similar to: sieve gone mad ---help

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "sieve gone mad ---help"

2012 Nov 26
Missing Messages on IOS device
I just converted my old server running UW/Panda to a Mac Mini Server running Mountain Lion (ML) Server. I'm using the postfix / dovecot setup provided by Apple. My IMAP clients are not showing all my emails. The Mail App on my iPhone and iPad is behaving the worse. I can see the emails that are not showing up in the cur directory. The ML Mail App is stating there are 3854 emails in my INBOX.
2014 Feb 17
Bug Report
So when I try and create a sub mailbox in shared-folders, I get this error? imap(pid 56143 user -----): Fatal: master: service(imap): child 56143 killed with signal 11 (core dumps disabled) I?ve not been able to figure out how to get dovecot in OS X to core dump, so I haven?t included that. The documentation on the web doesn?t seem to apply to the version Apple ships. Here?s dovecotd -n, with
2013 Dec 06
bug report: doveadm assertion failure "mail_index_map_lookup_seq_range"
A negated subject search on an empty folder causes an assertion failure in doveadm. To reproduce: bash-3.2# doveadm mailbox create -u ephraim "Freshly Empty" bash-3.2# doveadm search -u ephraim mailbox "Freshly Empty" NOT subject '***JUNK MAIL***' doveadm(ephraim): Panic: file mail-index-map.c: line 548 (mail_index_map_lookup_seq_range): assertion failed: (first_uid
2014 Nov 07
Dovecot auth process repeatedly crashes on OS X Server 10.9
My dovecot/auth process crashes several times a minute, sometimes at the same second, sometimes randomly. I?ve turned on auth_debug and been pouring over everything trying to see if I can see what is going on but I can?t find anything. I?m running OS X Server 10.9 and dovecot 2.2.5. I can?t say for sure, but it looks to me like the crashed process doesn?t even save anything to mail-debug.log
2019 May 30
macOS IMAP Syncing Not Working
I?m requesting help getting macOS?s to sync notes with a new dovecot IMAP server. Thanks to dovecot?s excellent online documentation and help from this list, I have a new perfectly functioning IMAP server. The issue is that macOS does not sync with this server. However, iOS *does* sync and work well with this IMAP server, and the differences between macOS and iOS
2014 Aug 23
OS X 10.6 Server - Dovecot Issue
I've just taken over support for an OS X Server (v10.6.8) box, and am a bit new at Postfix & Dovecot. We're having an problem where, intermittently, dovecot seems to be bouncing messages inbound for some of my existing users. Here is the mail.log entry for a successful delivery: Aug 21 16:58:45 mail postfix/pipe[64094]: D68783AE0F75: to=<sblondin at>, relay=dovecot,
2015 Feb 27
Postfix - dovecot-lda -> Permission denied
Hi erveryone! I'm trying to run Postix and Dovecot on a Mac OS X, but somehow, it doesn't work. I probably messed up the privileges or something else. Hopefully someone of you, can help me figure it out. So far, Postfix is delivering the mail into ~/Maildir. But as soon as I add the line: mailbox_command = /Applications/ in
2019 Apr 09
masteruser can not select INBOX
Hello, My Dovecot Master can login but not not select INBOX ! What's wrong ? best regards Luda 1) USER can select INBOX: OK --------------------------------------------------- telnet localhost imap Trying ::1... Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. * OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS ID ENABLE IDLE STARTTLS AUTH=CRAM-MD5 AUTH=DIGEST-MD5
2012 Dec 28
Missing Emails
I reported a problem with disappearing emails on my Apple Mountain Lion server. Not sure if it ever stopped but I do know it is happening again. Help!!!! This is a company email server. They live and die by their emails. Emails show up in inbox and then disappear. Anyone know why our emails are disappearing? I see a reference to it in the dovecot.index.cache file (last item)
2012 Nov 22
imap_acl and osx 10.7
Hello everybody, I'm trying to setup public folder with ACLs on a Lion Server 10.7.5 unfortunately it seems that the imap_acl plugin is not loaded properly do you have any advice? cheers Piero This is what i get from the log with imap_acl plugin enabled in protocol imap?{ } Log file: imap: Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib/dovecot Nov 22 09:08:14 xserve04
2011 Jan 10
