace element with pattern
Hi, I have a data frame with one column and several rows of the form. "Peak Usage : init:2359296, used:15859328, committed:15892480, max:50331648Current Usage : init:2359296, used:15857920, committed:15892480, max:50331648|-------------------|" I tested the regex Current.*?[\|] in an online tester which greedily matches upto the first 'pipe' character Current
2013 Sep 20
Averate memory usage trend
Hi, I would like to understand how to draw a graph to find out the average memory used by a single httpd process given these details collected over a period of several days. I code R but this is about a method to find an average memory utilization. I believe I have enough data. How should I statistically calculate this ? The figures inside braces are the total httpd processes at
2013 Apr 16
converting blank cells to NAs
You can use na.strings="" in read.table() or read.csv() library(stringr) vec1<-unlist(str_split(readLines(textConnection("3,7,11,,12,14,15,,17,18,19")),",")) ?vec1[vec1==""]<- NA ?vec1 # [1] "3"? "7"? "11" NA?? "12" "14" "15" NA?? "17" "18" "19" #or
2013 Apr 22
Print occurrence / positions of words
Hi, May be this helps: vec<- "this is a nice text with nice characters" library(stringr) ?vec2<-unlist(str_match_all(vec,"\\w+")) #or # vec2<-str_split(vec," ")[[1]] res<-unique(lapply(vec2,function(x) which(!,x))))) ?names(res)<- unique(vec2) res #$this #[1] 1 # #$is #[1] 2 # #$a #[1] 3 # #$nice #[1] 4 7 # #$text #[1] 5 # #$with #[1]
2013 Aug 30
Memory usage bar plot
Hi, I haven't tried the code yet. Is there a way to parse this data using R and create bar plots so that each program's 'RAM used' figures are grouped together. So 'uuidd' bars will be together. The data will have about 50 sets. So if there are 100 processes each will have about 50 bars. What is the recommended way to graph these big barplots ? I am looking
2013 Nov 20
Functional Programming patterns
Hi, ' Not specific to 'R'. I search for patterns and found which is too heavy for me. There is a 'Pragmatic Programmer' book on such patterns for Scala and Clojure. Is there anything for R ? I wanted to code this. Is there a functional pattern in R for multiple 'if' loops like this ? if(
2013 Jun 08
splitting a string column into multiple columns faster
Hello! I have a column in my data frame that I have to split: I have to distill the numbers from the text. Below is my example and my solution. x<-data.frame(x=c("aaa1_bbb1_ccc3","aaa2_bbb3_ccc2","aaa3_bbb2_ccc1")) x library(stringr) out<$x,"aaa",2)) out2<$V2,"_bbb",2))
2015 Feb 21
Call for testing: OpenSSH 6.8
On Sat, 21 Feb 2015, Corinna Vinschen wrote: > Building on 64 bit Cygwin works out of the box. However, I have trouble > with the testsuite. As usual, I'm building outside the source tree: > > - Building the testsuite fails: > > Assembler messages: > Fatal error: can't create regress/unittests/bitmap/tests.o: No such file or directory > Makefile:152:
2005 Jan 11
dnat problem
Hi, I have a proxy/firewall, I want to dnat requests for on port 443 towards and requests for on ports 4330 and 3389 towards, these rules must apply from internet, loc and fw (some client use a proxy on fw to reach these servers) I have tried with the following rules: DNAT net dmz: tcp 443 -
2004 Nov 25
Logfile entry query
Hi, I get frequent logfile entries from Shorewall similar to the following: Nov 25 11:22:51 kernel: Shorewall:net2mill:DROP:IN=eth2 OUT=eth0 SRC= DST= LEN=56 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=241 ID=0 PROTO=ICMP TYPE=11 CODE=0 [SRC= DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=13591 DF PROTO=TCP INCOMPLETE [8 bytes] ] Could someone explain what the
2003 May 20
lots of sockets in TIME_WAIT
Hi there, I have some DDOS(?) attack on my router going where my apache HTTP server is flooded with short-timed connections from some host. This results in LOTS of sockets in TIME_WAIT/LAST_ACK/CLOSING states and eventually I'm out of mbufs, which, consequently means I can't even connect to the router from LAN. The kern.ipc.nmbclusters is 2560, (I guess high enough for router with
2013 Apr 16
Splitting the Elements of character vector
Dear R forum I have a data.frame df = data.frame(currency_type = c("EURO_o_n", "EURO_o_n", "EURO_1w", "EURO_1w", "USD_o_n", "USD_o_n", "USD_1w", "USD_1w"), rates = c(0.47, 0.475, 0.461, 0.464, 1.21, 1.19, 1.41, 1.43))   currency_type     rates 1      EURO_o_n   0.470 2      EURO_o_n   0.475 3       EURO_1w   0.461
2000 Sep 21
-----Original Message----- From: Allan Matias [] Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 5:30 PM To: Subject: Need to know more about Samba. In how to connect a Unix system to an Nt Server. Would a Unix machine be seen by the Nt when Samba software is loaded? Thank you for your attention. --Allan D. Matias Amada Software Support
2010 Oct 22
502 bad gateway on nginx with recv() failed
Hi, I''m serving the puppetmaster application with its through unicorn - proxied by nginx. I''m using unix sockets, 4 workers, and 2048 backlog. The clients - after their typical "puppet run" - send back a report to the master in YAML. Some clients whose reports tend to be large (close to 2mb) get a 502 bad gateway error and error out. nginx log: 2010/10/22
2010 Jan 27
sshd killed due to dos attack
Hi, I am not sure to report this as a bug. so mailing to the list. I have sshd(openssh3.5p1) server running on my router and when i run tcpjunk to that port, sshd gets killed after some time is my sshd server and is my client from where i send my dos attack This is the tcpjunk command i gave to the ssh server #tcpjunk -s -p 22 -c req -i 100 req session