OS X Server Partition Problems
I'm a nube to Dovecot and this list. Please be kind. ;) I'm running Dovecot 1.1.20 and Postfix 2.5.5 on OS X Server 10.6.6. I've moved accounts from another, older cyrus-based server (thank god), and used fetchmail to imap the existing mail to the new server. At some point, I developed a problem with my partition map being semi-ignored. Mail is stored in multiple places, and
2014 Mar 03
Can't get authentication for masterusers on Mac OS X Server 10.6.8
Hi dovecot masters, This is my first post here, since I desperately need some advices from the dovecot community. I've tried to get an answer on the Apple Forums but til now no we go: I've tried to sync our users emails (Mac OS X Server 10.6.8 Snow Leopard with dovecot 1.1.20-apple0.5) via imapsync to our new server by using the masterusers authentication method on the old
2009 Nov 13
Index file (date timestamp) issue on OS X 10.6.2 Server
Hi, I've run into a bit of a problem and exhausted my knowledge and research. I'm hoping that I've overlooked something very obvious! I moved from a single Apple OS X 10.6.2 server Dovecot environment to a NFS clustered environment, currently with two servers. Both servers are identical hardware, software. Currently both the Dovecot index and data files are on the NFS RAID array.
2007 Mar 20
Vista / Instant Rails (Apache) startup error
I have instant rails (1.4) on an XP machine, the contents of which (i.e. C:\InstantRails and everything under it) I copied over to a new Vista machine. Everything fies up nicely EXCEPT Apache, which fails with: "Error in Apache Configuration File: Syntax Error on line 74 of c:/instantrails/apache/conf/httpd.conf ServerRoot must be a valid directory" Except this is a valid directory on
2006 Oct 12
Multiple Instances of Apache on the same IP
Hi All, I'm trying to run multiple instances ( 2 ) of Apache on a single IP address. I need this because I need the two instances to run as different users. I've set up two config files with the following: config-1 config-2 ServerRoot "/etc/httpd" ServerRoot "/etc/httpd" Listen
2009 Dec 09
SASL plain authentication failed; unable to lookup user record
i'll guess the solution to my problem will be something simple and obvious, because i know i ain't the first person to do this and it ain't all that complicated, but i've been staring at it for days and can't see what's wrong. new installation; os x snow leopard server; postfix 2.5.5; dovecot 1.1.17apple0.5 i'm trying to get SMTP auth working via SASL. using a
2002 Jun 13
cannot setup print in w2k on debian/samba/winwind/cups server
hi. I am trying to get print working and have a hard time indeed... My goal is to replace our nt4 print server with a linux/samba one as we have problems serving printers and drivers to win2000 workstations (and I don't want to set up a win2000 server for printing, and have the same problem _again_ when switching to XP ;-) The situation so far : - Debian woody - Samba 2.2.4-1 - Winbind
2010 Apr 21
corrupted index cache file, physcial size, in migration to snow leopard
Hi, I am in the middle of migrating a server from Apple's leopard to snow leopard. Having big problems with migrating mail to dovecot. The version is: # dovecotd --version 1.1.17apple0.5 and I use the migration script provide by Apple, /usr/libexec/dovecot/ The current problems concern migrating imap accounts. The old data typically shows up to mail clients as
2007 May 13
cups error 426 when accessing admin functions
Hello, I've got a centos 5 machine running the latest cups rpm v1.2.4. I've included my config minus comments below. My problem is via a web browser i can access the / resource without a problem, but when either clicking on any admin function or direct browsing to an admin address /admin i get a message error 426 upgrade required and i'm told i have to connect to an https address
2010 Aug 10
maildirsize having incorrect content, how to recreate/correct?
Hi List, I have (otherwise successfull) migrated a server from cyrus to dovecot (Mac OS X Server 10.5.8 to 10.6.4 [dovecotd version to be 1.1.20apple0.5]). There are ca. 300+ users of which a very small handfull (ca. 1 %) are having reported a usage size that is very different to what 'du' reports. How can I rebuild the maildirsize and why might it be wrong in the first place(?) Will the